カトマンドゥカリーPUJA宝塚 - Takarazuka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カトマンドゥカリーPUJA宝塚

住所 :

Yumotocho, Takarazuka, 〒665-0003 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797899
Postal code : 665-0003
Webサイト : https://puja.ne.jp/shop/takarazuka/
街 : Hyogo

Yumotocho, Takarazuka, 〒665-0003 Hyogo,Japan
Takeeeru K on Google

とても美味しいカレーです。 チーズナンも、これでもかってくらいチーズが入っててカレー無しでも美味しく食べれます。 ビールも種類豊富で、南インドのビールだけで6種類ほど。ハートランドも生ビールでいただけます。
It's a very delicious curry. Cheese nan also contains a lot of cheese and can be eaten deliciously without curry. There is a wide variety of beers, and there are about 6 types of South Indian beers alone. Heartland is also served with draft beer.
いーちゃん(i.m) on Google

かなり日本人好みに寄せてるので、ネパール料理店と思って行くと残念なお店です。 カレーの辛さは普通の辛さ3を頂きましたが、スパイスの深みは感じられませんでした。 量も他店よりも少な目で、残念なお店でした。 スタッフさんの対応は良かったと思いますよ!
It's a shame to think of it as a Nepalese restaurant because it's quite popular with Japanese people. The spiciness of the curry was normal spiciness 3, but I could not feel the depth of the spices. The quantity was smaller than other stores, so it was a shame. I think the staff's response was good!
SK Taka on Google

かなり甘めのカレーです。 甘いというのは、スパイスもきつくないだけでなく、玉ねぎの甘さなのか甘味の強いカレーでした。塩分はかなり控えめ。 ナンはもちもちして、甘味もあり美味しかったです。地元では人気の店なのか、私のような初訪問者も訪れていました。 もう少ししっかりした味のほうが好みでしたが、注文から食事の提供までスムーズでしたし、テーブルごとの仕切りのカーテンがありました。
It's a pretty sweet curry. The sweetness was not only that the spices were not too strong, but also that the curry had a strong sweetness, probably because of the sweetness of the onions. The salt content is fairly modest. Nan was chewy, sweet and delicious. Perhaps it is a popular shop in the local area, first-time visitors like me also visited. I preferred the taste to be a little more solid, but it was smooth from ordering to serving meals, and there was a partition curtain for each table.

ナンといえば、ここのお店です。 とても美味しいです。 ランチタイムは、プレーンナンがおかわりし放題なので、嬉しいです。
Nan is the shop here. it tastes very good. At lunchtime, I'm glad that plain naan is all-you-can-eat.
Review Cyclist on Google

カレーの香りや建物が印象的ですぐにつくことができました。 主婦の方やご家族連れの方が多くランチをされており、店内は黒を基調に開放感ある店内で落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 チーズナンとプレーンナンはどちらもできたてで美味しく、日本人好みに丁寧に調整されてる印象でした。 安いランチは990円からでナン食べ放題ととてもコスパの良いお店です!
The scent of curry and the building were impressive and I was able to make it immediately. Many housewives and families had lunch, and the interior was black and had a calm atmosphere. Both cheese naan and plain naan were fresh and delicious, and I had the impression that they were carefully adjusted to Japanese taste. Cheap lunch starts from 990 yen and is a very cospa restaurant with all-you-can-eat naan!
Gaurav Kumar on Google

Awsome place...pocket friendly
Rebecca BG on Google

Excellent naan and curry. A little on the expensive side, but worth it!
藤原直彦 on Google

This is a japanized curry restaurant. Taste is good, however, it is not a genuine original taste. Service is good by inplementiong japanese saervice style. Clean and tidy decor is also fitting for Takarazuka madam group.

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