Red Baron - Niigata

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Red Baron

住所 :

7-13 Nakakoya, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 950-0803
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

7-13 Nakakoya, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0803, Japan
平野進 on Google

I bought a bike here. The customer service of the clerk is also very good. I think it's time to buy a new bike.
桃姫号のパパ(桃姫号) on Google

丁寧に説明して頂き、名刺まで頂きありがとうございました。 あれから1ヶ月、30キロ圏内色々な店を行きましたが、まァ〜目線が近く感じれたので、このお店で、レブル250新車を購入(1ヶ月待ちました)全ての説明は、上手いとは、言えないが、まァ〜OKですね〜。 娘も、嬉しそうに新車に乗りブ〜 と店を出て行きました。
Thank you for your polite explanation and business card. I went to various shops within 30km for a month after that, but I felt that my eyes were close, so I bought a new Rebel 250 car at this shop (waited for a month) All the explanations are good. I can't say that, but it's OK. My daughter also happily got into a new car and left the store.
ハラいって on Google

When I asked for repairs, I was so busy that I refused to accept only the bikes I bought. I thought that I would choose a customer here. I don't want to go again.
TOTOぽかーろ on Google

2022年4月5日 オイル交換で来店?️ オイル会員だと工賃の740円(税込)だけです‼️⛽️? 店員さんはバイクの事を気遣ってくれて対応がすごく良いです❗️ 店内にある飲み物の販売機が安い?✨?
April 5, 2022 Come to the store with an oil change ?️ If you are an oil member, the wage is only 740 yen (tax included)! ️⛽️? The clerk cares about the motorcycle and the correspondence is very good ❗️ The drink vending machine in the store is cheap ?✨?
やおなおやん on Google

店長が変われば店の雰囲気も変わるもので、昔はもう二度と来るか❗️ってなる最悪の店でしたが、何年ぶりかにバイクを見に行った時に気になるバイクがあり、店員さんの対応も良く、店長さんも良かったので購入した。 ただ、整備がちょっと雑なのは昔から変わらない、アイドリングでタコの針が踊ってる、 代金まけたから整備ケチった? 昔買ったバイクは帰りにブレーキがまったく効かなくて、交差点で車とぶつかりそうになった。それから簡単な整備は自分でする事にした。
If the store manager changes, the atmosphere of the store will change, and in the past it was the worst store that I would never come back to, but when I went to see a motorcycle for the first time in years, there was a motorcycle that I was interested in, and the clerk I bought it because the correspondence was good and the store manager was also good. However, the maintenance is a little complicated from the old days, the octopus needles are dancing at idling, and the maintenance was stingy because I paid for it? The bike I bought a long time ago didn't brake at all on my way home, and I almost hit a car at an intersection. Then I decided to do the simple maintenance myself.
橋本将司 on Google

I think it goes well with the clerk, but I went to see other stores, but I thought the customer service of the clerk at this store was good and bought a motorcycle. It's a big company, so I think there are pros and cons because there are various rumors and there is a transfer of a clerk.
ヒロ虫 on Google

スタッフさんは質問にも親切に答えてくださいました。とても感じが良い店長さんもお仕事頑張っています? 何台か購入してますが、アフターフォローもしっかりしてくれますし、ある意味オイル交換に行くのが楽しみです♪ これからもお世話になると思います。
The staff kindly answered the questions. The store manager who feels very good is also working hard ? I have purchased several units, but after-sales follow-up is also solid, and I am looking forward to going to the oil change in a sense ♪ I hope you will continue to take care of me.
to masa on Google

新車購入しました。 他のバイク屋だとセールストークが多すぎてゆっくりバイクを見てられないけど、ここは、ほどほどです。 押し売りも無く個人的にとても信用出来ました。 店長が変わらない間はここでお世話になろうと思います。
I bought a new car. At other bike shops, there are too many sales talks and I can't watch the bike slowly, but it's moderate here. There was no push sale and I was able to trust it personally. I will take care of you here as long as the store manager does not change.

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