Private Skin Clinic

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪の美容外科、美容皮膚科ならプライベートスキンクリニックまで -


Contact Private Skin Clinic

住所 :

Kita Ward, 〒530-0002 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
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街 : Osaka

Kita Ward, 〒530-0002 Osaka,Japan
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20代後半です。8ヶ月前に埋没法の3点止めを受けて、今でもキレイな二重です。奥二重で目つきが悪かったので受けて本当に良かったと思います! カウンセリングでは、先生がしっかりと説明してくださったので安心して施術を受けることができました。他にもエラボトックスも受けた時の先生は、埋没法をしてくださった先生とは違う方でしたが説明が丁寧で優しい方でした。効果もしっかり感じれてどちらも大満足でした。 他の美容クリニックにも行ったことはありますが、プライベートスキンクリニックさんの受付の方やカウンセラーさん、ナースの方、皆さん話しかけやすくて通いやすいクリニックだと思います。肌治療もお手頃で受けたい施術があるし、ヒアルロン酸リフトアップなどのエイジングケアにも強いクリニックなので長く通っていきたいなと思います。?
I'm in my late 20s. Eight months ago, I received a three-point stop from the burial method, and it is still a beautiful double. I think it was really good to receive it because it was double-sided and had a bad look! In the counseling, the teacher explained it well, so I was able to receive the treatment with confidence. The teacher who also received Elabotox was different from the teacher who did the burial method, but the explanation was polite and kind. I felt the effect firmly and was very satisfied with both. I've been to other beauty clinics, but I think it's an easy-to-talk and easy-to-go clinic for private skin clinic receptionists, counselors, and nurses. There are some skin treatments that I would like to receive at a reasonable price, and since it is a clinic that is strong in aging care such as hyaluronic acid lift-up, I would like to go there for a long time. ?
Osaka m on Google

The counseling was a doctor, but the laser irradiation was not a doctor. I was worried that the doctor who provided the counseling did not have a background on the website. The effect was still a wait-and-see after the third treatment, but the customer service was polite and there was no strange solicitation compared to other hospitals. The location is also good.
Ka You on Google

ダーマペンで通わせてもらっています。 他の美容外科にも行ったことがありますが、ここは先生やスタッフさんたちが丁寧で、カウンセリングも緊張せずに色々と質問出来たのが良かったです。 ニキビ跡に悩んでいたのですが、回を重ねるごとに少しずつ効果が出てきて嬉しいです? 全体的にハリやツヤも出てきたような感じです。 いつもダーマペンをやってくれる看護師さん方をはじめ、受付さんや先生もみなさん優しいです! これからもよろしくお願いします^_^
Ask ʟove on Google

カウンセリングは女性がしてくださり、男の先生が担当します!と同じような内容のお話をもう一度してくださいました。。。 全く男の先生は現れず、施術が普通に女性で始まり終わりました。意味不明? ハイフだけ男の先生が現れて施術してくださるのだと思ってました。 別に男の先生の評判を聞いて男の先生が良くて行ったわけではなかったのですが。。。あまりにも意味不明で施術自体もクリニック自体も不満足極まりなく終わりました。。。 効果があれば続けようと思っていた施術だったんですけど、余程の効果がないかぎり他のクリニックにお世話になると思います。
The counseling was done by a woman, and the man's teacher was in charge of it! .. .. No male teacher appeared at all, and the procedure usually started and ended with a female. Meaningless ? I thought that only Hythe would have a male teacher appear and perform the treatment. Apart from hearing the reputation of the male teacher, the male teacher did not go well. .. .. It was so unclear that the procedure itself and the clinic itself were extremely unsatisfactory. .. .. I was thinking of continuing the procedure if it was effective, but I think it will be taken care of by other clinics as long as it is not very effective.
あい on Google

