
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

京都でバイクのタイヤを持ち込みで交換するならライドオン - Ride-on - Ride-on-kyoto.com


Contact Ride-on

住所 :

Kogamorinomiyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8495 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Webサイト : http://ride-on-kyoto.com/
街 : Kyoto

Kogamorinomiyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8495 Kyoto,Japan
おーま on Google

持ち込みタイヤの交換をお願いしました。 工賃が良心的で、かつサービスマンの接客も非常に好感が持てます。 リピート確実ですね✨
I asked you to replace the tires you brought in. The wages are conscientious, and the serviceman's customer service is also very favorable. It's sure to repeat ✨
ショウゲン on Google

とてもオーナーさんの人柄が良かったですね料金もリーズナブルだと思いますし バイクの事なら何でも相談出来るって感じで非常に良かったです。
The owner's personality was very good. I think the price is reasonable. It was very nice to be able to talk about anything about motorcycles.
石崎真希 on Google

A woman in her thirties riding a small motorcycle. I ride my bike every day at work, so I have my regular visits here. If you are a beginner on a motorcycle, there are some things you don't understand, but the owner will take care of you very carefully, so you can leave it to us with great peace of mind. It is the most reliable motorcycle shop ever. I'm very lucky to have such a reliable bike shop near my house.
小西智彦 on Google

他店や大型ショップでは、持ち込みタイヤでの交換は追加料金が必要だったり、断られたりして折角通販などで安く買ったタイヤでも、結局高くついたり、嫌な思いをさせられます。 こちらのショップは持ち込み交換を良心的な価格で行なっています。 またタイヤだけでなく、オイル交換からバイクに関する事なら相談、対応頂けます。 店長の誠実さと技術、設備など安心して依頼出来るありがたいショップです、店名の様にバイクに乗り続けたいので、長くお世話になりたいお店です。
At other stores and large shops, you may have to pay an additional fee to replace the tires you bring in, or even if you buy tires cheaply through mail order, you may end up feeling uncomfortable. This shop offers carry-on exchanges at a reasonable price. In addition to tires, we can also consult and respond to matters related to motorcycles, from oil changes. It is a shop where you can ask for the store manager's sincerity, technology, equipment, etc. with confidence. Like the store name, I want to continue riding a motorcycle, so I would like to take care of it for a long time.
まっちゃんです on Google

嫁さんのビックスクーターのタイヤ交換で伺いました。 車屋さんならツテがあるのですが 引っ越してきて間もないので バイク屋さんのツテが近所になく不安でしたが タイヤ持ち込みなら安く済むよと勧めていただき ネットでタイヤ注文し、お陰で安くタイヤ交換できました! これからオイル交換等色々お世話になるつもりです! とても親切で優しい方で大変満足です。 またよろしくお願いいたします。
I asked him to change the tires of his wife's big scooter. If you are a car shop I've just moved I was worried that there was no motorcycle shop in the neighborhood Please recommend that you can bring your own tires at a lower price. I ordered tires online, and thanks to that, I was able to change tires cheaply! From now on, I will take care of various things such as oil change! I am very satisfied with the kind and kind person. I look forward to working with you again.
monkey 634 on Google

I am always indebted to you for changing tires. Of course, you can bring it in, so you can choose various brands according to your taste, and if you don't understand or are unsure, you can leave it to the owner. Besides, it is a very nice shop that you can consult about oil change and various customs!
TAIKOR41 on Google

持ち込みでタイヤ交換をお願いしました。 凄く親切で少し当方が遠方だったので親身に相談に乗って貰って助かりました。 お財布にも優しいと思いますし細かく説明もしてくれました。 用品店での交換より大幅に安く済みました。 また利用させてもらいます。
I asked you to change the tires by bringing them in. It was very kind and I was a little far away, so I was grateful for the kind consultation. I think it's kind to your wallet, and he explained it in detail. It was much cheaper than exchanging at a supply store. I will use it again.
TT Koko on Google

息子のバイクのタイヤ前後の交換をお願いしました。 電話で問い合わせた時から 対応も良く 丁寧に作業してくれるショップだとおもいました。 実際お会いしても 気さくな方でした。 安心して作業してもらえるなと 予定時刻に行くと作業も終わっており 色々と説明をしてもらえアドバイス等もあり 良かったです。 工賃も他のショップよりも安く 外国産のタイヤは他のショップでは断れる所もあるが 大丈夫ですよと言ってもらえ助かりました。 次もまたお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I asked for the front and rear tires of my son's motorcycle to be replaced. From the time I made an inquiry over the phone, I thought it was a shop that responded well and worked politely. Even when I actually met him, he was a friendly person. I hope you can work with peace of mind When I go to the scheduled time, the work is finished There are various explanations and advice etc. It was good. The wages are also cheaper than other shops. Foreign tires can be refused at other shops, but it was helpful to hear that it was okay. I would like to ask you again next time. Thank you very much.

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