Ritsu Fukasawa Clinic - Yokohama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ritsu Fukasawa Clinic

住所 :

CKビル 1 Chome-28-20 Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 224-0003
Webサイト : http://www.ritsu-c.com/

CKビル 1 Chome-28-20 Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0003, Japan
Enzo Morinari on Google

It is an ordinary clinic, but it has an unusually long waiting time. You should increase the number of part-time doctors or introduce a reservation system.
wako kurikin on Google

It is a kind teacher who listens to the story often. Because it's popular, everyone will come, so why not help? If you can, I do not want to wait ... On the contrary, nobody comes and the clinic at Skiski is a bit scary ...
緑横山 on Google

嘘は一つも書いてないと言っておきます。 非情に憤りを感じました。 待ち時間3時間、診断1分。笑 ふざけてるのか?? 単なる検査結果聞きに行ってこれ。 手術でもすんのかってくらい待たされたわ。 で、診断1分でおしまい笑 なんなん。 1分で終わるのはいいんだよ。 だって検査結果聞きに行っただけ、なんもなきゃそれで終わりだもん。 でもさ。 診察は順番通りでもないし、じゃあ回転効率考えろよ。 待合室パンパンなんだよ?それが普通だろ。 看護師は「混んでて忙しい~」空気出してて笑うわ。 それを患者に見せてどうすんだよ。しらねーっつの。 おまえらが忙しいとか。 患者はずーーっと待ってんだよw2時間3時間あたりまえw キレてる人他にも何人もいたわ。わかるよね? なんどもなんどもあとどれくらいかかりますか?って聞かれてんじゃん。 二度と行かねえ。 なんなの?ここ。
I'll say I didn't write any lies. I felt angry with ruthlessness. Waiting time 3 hours, diagnosis 1 minute. Lol Are you fooling around? ?? Just go to hear the test results and this. I had to wait for the surgery. So, it's over in 1 minute of diagnosis. It's good to finish in 1 minute. Because I just went to hear the test results, and if nothing else, that's it. But. The examinations are not in order, so think about rotation efficiency. It's a waiting room, isn't it? That's normal. The nurse is "crowded and busy" and laughs out of the air. What do you do by showing it to the patient? I don't know. You are busy. The patient is waiting for me w 2 hours 3 hours Naturally w There were many other people who were sharp. You know? How long does it take to do more and more? I wasn't asked. I can't go again. What is it? here.
しい on Google

When you call, it seems to be crowded, and when you see the situation, you contact me. If you get in touch with me to come to the reception desk, I waited almost 3 hours for the examination, waited for 1 hour waiting for the result, the medical treatment is not flu, it is 1 minute to take out the medicine because it is swollen , The name was wrong and it was very uncomfortable. That's about 5,000 yen, stupid.
Hiro N. on Google

父親が末期の癌で在宅訪問医療を受けています。夜中であっても、嫌な顔せずに来てくれて 父親にも優しく対応してくれる本当に素晴らしい医院長先生とスタッフです。 深澤リツ クリニックに出会えて本当に良かったと思っています。
My father is receiving home visit medical care for terminal cancer. Even when it is midnight It is a really wonderful doctor and staff who will be kind to my father. Rika Fukasawa I am really glad that I met the clinic.
Aifric Hellion on Google

末期癌であった家族の在宅緩和ケアで、こちらのクリニックのお世話になりました。 医師、看護師、薬剤師と、患者当人の痛みのマネジメントに必要な専門家チームをこちらのクリニックさんが一括で管理されているので、どんな些細な疑問、症状でもチーム内の見事な連携で共有され、解決に向けて効率良く動いてくださりました。 常に患者の気持ちを優先にしてくださり、現状提案されている薬の効きが悪ければ、直ぐに代替案を数種提案してくださります。当人が心地よく過ごす為のマッサージを教えて下さった上、その時に使うアロマオイルも調合してくれ、当人も毎日マッサージを楽しみにしてくれました。 週単位で変わっていった当人の容態に合わせて、環境を変えていかなければならない事も、こちらが気づく前にご提案くださり、一から十まで安心してお任せできました。 こちらのクリニックでお会いしたスタッフの皆様一人一人の意識がとても高く、何より多くの患者にとり、最後の安らぎであろう「緩和ケア」という難しい仕事に、誇りを持って取り組んでらっしゃることに感銘を受けました。
I was taken care of by this clinic for home palliative care for my family who had terminal cancer. This clinic manages a team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and specialists necessary for managing the patient's pain, so any trivial questions or symptoms can be shared through excellent cooperation within the team. It was done, and he worked efficiently toward a solution. He always gives priority to the patient's feelings, and if the currently proposed drug is not effective, he will immediately propose several alternatives. He taught me a massage to make him feel comfortable, and he also prepared the aroma oil to use at that time, and he also looked forward to the massage every day. Before I noticed, he suggested that I had to change the environment according to the person's condition, which changed on a weekly basis, and I was able to leave it to him with confidence from one to ten. I am impressed that each and every one of the staff I met at this clinic is very conscious and, above all, is proud to work on the difficult task of "palliative care," which is the last comfort for many patients. received.
mt adan on Google

膀胱炎で受診しました。 前日から排尿痛が酷く、朝一で診療前時間から行きましたが既に数人待ち。 正直、死ぬほど痛かったので一刻も早く診てもらいたかったですが、そうはいかず。 覚悟はしてましたが、結局1時間待ちました。 ただ、先生もとても良く話を聞いてくれるし、事務員さんもみんな感じがいいのでとてもよい印象でした。 ただとにかく待つので、お急ぎの方は予約制の病院をオススメします。
I had a medical examination for cystitis. I had severe urination pain from the day before, so I went there in the morning from the time before the medical examination, but I have already waited for several people. To be honest, it hurt to death, so I wanted to see him as soon as possible, but that wasn't the case. I was prepared, but I ended up waiting for an hour. However, the teacher listened to me very well, and all the clerks felt good, so I had a very good impression. If you are in a hurry, we recommend a hospital that requires reservations, as we will just wait.
* salt * on Google

膀胱炎の為受診しました。 一度目は1時間ほどで検査終了。二度目の再検査では受付終了後直ぐに尿の提出をしたものの2時間以上待機。 後から来た人はすぐに呼ばれているにもかかわらず。軽症は後回しにされているのか。 ただひたすらに長く、もう二度と行きたくないです。
I visited the clinic because of cystitis. The first inspection is completed in about 1 hour. In the second re-examination, I submitted urine immediately after the reception was closed, but waited for more than 2 hours. Even though people who came later are called right away. Is mild illness postponed? It's just long and I don't want to go there again.

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