
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クラシアン

Rokujokita, 〒500-8359 Gifu,Japan
小野木隆 on Google

キッチンの水漏れを直ぐに対応してもらいました とても丁寧な修理でとても助かりました
うえのひとみ on Google

I had you come immediately and I was really kind and helpful, so I wanted to use Qracian for the second time as well.
08 peach on Google

I requested it because the toilet was clogged. It was very helpful to have a prompt response and advice on future use. Thank you very much.
林慎也 on Google

We had you respond quickly on the spot and worked on a good value for money. Also, I would like to use it in case of water trouble.
千葉ひろえ on Google

担当の川島さんは、今回の修理を図でわかりやすく説明をしてくださり、質問にもわかりやすく説明してくださいました。作業も丁寧で早いので助かりました。 もう3回お世話になってますが、信頼感もあります。今後も水回りのトラブルは川島さんと決めています。
Mr. Kawashima, who is in charge, explained this repair in an easy-to-understand manner with a diagram, and also explained the question in an easy-to-understand manner. The work was polite and quick, which was helpful. I have been indebted to you three times, but I also have a sense of trust. I have decided that Mr. Kawashima will continue to have troubles around the water.
まめとも on Google

トイレが詰まりご相談… 丁寧で分かりやすい説明でした。 確認もしっかりして下さいました。 また何かあればご相談したいです。
Toilet is clogged and consultation ... It was a polite and easy-to-understand explanation. The confirmation was also solid. I would like to consult with you if there is anything else.
さとはな on Google

急遽、大掛かりな工事をお一人で対応してくださり、大変助かりました。また詳しく説明しながら工事を進めてもらい、安心しておまかせ出来ました。 また何かあればお願いしたいと思います。
It was very helpful for me to handle the large-scale construction work by myself in a hurry. In addition, I was able to leave it to me with peace of mind as I was asked to proceed with the construction while explaining in detail. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
一ノ瀬澪 on Google

I asked for it because the water flow in the kitchen is bad and there is a strange noise. I had you remove it with a high pressure washer because it was caused by the waste of domestic wastewater and the deposits caused by oil in the drainage pipe. I felt the high level of technology. It was very helpful for me to work hard to find out the true identity of the mysterious white deposits ✨ Also, I would like to ask! ️

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