独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構 千葉支部 ポリテクセンター千葉

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構 千葉支部 ポリテクセンター千葉

住所 :

Roppocho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0004 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.jeed.go.jp/location/shibu/chiba/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Roppocho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0004 Chiba,Japan
仲原和彦 on Google

現場の先生方は熱心だか、それ以外は俺らをバカにしている。 仕事できないバカだとよ。
The teachers in the field are enthusiastic, or otherwise they are stupid. You're an idiot who can't work.
suzu on Google

We call it the Employment Support Center for Job Seekers, but at Polytech Center Chiba, we are instructing us to prioritize lessons over employment. Even if the interview is suddenly decided, we will not be able to prepare for the interview. If you want to get a job, I recommend going to a private vocational school, which offers a little more flexibility.
N K on Google

学校ではありますが、職業訓練であり大人なので、本人の能動的な努力が必要だと感じます。久々の学生生活は楽しかったです。 学習により知識やスキルは増し、それを活かせる職業につけました。 就職説明会が在籍6ヶ月中2回あり沢山の企業が来ます。指名求人もあります。 ただ駅からは遠いので渋滞があるとバスの遅延で遅刻します。遅刻は遅刻なので辛いです。就職する会社は駅から近いとこが絶対条件という気持ちが強くなります(笑)
Although it is a school, it is a vocational training and an adult, so I feel that it is necessary for him to make active efforts. I enjoyed my student life for a long time. Learning has increased knowledge and skills, and it was attached to occupations that can make use of it. There are a lot of companies with employment briefings twice during the 6 months of enrollment. There is also a nomination job offer. Just because it is far from the station there is a traffic jam, you will be late for the delay of the bus. Late will be late so it's painful. The company that gets employed is close to the station and the feeling that it is absolute condition becomes strong (lol)
中台 洋介you00182 on Google

ハローワーク指定の職業訓練学校です。 スーパーオートバックス長沼店から近くです。
It is a vocational training school designated by Hello Work. It is close to the Super AUTOBACS Naganuma store.
1973 burafupuro on Google

Instructor Utsumi-san kindly and politely teaches at a commercial air conditioner class. A two-day class with a face similar to Arata Furuta. 15K per person is great and cheap. There is no convenience store on foot, so it's best to buy a lunch box. It's as cheap as 400 yen. There are various other courses.
Yusuke Kimura on Google

【親子ものづくり体験教室2017】に参加させていただきましたが、とても楽しく工作が出来たと思います。 講師の方が行程毎に作業に使う工具の扱い方や作業の仕方を説明し、それに合わせて作業を進めて行くのですが、低学年の小学生でも親の補助が有れば完成させられる内容の工作です。 クワガタやカブトムシのお土産も有りました。
I participated in [Parent-child manufacturing experience class 2017], and I think that I was able to make the work very much. The instructor will explain how to handle the tools used for work and how to work for each step, and proceed with the work according to it, but even elementary school students of lower grades can be completed if there is parental assistance It is a work of. There were also stag beetles and beetles as souvenirs.
m t on Google

良い先生多かったです が、 コロナ禍で電車通学だったのと、 偽陰性みたいな状態になったりで出席日数が足らずに退校になりました あと、進路相談室?のおばさまが、やる気を削ぐような事ばかり言うのはどうなのかと思いました (意図は分からないでも無い) 環境は良いです
There were many good teachers, but I was going to school by train because of the corona I was dropped out because I didn't have enough days to attend because I was in a state like a false negative. Also, a career counseling room? I wondered what it would be like for an aunt to say only things that discourage her. (I don't know the intention) The environment is good
ひろひろ on Google

講習会で訪れました。 指導してくれる方は、丁寧に教えてくれて良かったです。 評判が悪い書き込みもありましたが、私の場合は良い講師でした。 職安や検定試験会場も、この場所が会場のようです。 喫煙者、駐車場、駐輪場もあります。
I visited at a seminar. I'm glad that the person who taught me taught me politely. There were some bad reviews, but in my case he was a good teacher. This place seems to be the venue for job security and certification exams. There are also smokers, parking and bicycle parking.

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