お風呂倶楽部 produce by 株式会社ヤマユウ

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お風呂倶楽部 produce by 株式会社ヤマユウ

住所 :

Sakuragawa, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.ofuro-club.com/
街 : Osaka

Sakuragawa, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0022 Osaka,Japan
角蝶 on Google

職人さんがとても気さくな方で安心できました。 ありがとうございました!
I was relieved that the craftsman was very friendly. thank you!
元山虹之介 on Google

It was a good response! The finish is also wonderful!
High Vine on Google

I had you remodel the bathroom. The person in charge was very kind to me, and I had a detailed meeting in advance, so I was satisfied with the construction. I am very satisfied with the finish.
テントル on Google

お風呂のリフォームをお願い致しました。 職人さんが気さくな方で、こちらの質問にも快く答えていただきました。 仕上がりにも満足です!
I asked you to remodel the bath. The craftsman was a friendly person, and he was willing to answer this question. I am satisfied with the finish!
山崎美香 on Google

It's a bath specialty store, so I was able to leave it to you with confidence. The finish is also very satisfying!
ルルーシュ佐藤 on Google

お風呂場をリフォームしていただきました。 仕上がりも大変満足しています。
I had you remodel the bathroom. I am very satisfied with the finish.
ニワトリの涙 on Google

The whole family is delighted with the finish beyond the image (^ O ^) I'm glad I asked you!
本田昌宏 on Google

I spent more time at home and asked for a renovation of the bathroom to refresh myself. It's getting better and I like it very much.

Write some of your reviews for the company お風呂倶楽部 produce by 株式会社ヤマユウ


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