Re-Birth Onomichi - Onomichi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Re/Birth Onomichi

住所 :

15-12 Tenmacho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-0038, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 722-0038
Webサイト :

15-12 Tenmacho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-0038, Japan
0110 sui on Google

It's fun to see clothes, branded goods, home appliances, antiques, and miscellaneous goods. I always buy and sell clothes and bags. The clerk is also friendly, easy to talk to and enter, and I always use it.
細貝一貴 on Google

買取をしていただいたのですが、スタッフの方の対応が良く、また利用したいと思いました。 店内の商品も見やすく、次回は買い物をしに寄らせていただきます。有難うございました。
I bought it, but the staff was very responsive and I wanted to use it again. The products in the store are easy to see, and we will stop by to shop next time. Thank you.
John934959. Doe. on Google

長年使った掃除機がメゲたので探しに行ったところ、dysonの掃除機が5000円弱だったので、迷わず購入。 バイクで見に行って背中の43Lのリュックに入らないので、店員さんに協力して貰ってその場で分解、4往復して無事に自宅で組み立て、掃除機の役目を果たしてます。紙パックが要らないのは便利な掃除機。 店員さんも親切で、又何かメゲて必要なモノあったら、世話になります。
I went looking for a vacuum cleaner that I had used for many years, and found that the dyson vacuum cleaner was just under 5,000 yen, so I bought it without hesitation. I went to see it on a motorcycle and couldn't fit in the 43L backpack on my back, so I asked the clerk to help me disassemble it on the spot, make four round trips and assemble it safely at home, and it acts as a vacuum cleaner. A convenient vacuum cleaner that does not require a paper carton. The clerk is also kind, and if there is something you need, you will be taken care of.
doragon777 on Google

Since it is a thrift shop, it is destined to meet goods, but if you have a good meeting, you can make a good purchase. The clerk is also polite and kind.
t “チャーリー” katsu on Google

査定は思ったより早く、自分で予想していた金額でした お客さんも多いですね
The assessment was faster than I expected and was the amount I expected There are many customers
めぐみん on Google

今まで三原店しか利用していなかったので、鞄を買い取ってもらおうと思って初めて行きました。 入店してすぐに査定してもらって対応が早かったし、店内もいろんな物があって、見ているだけでも楽しかったので、また行きたいです! 縁起物のいい買い物が出来ました。
Until now, I only used the Mihara store, so I went there for the first time to buy a bag. Immediately after I entered the store, I was evaluated quickly, and there were various things in the store, so it was fun just to look at it, so I want to go again! I was able to shop for good luck.
Y Y on Google

買取査定をお願いしたところ、とても丁寧に対応していただけました。 値段の理由なども一つ一つ教えていただけたので、次回持ち込みの目安にもなりました。 出張買取もあるそうなので、遺品整理などでお世話になりそうです。
When I asked for a purchase assessment, they responded very politely. I was able to tell you the reason for the price one by one, so it was a guide for bringing it in next time. It seems that there are also business trip purchases, so it seems that you will be taken care of by organizing your belongings.

The prices here it's not expensive

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