
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 未来R

住所 :

Ashikadomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3531 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879977
Webサイト : http://www.mirair.jp/%23profile
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Gunma

Ashikadomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3531 Gunma,Japan
しろくましろくま on Google

はじめてのアパート探し。 物件サイトから未来Rさんに直接連絡し、その日に対応してもらえました。 まず、未来Rさんのお店の綺麗さ清潔感にここなら親身に対応してもらえるかもと期待出来ました。 アパートに住むために必要なこと、右も左もわからなかったけど親切に教えてくださりました。家賃、広さ、築浅など難しい条件を提示しましたがかなりの物件を紹介してくれました。 内見の時もお客様目線で話をしてくれるためすごく参考になりました。 住むことになったアパートは妥協もなく最高の条件です。 また、生活が変わり物件を探すことになればお世話になりたいと思います。 妥協なく、親切な対応で自分に合った物件を探している方は未来Rさんをお勧めします。 ありがとうございました。
Looking for an apartment for the first time. I contacted Mr. Mirai R directly from the property site and had him respond on that day. First of all, I was expecting that Mr. Mirai R's shop would be kind to me here. I didn't know what it was necessary to live in an apartment, right or left, but he kindly taught me. He presented difficult conditions such as rent, size, and new construction, but he introduced a considerable number of properties. It was very helpful because he talked from the customer's point of view even during the preview. The apartment you decide to live in is in the best condition without compromise. Also, I would like to take care of you if your life changes and you are looking for a property. If you are looking for a property that suits you with kindness and without compromise, we recommend Mirai R. Thank you very much.
あかり on Google

はじめての物件探しでわからないことだらけでしたが担当してくださった方がとても親切で丁寧に細かく説明をしてくれて助かりました! ありがとうございました
There were many things I didn't understand when searching for a property for the first time, but the person in charge was very kind and gave me a detailed explanation, which was helpful! thank you
未来 on Google

初めての引っ越しで何も分からない事だらけでしたが、賃貸探しのメール問い合わせからとっても丁寧に対応していただきました。 未来Rさんに内見の際初めて伺わせていただいた時も、店舗内の清潔さも完璧でした✨ 次の引っ越しの機会も未来R松井さんにお願いしたいと思っています! とっても安心して楽しく賃貸探しができてよかったです。本当にありがとうございました!
There were many things I didn't understand when I moved for the first time, but I received a very polite response from an email inquiry looking for a rent. When I first visited Mirai R for a preview, the cleanliness of the store was perfect. I would like to ask Mirai R Matsui for the next opportunity to move! I'm glad that I was able to find a rent with great peace of mind. I'm really thankful to you!
高橋太一郎 on Google

複数の不動産を回って、未来Rさんでアパートを契約しました。対応も丁寧で気持ちよく、同じアパートでも、他社よりも安く契約できたのが決め手です。 ありがとうございました!
I went around multiple real estates and contracted an apartment with Mr. Mirai R. The response was polite and comfortable, and the decisive factor was that even in the same apartment, we were able to make a contract at a lower price than other companies. thank you very much!
k ishii on Google

未来Rさんのおかげでいい物件に住めることになりましたー! 急に伺ったのにもかかわらず嫌な顔せず対応していただきなおかつスムーズに物件を決めることができ対応の速さ、親切さなら絶対に未来Rさんです! 何か困ったことがあったらまたお願いしたいです! この度は本当にありがとうございました!
Thanks to Mirai R, I can live in a good property! Even though I visited suddenly, I was able to respond smoothly without making an unpleasant face, and I was able to decide the property smoothly, and if it was the speed and kindness of the response, I would definitely be Mr. Mirai R! If you have any problems, I would like to ask again! This time, thank you very much!
根岸久美子 on Google

リフォームというと料金が気になり躊躇しながら十数年経っていました。 両親も歳をとり今しか無い、というタイミングで無理やり推し進めたリフォームでした。水まわり、和室から洋室へ、エアコン交換等々…気になる料金ではありましたが、各社見積もりを頂いて、『未来R』さんが1番良心的な価格でした。業者さんのお仕事もとても丁寧です。何より『未来R』の社長さんや担当者さんのお人柄が1番ではないかと思います。お話ししやすく、細かなところにも気を配って頂き、小さな事でも相談しながら、最後まで安心してお任せすることが出来ました。 リフォームを渋っていた父も納得のいくリフォームとなったようで、喜んでいる両親を見ると『未来R』さんにして本当に良かったと思います。
When it comes to remodeling, I was hesitant about the price and it had been more than ten years. It was a remodeling that I forcibly pushed forward at the timing when my parents were old and only now. Water around, from Japanese-style room to Western-style room, air conditioner replacement, etc ... It was a price that I was worried about, but after getting a quote from each company, "Mirai R" was the most conscientious price. The work of the trader is also very polite. Above all, I think that the personality of the president and the person in charge of "Mirai R" is the best. It was easy to talk to, and I was able to pay attention to the details, and while consulting on small matters, I was able to leave it to the end with peace of mind. My father, who was reluctant to remodel, seemed to be satisfied with the remodeling, and when I saw his happy parents, I think it was really good for Mr. Mirai R.
S on Google

口コミを見て来店。 スタッフのマスクなしの出社、会話。売り上げの話。すべて聞こえてきました。 また代表の方でしょうか、ゴルフクラブ並べコンパの話。お客に挨拶なし。 再来はないです..
Come to the store after seeing the word of mouth. Staff go to work without masks and have conversations. The story of sales. I heard everything. Also, maybe the representative, the story of the golf club line-up party. No greetings to customers. There is no return ..
Takuma Inoue on Google

I had a look at various properties, but it was Mr. Mirai R who arrived at the decisive factor. Originally I was attracted to design sense, so I visited directly and consulted. A refreshing handsome guy like Ryo Ishikawa politely answered the main points clearly. I really kindly asked for advice. And we had you introduce the featured property of transcendental high sense. Not only the good points but also the unsatisfactory points can be answered honestly, so I was able to make a decision with great confidence. Even after the decision was made, I received detailed support until I moved in, and thanks to you, I am now calm and enjoying the best new life. Mirai R wants to live in them! I have a policy of dealing only with properties that I can truly think of. There is no doubt that you should contact us!

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