Ristorante YAMANOE - Sanno

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ristorante YAMANOE

住所 :

Sanno, 〒010-0951 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 010-0951
Webサイト : https://www.ristoranteyamanoe.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM
街 : Akita

Sanno, 〒010-0951 Akita,Japan
Yさめ on Google

アットホームな店で落ち着いて食事出来ます。 皿数は少ないですが、一皿に3種類ぐらい料理がのっています。なので種類豊富な料理が食べれます! もちろん美味しいです。
You can eat calmly in an at-home shop. The number of dishes is small, but about three kinds of dishes are on one dish. So you can eat a wide variety of dishes! Of course it is delicious.
ママベアータ on Google

1200 yen? I ordered one plate lunch. Half of the plate was salad, and although it seemed to be cheated, it was more than the price.
かずちゃさん on Google

土曜日のお昼にお邪魔しました 場所がとてもわかりにくいかもしれません ここであってる?と何回かお店の周りをくるくる回ってしまいました 駐車スペースも ここであっているのか不安になります(笑) お昼のメニューはランチ4種類?の中から選ぶのですがパスタ以外はお肉系だったと思います 肉が苦手な私はパスタを選ぶしかなくてチョッピリ残念でした 友達2人もそれぞれ違うランチをお願いしたのでそれはそれで目で楽しむことができました ボリュームも満点ですがお味も満点です 洋梨のコンポート最高においしかったです ちょっと友達からいただいてしまいました 希望ですが肉嫌いな人も選べるメニューがあればうれしいですね
I visited you at noon on Saturday The location may be very confusing Are you here? I went around the shop several times I'm worried if the parking space is also here (laughs) Is there 4 types of lunch on the lunch menu? I choose from among them, but I think they were meat-based except for pasta. I'm not good at meat, so I had no choice but to choose pasta. Two of my friends asked for different lunches, so I could enjoy it with my eyes. The volume is perfect, but the taste is also perfect. The pear compote was delicious I got a little from a friend I hope, but I'd be happy if there was a menu that even people who dislike meat could choose.
ta mon on Google

2021.4 初訪問 お店の前を通るたびに気になっていましたが、送別会で初訪問。 前菜の生ハム、フグの白子焼き、やわらか牛ヒレ肉、鹿角単角牛、スパゲティ、ティラミスなど 赤ワインに合う料理でとても美味しかったですね。是非、また利用したいと思います。
2021.4 First visit I was worried every time I passed in front of the shop, but I visited for the first time at a farewell party. Appetizer prosciutto, grilled blowfish milt, tender beef tenderloin, single-sided deer horn beef, spaghetti, tiramisu, etc. It was a dish that goes well with red wine and was very delicious. By all means, I would like to use it again.
SEIKO on Google

My frank impression is that there is such a wonderful shop in such a place. It was a nice shop that was literally a "hiding place". All the dishes were delicious, especially the fish dishes, and the professional skills that made me wonder how this was done were shining, and I enjoyed not only the taste but also the appearance.
tomoko nakata on Google

母の誕生日で訪問? Bランチ3,980円のコースいただきました? ジブリアニメに出てきそうな、一軒家レストラン。昼でもステンドグラスの窓から入るほの明るい光と、オレンジの照明で雰囲気がとても◎ 一皿一皿こだわりがあって、見た目も美しく、特別感に浸れます(*´-`)✨ ワンプレートランチ1,200円なら、普段のちょっとしたランチデートにも?
Visit on my mother's birthday ? B lunch 3,980 yen course ? A single-family restaurant that seems to appear in Ghibli anime. Even in the daytime, the bright light coming in through the stained glass window and the orange lighting make the atmosphere very ◎ Each dish is particular, it looks beautiful, and you can immerse yourself in a special feeling (* ´-`) ✨ One plate lunch of 1,200 yen is perfect for a little lunch date ?
浅川ひのきち on Google

隠れ家的な雰囲気のイタリアンのお店です。 プレートランチ1,200円にプラス400円でうにパスタにしました。 うにパスタは、うにをメインにオイルで軽く仕上げた感じです。うにの甘さが引き立って美味しかったです。 びっくりしたのはプレート皿にのったサラダ、ボリュームが半端ない、山盛りで驚きました。 そしてサラダの隣にはポークソティー。こちらもしっかり一人前のボリュームです。 あとは、ミニスープにミニパンナコッタにドリンクです。 ボリューム満点で美味しくいただきました。
It is an Italian restaurant with a hideaway atmosphere. I made pasta for a plate lunch of 1,200 yen plus 400 yen. Sea urchin pasta is lightly finished with oil, mainly sea urchin. The sweetness of the sea urchin was outstanding and delicious. What surprised me was the salad on the plate, the volume was not perfect, and I was surprised at the heap. And next to the salad is pork tea. This is also a solid volume for one person. The rest is a mini soup, a mini panna cotta, and a drink. It was full of volume and delicious.
Richard Ruegg on Google

Had an amazing four course meal at Yamanoe! In fact, we went for the first time two weeks ago, and had to come back and do it again. Thanks to the passionate and talented chef, and professional service, the experience was unforgettable. Fresh pasta sauces, perfectly cooked meats and fresh seafood. Not over priced!! Everybody living or visiting Akita should come and dine here. Cant wait to come back!! Cheers. Richard.

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