Roadside station Yunishigawa - Nikko

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Roadside station Yunishigawa

住所 :

478-1 Nishikawa, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2603, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 321-2603
Webサイト :
Description : Rest stop with hot spring pools, traditional restaurants & gift shops, plus Yunishi River cruises.

478-1 Nishikawa, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2603, Japan
赤い彗星 on Google

野岩鉄道の湯西川温泉駅と直結していますので、鉄道からのアクセスも便利です。 大自然に囲まれている道の駅で、天然温泉の展望風呂や岩盤浴、足湯があり、水陸両用バス(ダックツアー)の発着地になっています。 お風呂上がりは食事処で、ゆば入り鴨せいろそばやダムカレーを食べて『食』でも日光の自然の恵みを満喫してくださ~い♪
It is directly connected to Yunishigawa Onsen Station on the Yagan Railway, so it is easily accessible from the railway. It is a roadside station surrounded by nature, and has a natural hot spring observation bath, bedrock bath, and footbath, and is the departure and arrival point for amphibious buses (duck tours). After taking a bath, at the restaurant, eat duck steamer with yuba and dam curry, and enjoy the blessings of nature in Nikko even with "food" ♪
たつや on Google

車中泊と温泉入りに行きました^_^ 景色は良いけど周りに何もないです。 温泉はとても良かったです。足湯もあります。
I went to Vandwelling and hot springs ^ _ ^ The scenery is good but there is nothing around. The hot spring was very good. There is also a footbath.
kuro on Google

It is a roadside station with abundant nature. The footbath feels good. It is easy to visit because it is directly connected to the station. I was able to get on the amphibious vehicle by making a reservation at the counter on the day. Maitake soba and many other things were delicious.
風船願坊 on Google

ソロツーで立ち寄る。 本当の駅と隣接しています。 隅田川などにもあるダックバス (水陸両用)があるので 観光客も多い。 嬉しいのは温泉が有る事。 10:00から入れる。 食堂10:30より早いぞ(笑) 半露天なので絶景では無いが 良いお湯でした。 足湯も有りそっちも良いよ。 駐車場は細長く観光バスで 狭くなっているかな? 物品は少ないので ここは観光地だね。 トイレは綺麗とは違うかな。 そこが残念です。
Stop by solo two. Adjacent to the real station. Duck bus also on the Sumida River Because there is (amphibious) There are also many tourists. What makes me happy is that there is a hot spring. Enter from 10:00. It's earlier than 10:30 in the cafeteria (laughs) It ’s a semi-open-air bath, so it ’s not a superb view. It was good hot water. There is also a footbath, which is also good. The parking lot is long and narrow by sightseeing bus Is it getting narrower? Because there are few items This is a tourist spot. Is the toilet different from clean? That's a shame.
SHU on Google

冬場は、向かいの川が全面凍結してるので一見のかちあり。 温泉、足湯が有りますが、道の駅としては小規模てす。 土曜日のお昼前に行きましたが、農産物売り場は、片付けられていました。
In winter, the river across the street is completely frozen, so it's easy to see. There are hot springs and footbaths, but it is a small roadside station. I went there before noon on Saturday, but the produce department was cleared up.
ぱんだぱんだ on Google

道の駅と一緒に鉄道の湯西川温泉駅が有る、数ある道の駅の中でも珍しい道の駅です。 温泉・足湯・お土産品・食事処・水陸両用バス等、楽しめます。 16:00に閉館しますので、立ち寄る方は時間に注意して下さい。
Yunishigawa Onsen Station is located alongside the roadside station, making it a rare roadside station among many roadside stations. You can enjoy hot springs, footbaths, souvenirs, restaurants, amphibious buses, etc. The museum will close at 16:00, so please be careful of the time if you stop by.
Jun Furukawa on Google

立ち寄り湯もある道の駅です。 ここから先の湯西川温泉へはほとんどお店がないので毎回寄ってます。 お土産は結構リーズナブルな値段。 雪があるので子供が小さな時は雪遊びに来てました。 先月来たときより遥かに雪が多くなってました。
It is a roadside station with a drop-in hot spring. There are almost no shops in Yunishigawa Onsen from here, so I stop by every time. Souvenirs are reasonably priced. Because there is snow, I came to play with snow when my child was small. It's been much snowier than when I came last month.
Mayank Asher on Google

Good but old model

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