食堂カフェpotto×タニタカフェ イオンモール堺北花田店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食堂カフェpotto×タニタカフェ イオンモール堺北花田店

住所 :

Higashiasakayamacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8008 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.potto-has.com/
街 : Osaka

Higashiasakayamacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8008 Osaka,Japan
当帰ナターシャ on Google

片付けられていないテーブルばかりで 座る席が限られる。 オーダーも呼び鈴を押し続けて 10分程待ってようやく来る。 1番許せないのが レンチンしたラップに包まれたご飯を 炊飯器に大量に移し替えていたので あれをみんなが食べているのかと 残念になった。 モチモチ感ではなく ベタベタの冷凍臭さがあり 食べる事に抵抗がある臭気。 従業員さんの服装が セーラー服コスプレみたいな方が居て 本当に驚いた。 清潔さが何ひとつ無いので 小さなお子様が居る方には 絶対におすすめできません。 もちろん次回は絶対に行きません。
Only the tables that haven't been cleaned up Seats are limited. Keep pushing the doorbell for the order Wait for about 10 minutes and finally come. The most unforgivable thing Rice wrapped in a lentin wrap Because I had transferred a lot to the rice cooker I wonder if everyone is eating that I'm sorry. Not a feeling of chewy There is a sticky frozen odor An odor that is resistant to eating. The clothes of the employees There is a person like a sailor suit cosplay I was really surprised. Because there is no cleanliness For those with small children I definitely can't recommend it. Of course I will never go next time.
C monet on Google

平日の夜?? 空いててゆったりできました(’-’*)♪ 唐揚げの軽やかさにびっくりでウマウマ\(^_^)/ トマトソースのハンバーグは とってもジューシーで旨味が詰まってる(^_^) お米も軽い食感で食べやすい~(^.^) 大抵 あっさりしすぎると物足りないものだが、私の心は 高い満足度で満たされた(^^)d リピ決定~(*^ー゚)
Weekday night ?? I was able to relax and relax ('-' *) ♪ I was surprised at the lightness of the fried chicken and the horse \ (^ _ ^) / The hamburger with tomato sauce is very juicy and full of flavor (^ _) ^) Rice is also light texture and easy to eat ~ (^. ^) It's usually unsatisfactory if it's too light, but my heart was filled with high satisfaction (^^) d Lipi decision ~ (* ^ ー ゚)
ゆきぷーJamnanifam on Google

Fashionable, cheap and delicious desserts. It's a little-known spot on weekdays.
Cana S on Google

お水以外に何種類か健康的な飲み物がありお得感がすごい✨ ゆったりと食事ができる環境。 お子様連れや赤ちゃんっ連れ高齢者も一緒に家族みんなでご飯が食べられる環境がとても素敵だと思います♪
There are several kinds of healthy drinks other than water, and it is a great deal ✨ An environment where you can relax and enjoy your meal. I think the environment where the whole family can eat together with children and the elderly with babies is very nice ♪
Osaka あおいみかんTae-Tae on Google

スイーツとドリンクのセットが思いの外お得で良かった。豆乳ソフトクリームが豆乳とは思えない濃厚さで美味しかった。コーヒーは酸味のある飲みやすい感じ デトックスウォーターも見るからにいい感じ。
The set of sweets and drinks was unexpectedly good value. The soy milk soft serve was so rich and delicious that I couldn't think of it as soy milk. Coffee is sour and easy to drink It feels good to see the detox water.
Pan on Google

開放感あふれる店内で、ソファなどもこだわられていて、ゆっくりと過ごすことができます。 ベジプレートを注文。 ご飯がとっても美味しかったです。 選べるメインはローストビーフを頼みましたが、硬くなく予想以上に量もあり、満足です。付け合わせは味噌汁と香の物の量が少なめです。 追加でコーヒーとケーキもいただきましたが、バスクチーズケーキはいい意味での手作り感があり、焦げ目や甘さが絶妙でした。必ずまた食べようと思いました。
In the store, which is full of openness, you can spend a relaxing time with the sofas and other items. I ordered a veggie plate. The rice was very delicious. I ordered roast beef as the main choice, but I am satisfied because it is not hard and the amount is larger than expected. Garnish with a small amount of miso soup and pickles. I also had coffee and cake, but the Basque cheese cake had a nice handmade feel, and the browning and sweetness were exquisite. I definitely wanted to eat it again.
ぎゃるまま日記 on Google

