酒のQoobe - Niida Shinden

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酒のQoobe

住所 :

Niida Shinden, 〒010-1427 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88898
Postal code : 010-1427
Webサイト : http://www.sakenoqoobe.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Akita

Niida Shinden, 〒010-1427 Akita,Japan
Y, &U on Google

There are abundant sakes outside Akita Prefecture.
shinobu ito on Google

仁井田の隠れ家。 ワイン好きにはたまらないセレクト。 ギフト選びにも!
Niida's hideout. A must-have selection for wine lovers. Also for gift selection!
おたぉた on Google

Akita is full of rare sake! I want to go again!
COZY K on Google

It's very difficult to understand because it's a store like a normal house in a residential area. There is a climber, so use it as a guide. The people at the store were kind and had good liquor.
渡邊直太郎 on Google

本店、十文字店では大変親切に対応していただきました。 ありがとうございました! ただ御所野店の対応は少し残念でした 大量に購入しても扉を開けてくれるでもなく 店頭に陳列(冷蔵庫外)されている商品を購入すると埃がかぶったまま段ボールへ
The main store and Jumonji store were very kind to me. Thank you very much! However, the correspondence of the Goshono store was a little disappointing. Even if you buy a lot, it will not open the door, and if you buy a product that is displayed at the store (outside the refrigerator), it will be covered with dust and will be cardboard.
OZオズ on Google

There are local sakes, but there are also sakes from outside the prefecture, so it is recommended.
Shota Saito on Google

住宅街にある小さなお店ですが、品揃えが尋常ではないです。余りのバリエーションに、店に入るだけでわくわくします。 焼酎、日本ワイン、リキュール、そして県外の日本酒では、秋田県内の酒屋さんでは一番でしょう。
It is a small shop in the residential area, but the product lineup is not extraordinary. I am excited just by entering the shop to the rest variation. For shochu, Japanese wine, liqueur, and sake outside the prefecture, it is probably best at a liquor store in Akita Prefecture.
M K on Google

小さなお酒屋さんなんですけど 手に入りづらいお酒が何種類も置いてありました 有り難いです またおじゃま致します
It's a small liquor store, but I'm grateful that there were many types of liquor that were hard to get. I will bother you again

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