Pure Cook - Hatsukaichi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pure Cook

住所 :

2 Chome-20-13 Miyajimaguchiue, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0413, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 739-0413
Webサイト : https://www.purecook.jp/aobadai/

2 Chome-20-13 Miyajimaguchiue, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0413, Japan
田村稔 on Google

The weather is bad on Sunday evening, so I wonder if there are fewer customers than usual?
milky “milky” on Google

The product lineup and price range are almost the same as Fuji. There is a large flower shop at the entrance, probably because there are many graves in the area, but the price is 1.5 to 2 times higher than the supermarket in the city!
浮田貴之 on Google

朝 7時から、パン 半額多少 あります。
From 7am, there is some half price for bread.
もみじ on Google

コンパクトなスーパーで、時間の無い時には最適!週末は朝駐車場で朝市をしていて、生鮮野菜・果物を安く売っていますよ。 2020年9月にリニューアルしました。隣のmeetsは無くなって、マツモトキヨシがオープンしました。遂に廿日市市にもやってきた!
It's a compact supermarket, perfect when you don't have time! On weekends, we have a morning market in the parking lot in the morning and sell fresh vegetables and fruits at low prices. It was renewed in September 2020. The next meets disappeared and Matsumoto Kiyoshi opened. Finally, I came to Hatsukaichi City!
YUDUKI on Google

いつも利用してますが、肉屋や魚屋が独立してある訳じゃないので、これがほしいと言っても手に入らない物ばかりです。 近隣にあるピュアークックより値段が安いものが多いので重宝してますが、これはあるのにこれがないの!?って物が多々あるように感じるので、☆は3つにしときます。 ですが、惣菜助かってます!
I use it all the time, but the butchers and fishmongers are not independent, so even if I want this, I can't get it. It's useful because many of them are cheaper than the nearby Pure Cook, but I have this but I don't have it! ?? I feel that there are many things, so I will set the number of ☆ to three. However, the side dish is saved!
コマキ on Google

店員さんが親切です。 土曜は朝市をしていて賑わっています。 魚屋さんもあり品揃えも多いです
The clerk is kind. It's a busy morning market on Saturdays. There is also a fish shop and there are many assortments
kouji fujiwara on Google

店内も駐車場も広い。対岸の宮島の眺望は、勿論Good Wiue
The inside of the store and the parking lot are large. Of course, the view of Miyajima on the opposite bank is Good Wiue.
h k on Google

レジが遅い。大抵2人体制でレジを稼働してるけどそれぞれ3~4人並んだらやっとレジ応援の放送がかかる。 酷いときはレジに一人も人がいない。
The cashier is late. Usually, the cash register is operated by two people, but when 3 or 4 people are lined up, the cash register support will finally be broadcast. When it's terrible, there is no one at the cash register.

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