Rante - Ichinoseki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rante

住所 :

11-1 Minamihoryo, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0813, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 021-0813
Webサイト : https://www.rante.love/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday 11AM–5PM
Tuesday 11AM–5PM
Wednesday 11AM–5PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–5PM

11-1 Minamihoryo, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0813, Japan
RYU SEI on Google

T K on Google

N S on Google

千葉利江 on Google

The cake, bread and coffee were delicious, and above all, the shop was more pleasant and I was able to relax.
千葉美保子 on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気でゆっくり居られます。 日替わりパンですが、連絡すると違う日でも対応してもらえるのでとても助かります。
You can stay in a calm atmosphere. It's a daily bread, but if you contact me, it will be available on different days, which is very helpful.
篠sino on Google

素晴らしく美味しいケーキとパン、珍しい野生種のコーヒーを楽しめるお店です♪一軒家の為、少々入りにくいように見えるかもしれませんが、店主のご夫婦は優しく丁寧な接客がありますのでまずは一度いってみて欲しいお店です。コーヒーは一杯だけ頼んでも味の安定する2杯分の豆で抽出するほど淹れ方に拘っていらっしゃいました。何よりこちらのケーキは絶品で、洋菓子屋さんにもひけをとらない、こだわりの逸品です☆スポンジ、生クリーム、フルーツそしてソース。すべて本当に美味しかったです♪この値段でこの素材を使っていいのだろうか。。。という、正直採算度外視とも思えるケーキはお持ち帰りも出来るため、ステキなお土産になりそうです♪ パンも上品かつ素朴な味で、しっかりとこだわった素材にもかかわらずお値段もお手頃でした。 今度は限定のお蕎麦にもチャレンジしたいです♪ 駐車場は2台分あり、見た目より前面道路の車通りは多くないため出入りもスムーズ♪
It is a shop where you can enjoy wonderful and delicious cakes and breads, and rare wild-type coffee. This is the store you want. Even if you ask for only one cup of coffee, I was concerned with how to brew so that it could be extracted with two cups of beans with a stable taste. Above all, this cake is exquisite, and it is a special dish that does not beat the pastry shop ☆ Sponge, fresh cream, fruit and sauce. Everything was really delicious ♪ Can I use this material at this price? . . The cake which seems to be honestly unprofitable can be taken home, so it seems to be a wonderful souvenir ♪ The bread was also elegant and rustic, and the prices were reasonable despite the specialty of the ingredients. I want to try a limited soba this time too ♪ There are two parking lots, and there are not many car streets on the front road than it looks, so entering and leaving is smooth ♪
佐藤 on Google

駐車場は店(家)前と少し離れたところに有。まんま家のリビングのお店です。ランチの他にもケーキがいくつか有り、季節のケーキはアップルパイやマロンケーキなどケーキ屋にも劣らないレベルの美味しさです。またwifiもあるのでスマホ見ながらまったり過ごせるのも高評価。 ただメインメニューが3、4種ほどと少ないのが惜しいです。個人的に★4.5です。
There is a parking lot in front of the store (house) and a little away. It is a living room shop of the Manma family. There are several cakes besides lunch, and seasonal cakes are as delicious as apple pies and marron cakes. There is also wifi, so it is highly appreciated that you can spend a relaxing time while looking at your smartphone. However, it is regrettable that there are only 3 or 4 main menus. Personally, it's 4.5.
浮草 on Google

2021年12月初旬に訪問。駐車場はお店の前に2台、向かって右手のアパート前に数台ありました。 ランチにキノコのパスタを頂きましたが麺が少なめでゆで加減はかため。具は3種類のキノコと玉ねぎだけなので全体的にボリュームが少なめです。 サラダはウサギのリンゴは美味しかったのですがドレッシングのオリーブ油がキツくて残してしまいました。スープは美味しかったです。 食後にケーキセットで紅茶とチーズケーキも頂きました。紅茶はオススメのウバを。2杯分入ったポットで提供されました。店主の言う通り苦味が少なくて飲みやすかったのですが、茶葉が入ったままなので2杯目は渋みが感じられましたね。 チーズケーキは少し凍ったブルーベリーソースが添えられていて美味しかったです。 「コーヒーとケーキのお店」と吟っているお店なので、次は食事はないかも?でした。
Visited in early December 2021. There were two parking lots in front of the shop and several in front of the apartment on the right. I had mushroom pasta for lunch, but the noodles were a little bit boiled and hard. The ingredients are only 3 kinds of mushrooms and onions, so the volume is small overall. As for the salad, the rabbit apple was delicious, but the olive oil in the dressing was too tight and left behind. The soup was delicious. After the meal, I had tea and cheesecake with a cake set. Recommended Uva for black tea. It was served in a pot containing two cups. As the owner said, it was easy to drink with less bitterness, but the tea leaves were still in it, so the second cup felt astringent. The cheesecake was delicious with a little frozen blueberry sauce. It's a shop that is scrutinizing as a "coffee and cake shop", so maybe there will be no meal next time? was.

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