Ride Jam - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ride Jam

住所 :

4 Chome-28 Toriitori, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 453-0044
Webサイト : http://www.ridejam.com/

4 Chome-28 Toriitori, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0044, Japan
前田健 on Google

The manager is a very nice person and always takes care of me! Recommended ? ✌️
〜べべんべーん on Google

ほんとに最悪な店。 若いから舐めてるのか知らないけど対応適当金を払えんのって感じの接客しかしない。 ほんとに気分悪くなりました。 ここで、修理してもらうなら他に行ったほうが絶対いいです。
The worst store. I don't know if I'm licking because I'm young, but I just don't feel like paying the appropriate amount. I really felt sick. If you have a repair here, you should definitely go elsewhere.
Yosh Wats on Google

中古バイクの購入からメンテまでお世話になっています。 町のバイク屋には小規模ならではの臨機応変な対応や価格を期待する訳ですが、期待通りで満足しています。
We are indebted to you from the purchase of used motorcycles to maintenance. We expect the bike shops in the town to respond flexibly and at a price that is unique to a small scale, but we are satisfied with the expectations.
zao123 on Google

When I was in Nagoya, I was indebted 2.3 times. There is a word of mouth saying "You are giving up because you are young," but it is a shop that is not kind to young people. The wages were also unclear and felt expensive. However, I do not think that it is not a request for customer service or price to a bike shop in the city .... It is not a bad shop.
そんぱゃたれだれ on Google

譲り受けたバイクのメンテナンスをお願いしにいきました! すごく丁寧に見ていただき、予算も聞いて頂いた上で、 一番納得のいく形で(しかも早い!)やって頂くことができました。 知人に紹介したいバイク屋さんです。
I went to ask for the maintenance of the bike I received! After looking at it very carefully and asking for your budget, I was able to do it in the most convincing way (and fast!). It is a motorcycle shop that I would like to introduce to an acquaintance.
言い訳太郎 on Google

オーナーはいつもにこやかに対応してくれます。 料金はよくわかりませんが、高いとは思わないです。 これからもお世話になろうと思います。
The owner always responds with a smile. I don't know the price, but I don't think it is expensive. I hope to take care of you in the future.
松平智 on Google

確かに 接客態度は酷いですねぇ。前回はニコやかだったので 良いかなぁと思い依頼したのですが…。 つい先程 修理を依頼しましたが 半年前に交換したばかりのプラグをイジリ始めたので指摘したらバイクが古いから どうこう言われても困るとか 時間かかるから 連絡先を書いて貰うって事務所に付いて行ったら 奥様らしき方にキツイ態度だったり。客が居るとか 関係無い感じでした。少し 次回からを考えて仕舞います
Certainly, the customer service is terrible. The last time it was Nico, so I thought it would be good ... I just asked for repairs, but since I started to replace the plug that I just replaced half a year ago, if I pointed out, the bike is old. When I went there, I had a tight attitude towards how I looked like a wife. It seemed unrelated to having customers. I will think about the next time
岩下昌平 on Google

先日バイクが壊れてお世話になりました! かなり早く原因を突き止めて、改善策を教えて頂きました。今後のバイクの方向性も考えて修理も修理費も対応をしてくださいました!オーナーさんも愛想もよく、フレンドリーに対応してくれますので行きやすい雰囲気です! 今後もバイクの事をライトジャムさんに任せていきたいです! ありがとうございました!
The other day my bike broke and I was taken care of! We quickly identified the cause and taught us how to improve it. Considering the future direction of the motorcycle, we also provided repairs and repair costs! The owners are friendly and friendly, and they have a friendly atmosphere so it's easy to get to! I would like to leave the thing of motorcycles to Mr. Light Jam in the future! Thank you very much!

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