Quatre-Epice Fuji - Fuji

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Quatre-Epice Fuji

住所 :

152-2 Urijimacho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0057, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 417-0057
Webサイト : https://www.quatre-epice.com/

152-2 Urijimacho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0057, Japan
えぃり on Google

富士の方には初めて来店しました! 清水と同じお店ですが雰囲気が少し違っていて楽しいですね? チョコレート専門店の方にも行ってみたかったのですが、まだオープン前でした(10月16日OPEN) 再チャレンジしたいです!
I visited Fuji for the first time! It's the same shop as Shimizu, but the atmosphere is a little different and it's fun ? I wanted to go to a chocolate shop, but it wasn't open yet (opened on October 16th). I want to try again!
Maki Patcharaporn on Google

パイ生地がすごく美味しい。全部美味しい。 コスパ? ⚠️人気のタルトがなくなる時があるので、電話で取り置き可! 駐車場あり 1年に2回も来ちゃった❤ ケーキ ★★★★★ 5.0 コーヒー ★★★★✦✧ 4.5 値段 ★★★★✦✧ 4.5 店員さん ★★★★★ 5.0 2回目 2021/3 ・いちごとホワイトチョコのタルト: 甘み、酸味、食感、文句なし ・ホワイトチョコレートのケーキ:ドンカ豆の香りとホワイトチョコレートがすごく合う。ちょっとだけ甘すぎたかなって感じ 1回目 2020/6 ・ 桃のタルト: 桃の甘みがカスタードに負けてるかな ・メロンのタルト: メロンな風味と甘みとカスタードが合う!甘すぎない ・キャトルエピスチーズケーキ: 美味しい。めっちゃ美味しい、、、 ・チーズタルト 全部こだわって作られてると思います。また絶対来る♬ 横にチョコレート工房もある♬ いつかチョコレートのコースデザート食べてみたいです。
The puff pastry is very delicious. Everything is delicious. Cospa ? ⚠️ There are times when the popular tart runs out, so you can reserve it over the phone! There is a parking lot I came twice a year ❤ Cake ★★★★★ 5.0 Coffee ★★★★ ✦✧ 4.5 Price ★★★★ ✦✧ 4.5 Clerk ★★★★★ 5.0 2nd 2021/3 ・ Strawberry and white chocolate tart: sweetness, sourness, texture, no complaints ・ White chocolate cake: The scent of donka beans and white chocolate match very well. I feel like it's a little too sweet 1st 2020/6 ・ Peach tart: I wonder if the sweetness of peach is defeated by custard ・ Melon tart: Melon flavor, sweetness and custard match! Not too sweet ・ Quatre Epis Cheesecake: Delicious. It ’s really delicious ... ・ Cheese tart I think it's all made with particular attention. Will definitely come again ♬ There is also a chocolate workshop next to it ♬ I would like to eat a chocolate course dessert someday.
shunsuke10171 on Google

I stopped by on a trip to Shizuoka. It was very crowded and I could see its popularity. I ordered a fruit tart cake and orange juice that I was interested in on the menu. Try drinking orange juice. It's like drinking fresh oranges.
sato shizuoka on Google

娘のバースデーケーキを購入させていただきました。 今回は娘の希望でチョコレートのショートケーキ(15センチ)を購入。 バナナとイチゴ、フランボワーズが入ったチョコレートケーキですが、中に入った生チョコが美味しさを増してくれ、大満足です! 娘たちも喜んで食べていました。 気付くと毎回子供たちのバースデーケーキはキャトルエピスさん。 先日購入したシャインマスカットのショートケーキ、いちじくのタルト、かぼちゃとバニラのプリンも絶品でした。 シャインマスカットのショートケーキはサワークリームとホワイトチョコが絶妙で、かなりのお気に入り。 また近いうちに購入間違い無しです! ご馳走様でした〜。
I bought my daughter's birthday cake. This time I bought a chocolate shortcake (15 cm) at the request of my daughter. It's a chocolate cake with bananas, strawberries, and framboise, but the raw chocolate inside makes it even more delicious, and I'm very satisfied! The daughters were also happy to eat. Every time I noticed, the children's birthday cake was Quatre Epis. The Shine Muscat shortcake I bought the other day, the fig tart, the pumpkin and vanilla pudding were also excellent. Shine Muscat's shortcake has exquisite sour cream and white chocolate, which is quite a favorite. There is no mistake in purchasing it in the near future! It was a treat ~.
M A on Google

I've always been interested in it. Since it was a holiday, I visited there after noon, but the seats were filled up immediately. The interior and exterior are very cute, and I felt that the theme and concept were unified. Cakes and drinks are ordered as a set. Every dessert looked delicious and I was at a loss ? A chocolate shop that requires reservations in another building right next to it? There was also. Not only young women but also housewives and other age groups were wide. Not only women but also men such as couples and families could easily come to the store. Very cute exterior and interior that looks great on Instagram for young women, and delicious cakes! !! It's fascinating ?
あんぱんまん on Google

ドリップコーヒー、アールグレイ、ベリータルト、チーズケーキを注文。バレンタインが近いからか、チョコレートの飲み物やお菓子もあって食べたかったけど、ケーキのために来店していたので我慢。 チーズケーキは予想外の控えめな甘さに、パイのとこ?がシナモン的な香りとお味。甘さを求めていた私はベリータルトの方がこの日は美味しく感じたけど、チーズケーキもまた食べたい。 雰囲気も素敵なお店なので、また来たい!
I ordered drip coffee, Earl Gray, berry tart and cheesecake. Maybe because Valentine's day is near, I wanted to eat chocolate drinks and sweets, but I had to come to the store for cakes, so I put up with it. Cheesecake has an unexpectedly modest sweetness, and is it a pie? Has a cinnamon-like aroma and taste. I was looking for sweetness, and I found the berry tart to be more delicious this day, but I also want to eat cheesecake. The atmosphere is nice, so I want to come back again!
ya Kyu on Google

ここのケーキはどれも美味しいし、 店内や外装もセンス良くて 楽しいです。 キャトルエピスチーズケーキは スパイスを使っていて他では中々食べられないのでリピートしてしまう。 土日はまず駐車場が満車になり、 イートインで3人のお客さんが先に待っているから2人席が何個も空いているのに、 2人のお客さんが何組か待っている状況だった。 テイクアウトのお客さんも駐車場があかなくて買えないし、とてもおかしな回し方をしていると思った。 そこは改善した方がいい。
All the cakes here are delicious The interior and exterior are also nice It's fun. Quatre Epis Cheesecake I use spices and I can't eat it anywhere else, so I repeat it. On Saturdays and Sundays, the parking lot is full, There are 3 seats available at the eat-in because 3 customers are waiting first, but there are many seats available. There were two customers waiting for some groups. I thought that the take-out customers couldn't buy it because there wasn't enough parking space, and they were turning it in a very strange way. It's better to improve there.
Ronaldo Yuiti Yokoyama on Google

So delicious! ?

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