最悪です。腕のほくろ除去をしましまが、1年経っても赤く盛り上がり傷が残りました。定期検診を依頼しても、医師ではなくカウンセラーのみで終わった時もある。非常に適当。また、医師でもカウンセラーでも、腕のほくろ除去の後に対して何か治療法を提案する訳でもなく「経過観察」と仰るのみ。 本当に腕のほくろ除去の赤みに悩み、皮膚科に行くとケロイド(肥厚性瘢痕)と判断されてすぐに定期注射で対応。お陰様で傷はだいぶ良くなりました。 つまり、ほくろ除去後、適切な診断及び対応が出来ず大変失望しました。ケロイド治療ができないのであれば他の病院を紹介するなどの責任も取れないということですよね。本当に嫌な思いをしました。二度と同じ経験を他の人には味わってほしくないので書き込みます。 腕のほくろ除去は数年前に他院で行いましたが、一切傷は残らず綺麗でしたので、体質の問題というよりは施術した医師のスキル問題です。
It's the worst. I removed the mole on my arm, but even after a year, it swelled red and left a scar. Even if you request a regular checkup, there are times when you end up with only a counselor, not a doctor. Very suitable. Also, neither doctors nor counselors suggest any treatment after removing the mole on the arm, but just say "follow-up". I was really worried about the redness of the mole removal on my arm, and when I went to the dermatologist, it was judged to be keloid (hypertrophic scar) and I immediately responded with a regular injection. Thanks to you, my wounds have improved a lot. In other words, after removing the mole, I was very disappointed that I could not make an appropriate diagnosis and response. If you can't treat keloids, you can't take responsibility for referrals to other hospitals. I really didn't like it. I don't want other people to experience the same experience again, so I will write it. I removed the mole on my arm at another hospital a few years ago, but it was clean with no scars left, so it's not a matter of constitution but a skill of the doctor who performed the procedure.
かえる(かえる) on Google

遠隔のコスメカウンセリングしてもらいました。 皮向けしたくない、とお伝えしましたが高濃度レチノールを勧められました。A反応の出にくい商品でも考えている、と伝えましたがどの商品が私に合うかはクリニックに来て先生に診断してもらい写真を撮って肌状態見ないと…と言われました。遠隔のコスメカウンセリングは一体なんの為にされてるのかわかりませんでした。ただシミにはこれが効く、とネットに載っているような情報と同じ事を繰り返されただけだったので少し残念です。またクリニックで診察してもらえる機会あればお願いします。
I had a remote cosmetics counseling. I told you that I don't want to use it for the skin, but I was recommended to use high-concentration retinol. A I told you that I'm thinking about products that don't respond easily, but I was told that I had to come to the clinic to see which product suits me, have my teacher diagnose it, take a picture, and look at my skin condition. I didn't know what the remote cosmetic counseling was for. It's a little disappointing because I just repeated the same thing as the information on the net that this works for stains. Also, if you have the opportunity to see a doctor at the clinic, please.
MASA on Google

脇汗がひどいので、相談したところミラドライの施術を勧められました。 初めての美容クリニックだったので緊張してましたが、カウンセラーの方や先生も話しやすく、安心しました。 その日に施術をお願いしたのですが、最初の麻酔は痛みがありますが、麻酔が効いてからは全然いたみを感じなかったです。 施術中も看護師さんが優しく話しかけてもらい、気づいたら施術が終わっていました。 こちらのクリニックのスタッフさんは皆さん暖かく迎えてもらい、またクリニックもリニューアルしたてで、とても清潔感があって、また通いたいと思いました。
I had a lot of sweat on my side, so when I consulted, I was recommended to have Miradry. I was nervous because it was my first beauty clinic, but I was relieved that the counselors and teachers were easy to talk to. I asked for the treatment on that day, and although the first anesthesia was painful, I didn't feel any damage after the anesthesia was effective. During the procedure, the nurse kindly talked to me, and when I noticed, the procedure was over. The staff at this clinic were all warmly welcomed, and the clinic was renewed, so it was very clean and I wanted to go there again.
ああ on Google

At first, I was taken care of by removing the mole. Although I was nervous at the first beauty clinic, the staff here are kind, and the doctor's examination was polite and the treatment was speedy, so I was impressed. I wanted to try it. The other day, I asked only for counseling about slimming, but even if there was an explanation of the course, there was no unreasonable solicitation, but rather I consulted with my parents from beginning to end, saying that they would make suggestions according to my illness and situation. Thank you. The location is good, and it has been renewed to become a more beautiful and spacious space. Although the price is reasonable, I think there are clinics with lower prices depending on the course. However, even though I don't spend a lot of money at all, I have the trust and satisfaction that I was able to spend without feeling unpleasant with the rough treatment and treatment, so I will click here again for slimming and aging care while saving beauty expenses steadily. I would like to take care of you.

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