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ReX HAIR INTERNATIONAL|美容院|美容室|心斎橋を中心に扇町、吹田、上新庄でお待ちしております -


ReX HAIR INTERNATIONAL|美容院|美容室|心斎橋を中心に扇町、吹田、上新庄でお待ちしております -




住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
前田実那 on Google

I didn't have my favorite ticket shop, but I was able to meet my favorite ticket shop at last. The hair that is easily damaged usually gets dry and the color fades quickly, but I'm glad that the color is smooth and smooth ♪ The beauty salon took a long time and it was a tough image, but the older sister in charge is interesting It was over in no time! The line of the hair tips can be made according to the image, and the daily set is fun! I look forward to working with you next time!
ゆう on Google

スタッフさんがとにかくフレンドリーで楽しいし退屈しない!髪の悩み以外にも、メイクやファッションの相談にものってくれます。最新の情報を教えてくれるのもうれしぃ!! わたしはだいたい何も考えずに行って担当の人とどうするか決めるんだけど、いつも満足な仕上がりにしてくれます!特にカラーが最高*
The staff are friendly, fun and never boring! In addition to hair troubles, they also offer makeup and fashion consultations. I'm glad to tell you the latest information! !! I usually go without thinking and decide what to do with the person in charge, but it always gives me a satisfying finish! Especially the color is the best *
amy on Google

いつも夫婦で利用させていただいています。 オーナーはじめスタッフの方々もすごく話しやすく居心地の良い空間です。技術も高く、ヘアスタイルもカット、カラーともにいつも大満足です!!カットはマイケルさんに担当していただいています。夫婦共々ほかの美容院にはもういけないくらい気に入っています。カラーも絶妙にきれいな色を出してくださいますし、ヘッドスパも最高に気持ち良くて♡幅広い年齢層の方が利用されているようなので、これからもずっと利用していきたいです⭐︎
I always use it as a couple. It is a cozy space where the owners and staff are very easy to talk to. The technique is high, the hairstyle is cut, and the color is always very satisfying! !! Michael is in charge of the cut. Both couples like it so much that they can't go to other hairdressers anymore. The colors are exquisitely beautiful, and the head spa is also very comfortable ♡ It seems that people of all ages are using it, so I would like to continue using it ⭐︎
y a on Google

ヘッドスパで初来店しました。 まず私は頭が凝り固まっているので力強いスパが好きだと伝えたところパワフル且つ丁寧にしていただき、とても気持ち良くて60分間爆睡でした! なにより、力加減が絶妙でした。力まかせな強さではなく、丁寧な強さだったので今まで受けたヘッドスパで1番でした。 そして担当のスタイリストさんですが、すごく優しくて人徳のある方でした。大体どこのサロンにいっても私が美容師1年目だとわかると、いきなりタメ口になって上から目線な感じで仕事の話などをされることが多くて、それが不快でいろんなサロンを転々としていました。ですが今日の方は私の立場になっていろんな話を聞いてくださったり、私が年下でも丁寧な対応をしてくださって、それが本当に嬉しかったです。正直こんなに好感の持てた美容師さんは初めてでした! まだカットなどの技術力はわからないですが次は是非お願いしたいです。 ありがとうございます!
I visited the store for the first time at the head spa. First of all, when I told him that I like a powerful spa because my head is stiff, he was powerful and polite, and I felt very comfortable and slept for 60 minutes! Above all, the strength was exquisite. It was the best head spa I've ever received because it was a polite strength, not a forceful strength. And the stylist in charge was a very kind and humane person. When I find out that I'm in my first year as a beautician at almost any salon, I often suddenly get angry and talk about work from above, which is unpleasant and various salons. Was changing. However, I was really happy that today's person was in my position and listened to various stories and that I was polite even younger. To be honest, it was the first time for a beautician to have such a good impression! I don't know the technical capabilities such as cutting yet, but I would like to ask you next time. Thank you!
Mariko Mori on Google

I often use the cut and head spa. The warm and cheerful interior and the smiles and greetings of the staff will make you feel relieved whenever you go. Cut has a good understanding of my hair habits and tastes, so I am grateful that he can make suggestions according to the mood and season at that time. After being cut by ReX, I am very satisfied with the hairstyle that is easier to set, and it is also very popular with people at work and my family, and they praise me very much, "I like the new hairstyle!" (^^) ) It's a very reliable salon, so if you are interested, please go there once!
平本明日香 on Google

人生が変わります!!星5つでも足りないくらい満足です! 髪質改善のサブリミックでお願いしました。 髪の量は多く太い私でも ホントに一度でサラッサラになってなんでもっと早くやらなかったんだろうって後悔すらしました! 最低3回やると効果がより出てくるとの事です(^^) スタイリストさんもとても素敵な方で安心してお任せできます! また来月もよろしくお願いします?❤
Life will change! !! I'm so satisfied that even 5 stars aren't enough! I asked for a sublimic to improve hair quality. Even I, who has a lot of hair and is thick I even regretted why I didn't do it earlier because I became a sara-sara at once! It is said that the effect will come out more if you do it at least 3 times (^ ^) The stylist is also a very nice person and you can leave it to us with confidence! I look forward to working with you next month ?❤
ああ on Google

数ヶ月ぶりのカットで数年ぶりのカラーをして貰いました。かなり久しぶりなのでドキドキしていましたが、周りにすごく褒められました笑 スタッフさんも気さくで愛想が良く丁寧です。 トリートメント後もずっと指通りが良いです꒰ ´͈ω`͈꒱ 次はデジタルパーマかデジキュアパーマをお願いしたいのでどちらが良いか迷ってます笑
It was the first cut in a few months and the color was the first in a few years. It's been a long time, so I was thrilled, but I was really praised by the people around me lol The staff are also friendly, friendly and polite. It's easy to pass your fingers after the treatment ꒰ ´͈ω`͈ ꒱ Next time I would like to ask for a digital perm or a digital cure perm, so I'm wondering which is better lol
Fabian Diaz Adame on Google

Top Staff very Kind and friendly. They know their field absolute perfectly done what I told them to do! Very nice ambience but the price is also a little bit higher 40€ for cutting and washing before and after the cut. But as I said they really know what they are doing! Definitely recommending this shop for foreigners.

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