Restaurante 藤

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Restaurante 藤

住所 :

Funakoshiminami, Aki Ward, 〒736-0082 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Hiroshima

Funakoshiminami, Aki Ward, 〒736-0082 Hiroshima,Japan
芳賀憲之 on Google

井上満代子 on Google

西村亜紀子 on Google

品川直樹 on Google

Although I was a couple, it was healthy but I was satisfied with many side dishes.
有田憲二 on Google

The morning was full of two side dishes breaded fruit soup and coffee and a lot of ants.
モンゴルあきら on Google

The worst restaurant I've ever been to. Store convenience is the highest priority, not customer convenience. The cash register processing is too slow and slow. Not recommended for people outside the area and not recommended.
吉光 on Google

The bread is small, but the price is also low. I bought some side dish breads, but they all have a serious taste, and the cream buns with handmade custard cream are not too sweet, but I am happy with the firm taste that is comparable to the aroma of bread.
川畑直樹 on Google

知人と三人でランチ、マスターは口数少なくこちらの食べるペース日報合わせて、早くも無く遅くも無く提供して頂いてる所が良い!また女性店員のとても気配り上手な御給仕がさり気無くて、久々に良い店員さんに出会えた感じで、料理と良い店員さんと良いマスターの寡黙さも全てよく感じました。 男性の自分でも腹八分的な満腹感でコースB頼んだんですけど満足して帰りました。
Lunch with an acquaintance and three, the master is a small number of people and it is good to have it served quickly and late according to this eating pace daily report! In addition, the female shop assistant was very attentive and well-served, and I was able to meet a good shop clerk after a long absence. Even though I was a male, I asked for Course B with a sense of fullness, but I was satisfied and returned.

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