Roadside Station Imabetsu Hanto Plaza Asukuru - Higashitsugaru District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Roadside Station Imabetsu Hanto Plaza Asukuru

住所 :

Kiyokawa-87-16 Okawadai, Imabetsu, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1505, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 030-1505
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

Kiyokawa-87-16 Okawadai, Imabetsu, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1505, Japan
Tani Masa on Google

I had a wild boar bowl at the cafeteria inside the roadside station. It was delicious normally. We also sell local ingredients and souvenirs. I didn't put the apple stick of the pastry chef, which is famous for Aomori souvenirs.
Eiichi Tanaka_ISE on Google

A complex facility of Okutsugaru Mabetsu Station on the Shinkansen, Tsugaru-Futamata Station on the Tsugaru Line, and Road Station that suddenly appears in a desolate area. Since the number of Shinkansen trains that cross the Seikan Tunnel is small, many freight trains pass through. The reason why the Tsugaru Line remains as it is even after the opening of the Shinkansen is that the jurisdiction (government office) is divided into JR Hokkaido and JR East.
辻和彦 on Google

I visited to stamp the roadside station stamp. It is a roadside station in the mountains, but next to it is the Tohoku Shinkansen Imabetsu station. Kawahagi was on sale.
Kazuki on Google

21年10月に訪問しました。 奥津軽いまべつ駅の隣ですが、 新幹線、貨物列車通過以外、 静かな道の駅です、 小規模ですが、産直、鮮魚、お土産品、 レストラン、レンタカー、観光案内所と 充実していました、 今別町の街に行かないと、お店がないので、助かります。
I visited in October 2009. Next to Okutsugaru Mabetsu Station, Other than passing Shinkansen and freight trains It's a quiet roadside station, Small scale, but direct production, fresh fish, souvenirs, With restaurants, car rentals, tourist information centers It was fulfilling, If you don't go to the town of Imabetsu now, there are no shops, so it's helpful.
Mr X on Google

東北新幹線いまべつ駅に併設された道の駅で規模は小さいです。 売店では地場野菜やお土産の販売、レストランもあります。 レストランは30名程度収容可能、アクリル板設置あります。店頭入口にて見本の写真を見て券売機で食券購入、4人がけテーブルが主体です。 定食¥1020は刺身他、鶏肉、もずく、長芋、こんぶなど地物を使った食材が多くおいしかったです。 ラーメンは煮干しラーメン¥720を食べましたが甘い出汁で、煮干し感が少なく感じました。 場所は人里離れた場所で、新幹線用に建てられた駅の隣なので、わかりやすいかとは思いますが、周りには何もないです。 今別町中心部まで車で10分程度です。 ※中泊町方面から車で来ると道中、携帯電波のないところが数十分あります
It is a small roadside station attached to Imabetsu Station on the Tohoku Shinkansen. The shop sells local vegetables and souvenirs, and there is also a restaurant. The restaurant can accommodate about 30 people and has an acrylic board. At the entrance of the store, you can see the photo of the sample and buy a meal ticket at the ticket vending machine. The set meal of 1020 yen was delicious with many ingredients using local features such as sashimi, chicken, mozuku seaweed, dioscorea opposita, and kelp. As for the ramen, I ate sardine ramen for ¥ 720, but the soup stock was sweet and I felt that the sardines were less. The place is a remote place, next to the station built for the Shinkansen, so I think it's easy to understand, but there is nothing around. It is about 10 minutes by car to the center of Imabetsu Town. * If you come by car from the direction of Nakadomari-cho, there are dozens of places along the way where there is no mobile radio wave.
toshi on Google

龍飛崎へ向かう途中、早朝に寄りました。雪があった所為か道の駅の建物が解らず、駅側の御手洗いをお借りしました。屋根付き駐車場も有り難く、タイヤハウス内の凍り除去やら、車中泊の整頓も出来、助かりました? ここは本州最北端の新幹線駅でしょうかね⁉︎
On the way to Tappizaki, I stopped by early in the morning. I didn't know the building of the roadside station probably because of the snow, so I borrowed the restroom on the station side. Thank you for the covered parking lot, I was able to remove the freezing in the tire house and organize the night in the car, which was helpful ? I wonder if this is the northernmost Shinkansen station in Honshu ⁉︎
piyopiyo763 on Google

Stop by for lunch It's located along Prefectural Road 14 and it's easy to enter the parking lot, but there's a parking lot at the station, so I'm at a loss. The clerk responded quickly! As soon as I bought the ticket at the ticket vending machine, the restaurant staff responded quickly! Since there are many station users, I think they have a quick response, and since the number of self-seats for cooking is usually small, there were people who were waiting at noon, but there were no people who were slow. The clerk was also moving well, so I wondered if the rotation would be good
横川和樹 on Google

青春18きっぷで行く北海道のたび。 オプション券利用で、北海道新幹線の「奥津軽いまべつ」駅に乗り換えるために利用しました。 道の駅いまべつ内のレストラン「驛」で、特産品いまべつ牛入りの「たずな味噌ラーメン」をいただきました。 お肉がプルプル柔らかくて美味しかったです。
Every time I go to Hokkaido with the Seishun 18 Ticket. I used it to transfer to "Okutsu Light Mabetsu" station on the Hokkaido Shinkansen by using an option ticket. At the restaurant "Imabetsu" in the roadside station Imabetsu, I had "Tazuna Miso Ramen" with the special product Imabetsu beef. The meat was tender and delicious.

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