「イオンモール堺北花田」3Fで、以前から気になっていた 「potto×タニタカフェ」でランチ をしました。 健康とダイエット にも強い味方のメニューが沢山あります。 瀬戸内レモンやオレンジのお冷に青汁などは飲み放題♪ 店内はとてもお洒落でキャンプ 風というか、 私たちが座った席は家具屋さんのようでとてもお洒落でした。 VegePLATE(1,420円)⠀ 長生き味噌汁、日替わり小鉢3種、漬物2種、黒米、選べるメイン⠀ ⠀ └豪州黒牛ローストビーフすりおろし玉ねぎ醤油タレ⠀ └サーモンフライ博多明太子のタルタルソース⠀ └あご出汁と塩麹備中高原鶏のから揚げ⠀ └赤魚の竜田揚げ黒酢生姜あんかけ⠀ └備中高原鶏のスイートチリマヨチキン焦がしアーモンド⠀ └岡山県邑久産カキフライ 瀬戸内レモンのタルタルソース⠀ └ぶり大根⠀ 「カキフライ」プレート カキフライは、とても身が大きくてジューシーで 臭みも無くてめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。 ご飯は粳米と黒米を半々で炊いたものだそうで もっちりねっとりしていてコクもあって美味しいです♪ ⠀ 日替わり小鉢は、パプリカ、きゅうり、冥加のピクルス、 3種のビーンズ、高菜、梅クラゲでした。 普段食べない野菜(笑)が、とても食べやすく味付けされていて いいおかずになります。 ヘルシーなのかペロッと食べてしまいました。
I've always been interested in "AEON MALL Sakai Kita Hanada" on the 3rd floor. We had lunch at "potto x Tanita Cafe". There are many ally menus that are good for health and diet. All-you-can-drink green juice with cold lemons and oranges from Setouchi ♪ The inside of the store is very fashionable and it's like camping. The seats we sat on were like a furniture store and were very fashionable. VegePLATE (1,420 yen) ⠀ Longevity miso soup, 3 kinds of daily small bowls, 2 kinds of pickles, black rice, main to choose ⠀ ⠀ └ Australian black beef roast beef grated onion soy sauce sauce ⠀ └ Salmon fry Hakata mentaiko tartar sauce ⠀ └ Chin soup stock and salted koji Bitchukogen chicken fried chicken ⠀ └ Red fish tatsutaage black vinegar ginger ankake ⠀ └ Bitchukogen Hokugen Chicken Sweet Chili Mayo Chicken Scorched Almond ⠀ └ Fried oysters from Oku, Okayama Prefecture Setouchi lemon tartar sauce ⠀ └ Buri daikon ⠀ "Kaki fry" plate Kaki fry is very big and juicy There was no smell and it was insanely delicious. It seems that the rice is made by cooking rice and black rice in half. It's moist and rich, and it's delicious ♪ ⠀ Daily small bowls are paprika, cucumber, pickles of Meika, There were 3 kinds of beans, mustard and plum jellyfish. Vegetables that I don't usually eat (laughs) are very easy to eat and seasoned It will be a good side dish. I ate it because it was healthy.
Osaka Finds on Google

Great place to eat with a toddler. The food was very healthy and the venue was quite cozy. Lots of the seating area seemed very comfortable. They offer free water that are infused with different types of fruits which was good to try. We had the spaghetti carbonara with such a beautiful egg on top, a meatball kids meal that came with crisscross fries and rice, and we had their signature box that had a few Japanese side dishes, chicken Nanban, rice and miso soup which were all great by the way. We stayed at the side were the seatings were on floor and had some cushions to sit on. It had a kitchen play area with some aprons, fruits, vegetables and some cooking utensils that kept the children busy while waiting for the food.

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