Q太郎 total body care 鍼灸院 梅田

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Q太郎 total body care 鍼灸院 梅田

住所 :

Kawai Bld., 2 Chome−10−21 第三, Sonezaki, Kita Ward, 〒530-0057 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Webサイト : https://mitsuraku.jp/salon/83107/
街 : Osaka

Kawai Bld., 2 Chome−10−21 第三, Sonezaki, Kita Ward, 〒530-0057 Osaka,Japan
yu mizu on Google

スタッフさん、全員、懸命で施術効果あり。 そして、気持ちの良い対応してくれます。 それだけでも癒されます。
The staff and everyone are working hard and effective. And he / she responds comfortably. It alone will be healed.
山根芳樹 on Google

It seems that the hospital is promoting beauty all over, but the treatment is solid and the waist is in good condition.
mu mu on Google

首の矯正をして頂きました! 仕事上、前傾姿勢になる事がほとんどで どうしても肩こりや首こりが慢性化して とてもしんどかったのですが びっくりする程ボキボキ鳴ったと思ったら びっくりする程ラクになりました✨ 鍼治療も不調に合わせて施術してもらえますし きじま先生のゴッドハンドは最強です!! 今後とも宜しくお願い致します❣️
I had my neck straightened! Most of the time, I'm leaning forward at work. Stiff shoulders and stiff neck have become chronic It was very tough If you think it rang so much that you were surprised It became surprisingly easy ✨ You can also have acupuncture treatment according to your condition. Kijima-sensei's God Hand is the strongest! !! Thank you for your continued support ❣️
根本優子 on Google

美容鍼を普段受けています。間隔が空くと顔の動きが悪いので定期的に通うようにしています。 先生自身が色んな施術を試されているので話を聞いていても面白いです。
I usually receive beauty acupuncture. I try to go there regularly because my face doesn't move well when there is a gap. It is interesting to listen to the story because the teacher himself has tried various treatments.
iroha sni on Google

木島先生に担当して頂き、難波院のときから通わせてもらってます? 美顔鍼は顔の浮腫みが取れたりリフトアップにもなるので欠かせないです? マッサージも肩こり等がすぐに治るのでゴッドハンドです!
I have been in charge of Mr. Kijima, and I have been attending since I was in Namba ? Facial acupuncture is indispensable because it can remove swelling of the face and lift up ? Massage is also a god hand because stiff shoulders etc. will be healed immediately!
赤嶺紗羅 on Google

小顔矯正と美容鍼で心斎橋院の頃から通わせていただいてます! 木島先生が梅田院に異動されてからは梅田院にお邪魔していますが、清潔感のある院内で落ち着きます! 不調もしっかり治してくださるので 首の矯正や身体の針なども全てお任せしています。 数年続けていますが調子も良いです。 いつも丁寧な施術ありがとうございます?
I have been attending small face correction and beauty acupuncture since I was in Shinsaibashi-in! I have been visiting Umeda-in since Mr. Kijima was transferred to Umeda-in, but I feel calm in the clean hospital! Because it will heal your illness well We also take care of neck correction and body needles. I've been doing it for several years and it's in good shape. Thank you for your polite treatment ?
K S. on Google

とってもオススメです!美容整体と美容鍼のメニューで通っていますが、姿勢と巻き肩が改善してO脚気味だった脚もかなり改善されました。 美容鍼を始めてから、長年悩んでいた鼻から頬にかけての毛穴はかなり目立たなくなり、マスクでの肌荒れとニキビがほとんどできなくなり、肌質改善を実感しています。 院内の雰囲気も明るく清潔感が保たれていて毎回楽しく通っています! メニュー内容も豊富で、価格も内容の充実度を考えるとちょっと心配になるぐらいです…! 安心して通える院なので悩まれてる方にはぜひ行ってみて欲しいです、
I highly recommend it! I go to the menu of cosmetology and cosmetology acupuncture, but my posture and curly shoulders have improved, and my legs, which seemed to be O-legs, have also improved considerably. The pores from the nose to the cheeks, which I have been worried about for many years since I started beauty acupuncture, have become much less noticeable, and I can hardly get rough skin and acne with a mask, and I feel that my skin quality has improved. The atmosphere in the hospital is bright and clean, and I enjoy going there every time! The menu is abundant, and the price is a little worrisome considering the level of content ...! It's a hospital where you can go with peace of mind, so if you're worried, I definitely want you to go.
MYKT MN on Google

姿勢矯正で通ってます! 一人で本やネットでどうにか改善しようとした時期もありましたが、挫折しました… 丁寧な施術とアドバイスがあるので途中で挫ける事は無いです! 施術後はもちろん、姿勢が改善してきて腰と肩が楽になりました✨ これからもよろしくお願いします(^人^)
I go for posture correction! There was a time when I tried to improve by myself with books and online, but I was frustrated ... With careful treatment and advice, you won't be disappointed on the way! After the treatment, of course, my posture has improved and my waist and shoulders have become easier. Thank you for your continued support (^ people ^)

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