Rakuasu - Azumino

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rakuasu

住所 :

中堀-3467 Horiganekarasugawa, Azumino, Nagano 399-8205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 399-8205
Webサイト : https://rakuasu.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM

中堀-3467 Horiganekarasugawa, Azumino, Nagano 399-8205, Japan
シーフード on Google

肩こり解消目的で行きましたが、院内はとても清潔で先生は丁寧。 施術自体もとても良かったです。 定期的に行ってみたいと思います。
I went there for the purpose of relieving stiff shoulders, but the hospital was very clean and the teacher was polite. The treatment itself was also very good. I would like to go there on a regular basis.
赤沼美咲 on Google

定期的に通わさせて頂いています。 院内も空気が綺麗なのが分かる位清潔で施術をして貰った後は首や肩凝りもスッキリしてぐっすり眠れて翌朝更にスッキリします。 これからも身体の様子を見ながらメンテナンスを含めて定期的に通いたいと思います。
I go to visit regularly. The hospital is clean enough to see that the air is clean, and after getting the treatment, the neck and shoulders are refreshed and you can sleep well and feel refreshed the next morning. From now on, I would like to continue to see the condition of my body and to go regularly including maintenance.
小林莉奈 on Google

It treats the rattling body after childbirth firmly and always makes the body lighter! It's very easy to talk to and the atmosphere is good. There are also coupon tickets, so I always use coupon tickets!
eri on Google

Rakuasu is always indebted to me! I have severe stiff shoulders and back pain due to neck and body distortion, but if you go to Rakuasu, you will be able to perform the treatment carefully and the body distortion will be healed in one shot ✨? Absolutely when it is really tough I recommend it ♪
Tやす on Google

腰痛が酷く、ネットで探してラクアスに伺いました 評判通り清潔な店で施術も丁寧! 腰痛に加え、首と肩のコリまでほぐれ、不眠がちだったのに、よく寝られるようになりました! 是非また利用してみたいです
I had a bad backache, so I searched online and visited Rakuasu. The treatment is polite in a clean shop according to the reputation! In addition to back pain, my neck and shoulders were loosened, and I tended to sleeplessly, but now I can sleep well! I definitely want to use it again
古田朋也 on Google

腰痛がひどくラクアスさんにお世話になりました。 当日朝から頭痛もしていましたが、お話をさせていただき施術してもらった結果 モノの見事に頭痛も含めて超軽減! 施術後すぐに実感できたのでビックリしました! また伺わせていただきます。
I had a bad backache and was taken care of by Mr. Rakuasu. I had a headache from the morning of the day, but as a result of having talked and treated Super-reduced things, including headaches! I was surprised because I could feel it immediately after the treatment! I will visit you again.
宮永寿美江 on Google

My work pattern is stiff shoulders, my body is stiff, and I am suffering from low back pain due to herniated discs, but after undergoing treatment at Laquas Manipulative Clinic, my entire body becomes lighter and the pain and stress caused by pain are alleviated. By using it regularly, I can continue to be in good physical condition, which is very helpful.
西村育美 on Google

何年も前からお世話になっています。腰痛、ストレートネック、頚椎症で酷いときは歩けない、動けない程でした。 ラクアスさんを知る前は鍼灸やマッサージや良いと勧められる所には色々行きましたが良くならず…。 ラクアスさんを知ってからは他の所に行こうとは思いません! それ程先生の腕は確かだと思います。 清潔感のある室内にも癒されますし、先生もすごく親切です。 今度は顔の施術もして貰いたいと楽しみにしています! 本当オススメの整体院です(*^^*)
I have been indebted for many years. When I had low back pain, straight neck, and cervical spondylosis, I couldn't walk or move. Before I got to know Rakuasu, I went to acupuncture and massage and other places recommended, but it didn't improve. I don't think I'll go anywhere else after I know Rakuasu! I think the teacher's skill is so certain. You will be healed in a clean room, and the teacher is very kind. I'm looking forward to having my face treated this time! It is a really recommended manipulative clinic (* ^^ *)

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