Renjoji - Higashiosaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー
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Contact Renjoji

住所 :

2 Chome-3-7 Wakae Minamimachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 578-0943, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 578-0943
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-7 Wakae Minamimachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 578-0943, Japan
71 zizipapa on Google

It is in a quiet place and you can feel the priest's sutra politely.
山形修平 on Google

I'm working hard as a temple of Nichiren Buddhism in an open and short distance area.
輸送男児 on Google

大阪の陣シリーズでお参りしました。 法要で忙しい中、対応していただき感謝しております❗ やはり日蓮宗系は御朱印が素晴らしいの一言です❗
I visited you in the Osaka series. Thank you for your response while we are busy with legal requirements 要 After all Nichiren's religious system is a word of great martial arts ❗
Yoshikatsu Okuno on Google

蓮城寺。 宗派は日蓮宗。 お寺のホームページ冒頭に『日蓮はいずれの宗の元祖にもあらず、また末葉にあらず』と日蓮の手紙が紹介されている。 誇り高き日蓮の本音が、思わず手紙に出たと言うべきだろう。 また、ここは夏の陣の際、木村重成の陣跡の近くだ。 最激戦地は間近にある。 重成たちの奮闘、死闘が目に浮かぶ。 それを慰めるように位牌堂と肖像画がある。 重成のなんと不敵で精悍な顔つきか。
Renjoji Temple. The sect is Nichiren. Nichiren's letter is introduced at the beginning of the temple's homepage, saying, “Nichiren is not the ancestor of any sect, nor is it Sueba”. It can be said that the true spirit of the proud Nichiren came out in a letter. This is also near the site of Shigenari Kimura during the summer team. The most intense battlefield is close. Shigeru's struggle and death struggle come to mind. There is a temple and a portrait to comfort it. What invincible and fervent face of Shigenari?
弓場健司 on Google

It is a temple that has been taken care of.
みなちゅ on Google

It may be a good distance to walk from Shigenari Kimura's grave
tanapen 0402 (ネコ侍) on Google

It is also a temple with the Mausoleum of Shigesei Kimura. The mausoleum is in an easy-to-understand place immediately after entering, but it may be lost for a moment because it looks like a pot away.
廣岡康隆 on Google

日蓮宗の寺院です 小振りな境内ですが、境内、院内も掃除が行き届いていて、清々しい気分になります 日蓮宗以外の宗派の方は、敷居が高いかもしれませんが、よいお寺ですよ。
It is a temple of the Nichiren sect Although it is a small precinct, the precincts and the hospital are well cleaned and it makes me feel refreshed. Religious denominations other than Nichiren sect may have a high threshold, but it is a good temple.

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