PRONTO Nisi-Arai Station Shop - Adachi City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PRONTO Nisi-Arai Station Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-1-1 Nishiaraisakaecho, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 123-0843
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–9PM
Sunday 7AM–9PM
Monday 7AM–9PM
Tuesday 7AM–9PM
Wednesday 7AM–9PM
Thursday 7AM–9PM
Friday 7AM–9PM

2 Chome-1-1 Nishiaraisakaecho, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0843, Japan
Gravure Daisuki on Google

1つ難点を言えば従業員の業務以外の私語がカウンター前で多い。 料理も美味しく、接客態度や常連客への掛け声も素晴らしいんだけど、 業務以外の私語をカウンター前でされるのが気になる。 コロナ禍ですし、謹んでほしい。
One difficulty is that there are many private languages ​​in front of the counter other than the work of employees. The food is delicious, the customer service attitude and the shouts to regular customers are wonderful, I'm worried that my private language other than business is spoken in front of the counter. It's a corona wreck, and I want you to be proud.
めぼくくkち on Google

西新井駅周辺は喫茶店が少ないので助かります。 チェーン店ですのでサービスは均一ですし、駅改札の正面にありますから迷わず探さず濡れずに入店可能です。 東口を出てすぐのところにもチェーンの喫茶店がありますが、駅の階段を降りるのと道路を渡る必要があるので駅からの利便性はココに軍配が上がります。 雨の日や列車の運行に支障があるときなどは混雑します。 また朝の遅めの時間帯から日中にかけて地元の年配の方を中心に利用されているようで、しばしば店内が騒がしくなります。 西新井駅での待ち合わせには適した店だと思います。 交通系電子マネーが使えます。
There are few coffee shops around Nishiarai station, so it is helpful. Since it is a chain store, the service is uniform, and since it is in front of the station ticket gate, you can enter the store without getting lost without getting lost. There is a chain coffee shop just outside the east exit, but since it is necessary to get off the stairs of the station and cross the road, convenience from the station will be given a good deal here. It is crowded on rainy days or when train operation is hindered. In addition, it seems that the elderly are used mainly by the locals from the late morning hours to the daytime, which often makes the store noisy. I think it's a good place to meet up at Nishiarai station. You can use transportation electronic money.
Sungbin Park on Google

무료 와이파이가 있습니다. 좌석 마다 무료로 충전을 할수 있습니다. 직원분들도 친절합니다!!
There is free wifi. You can charge each seat for free. The staff are also friendly!!
taro aso on Google

・輩のような男性店員(私服なので気付かず)が平気で汚いリュックをテーブルの上に置いている ・女性店員がレジ打ちを間違えて、それは仕方ないとしても、申し訳なさを感じない淡々とした返金対応でとても失礼
・ A male clerk like a junior (I don't notice because it's plain clothes) puts a calm and dirty backpack on the table ・ Even if a female clerk makes a mistake in making a cash register and it can't be helped, I'm very rude because she doesn't feel sorry for the refund.
Riri Ao on Google

Not very crowded. You can use an outlet. The music is very noisy.
M K on Google

昼間はパソコンをやってる人ばっかり。コーヒー1杯で長居する人が多い感じ。 OLだか学生だか分かりませんが若い女性がオンライン会議だかなんだかやっていて、ヘッドホンをしながらやっているのでパソコンからの声は聞こえませんが、お姉さんの喋っている声がずっと聞こえててうるさすぎ。 家でやればいいのに。 お昼時だったので混んでもいたし、恥ずかしくないのか。
In the daytime, there are only people who use computers. It feels like many people stay longer with a cup of coffee. I don't know if it's an office lady or a student, but I can't hear the voice from the computer because the young woman is doing an online meeting and doing it while wearing headphones, but it's noisy to hear her sister's voice all the time. Too much. I wish I could do it at home. It was lunchtime, so it was crowded, so isn't it embarrassing?
came usagito on Google

少し遅めのランチがてら入店しました。場所は西新井駅を出てすぐのところにあります。雨に濡れずにお店まで行けます。コーヒーをお代わりしたので二回レジで店員さんに対応していただきましたが、お二人ともとても感じが良くてスムーズでした。店内はほぼ満席でしたが、年配の方の利用が比較的多かったように思います。 この日は外が物凄く寒かったからか、店内もけっこう寒かったです。立地が良いので西新井に立ち寄った際は、また利用すると思います。
I entered the store after a little late lunch. The location is just outside Nishiarai Station. You can go to the store without getting wet in the rain. Since I changed the coffee, I had the clerk respond to me twice at the cash register, but both of them felt very good and smooth. The store was almost full, but I think it was used by the elderly relatively often. It was quite cold inside the store, probably because it was extremely cold outside. The location is good, so I think I will use it again when I stop by Nishiarai.
kazumi on Google

時間を潰すのに立ち寄りました 店員さん皆さんとても丁寧でそんなに待ってないのに大変お待たせしましたとまで言ってくださって… とても居心地よかったです ドリンクは期間限定のものをいただきました とても美味しかったです 入口すぐのお席に座りました。できればこのお席にもパーテーションが欲しいなって思いました
I stopped by to kill time The clerk was very polite and even told me that I had to wait so long even though I didn't wait so long ... It was very comfortable I got a drink for a limited time It was very delicious I sat in the seat right next to the entrance. I wanted a partition for this seat if possible

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