Polka Dot Cafe - Nagano

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Polka Dot Cafe

住所 :

Gondocho-2390-1, Nagano, 380-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 380-0833
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/pages/category/Personal-Blog/Polka-dot-cafe-2086043698283845/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

Gondocho-2390-1, Nagano, 380-0833, Japan
gimi narco (narco) on Google

友達に連れて行ってもらいました。 外観は古い商店?民家?をステキにリノベーションした店舗で、1Fがポルカドットカフェさんで、2Fが古着屋さん、店舗の隣りの空きスペースではワゴン車?で販売しているかき氷屋さんで、後半3枚の写真は、そちらで食べたサツマイモのかき氷の写真です。 ポルカドットカフェさんでは、 私は日替り?のアボカドとお刺身の和物がメインの定食にしました。 小鉢が沢山あって、色々食べられて嬉しかったです。 アボカドもちゃんと熟れており、味付けが和風寄りのハワイのポキと言った感じで美味しいし、ほかの小鉢もそれぞれ一風変わった味付けのモノが多く、楽しく食事が出来ました。 写真は撮って無いですが、ポルカドットカフェさんのミントチョコかき氷も大変美味しかったです!
I had my friend take me. Is it an old store? Private house? Is a renovated store, the 1st floor is Polka Dot Cafe, the 2nd floor is a second-hand clothing store, and a wagon car in the empty space next to the store? The last three photos from the squid ice shop sold at are the sweet potato shaved ices I ate there. At Polka Dot Cafe, Am I changing daily? Japanese avocado and sashimi was the main set meal. There were a lot of small bowls, and I was happy to be able to eat various dishes. The avocado is also ripe properly, and the flavor is delicious like a Japanese Hawaiian poki, and other small bowls also have unique flavors, so I enjoyed eating. I haven't taken any photos, but the polka dot cafe's mint chocolate shaved ice was also very delicious!
Masahiro Kanai on Google

古い民家を上手にリノベーションしていたと思います。所々diy感が出ていて、それもまた良い味わいでした。 ランチにしては1000円〜2000円程と多少単価が高いかもしれませんが、10品近く出てくる料理はどれも美味しかったです。料理提供まで少し時間がかかるので時間に余裕のある方向けですね! シャインマスカットがのってる杏仁豆腐美味しかったです?
I think it was a good renovation of an old private house. There was a DIY feeling in some places, which was also a good taste. The unit price may be a little high, about 1000 to 2000 yen for lunch, but the dishes that came out with nearly 10 dishes were all delicious. It takes a little time to serve the food, so it's for those who have plenty of time! The almond tofu with Shine Muscat was delicious ?
あらら?arara? on Google

カフェ飯といえばカフェで出される軽食、丼ものやワンプレートメニューで、手作り感の強調や盛り付けのおしゃれさが特徴で女性用。おっさんにはあまり腹の足しにならないものである。 …というばかりではない、と気づいたのはごく最近の事だ。けっこうながっつりメニューあり、おかわり自由ありとなかなか楽しませてくれる店もある。そう気づいてから、軽くカフェ飯にハマりこんでいる。 この日は日曜日。となればランチ場所が限られてくる。あちらこちらとふらふらしていると、権堂の一角でこの店と行き合った。 「ポルカドットカフェ」 どこかで"古民家を改装"したと読んだが、古民家と呼んでは可哀想な(それでも築後半世紀は経過しているか)建物である。一階はカフェ、二階はブティックと聞いた。改装といっても内部はほとんど手が入っていない。オーブンキッチンが設えられ、カウンターやテーブルなど什器類が設置されているだけの、昔懐かしき風景が残されている。カフェは女性の方ばかり。というパターンが多いのだが、そこに作業服姿のオヤジがふらり入ってくると、みな一瞬「え?」という顔をするのが面白い。 こちらでいただいたのは日替わり定食だ。日曜日なのにありがたい。 「日替わり定食 チキン南蛮」980円 がっつり、とまではいかないが、品数が多くボリュームたっぷりの膳である。まずは小鉢ものからご紹介。 ・バジル豆腐:小さな冷奴の上にバジルソースとオリーブオイル。淡白な豆腐にバジル&オリーブオイルの両曲者が絡んでじつによい。 ・ポテトサラダ:マヨネーズたっぷりねっとりで美味し。ローズマリーが入っているようだがあまり感じなかった。 ・こんにゃく甘辛炊き:少しピリ辛ではあるが、とても優しい味わい。どうしてこんにゃくを煮ただけのものが美味いのか。 ・あかもく酢:あかもくとはホンダワラ科の海藻。湯がいて三杯酢でいただく。ぱりぱり食感がとてもよい。 ・サラダ:レタスに湯がいたササミをのせたシンプルなもの。フレンチドレッシングがかかっていた。 これに味噌汁、ご飯とメイン料理である。 チキン南蛮は甘酢あんではなく「甘酢ドレッシング」といった風がよい。タルタルソースも玉子感があったのが好印象。 かくして腹いっぱい。カフェ飯もとめて今日も行く。
When it comes to cafe food, it is a light meal served at a cafe, a bowl of rice and a one-plate menu. It is a thing that doesn't add much to her belly. It's only recently that I realized that it was not just .... There is a good menu and there are shops that you can have fun with as you like. After being aware of that, I am addicted to cafe rice lightly. This day is Sunday. If it becomes, the lunch place will be limited. When I was fluttering here and there, I met this shop at the corner of Gonkaku. "Polk dot cafe" I read somewhere that "old houses have been renovated", but it is a poor building (still a late half century has passed) when it is called an old house. I heard that the first floor is a cafe and the second floor is a boutique. Even though it's a refurbishment, the inside is almost untouched. There is a nostalgic view from the old days, with oven kitchens set up and fixtures such as counters and tables. The cafe is only for women. There are many patterns, but when the father in the work clothes comes in loosely, it is interesting to make a face of “Eh?” For a moment. It is a daily set meal that I received here. Thank you Sunday. "Daily set meal chicken Nanban" 980 yen It's not good enough, but it has a large number of items and is full of heart. At first we introduce from small bowl thing. · Basil tofu: basil sauce and olive oil over a small cold bean. Both tofu and basil & olive oil are very good. ・ Potato salad: It tastes delicious with plenty of mayonnaise. It seems that rosemary is included but I did not feel much. ・ Konnyaku sweet and spicy cooking: A little spicy but very tender. Why is it so delicious just to simmered konnyaku? ・ Amokamu vinegar: Akamoku is a seaweed of the Honda wall family. We have hot water and have three cups of vinegar. Very crispy texture. ・ Salad: Simple one with lettuce and hot water. I had French dressing. This is miso soup, rice and main dishes. Chicken Nanban has a sweet and sour taste rather than sweet and sour sauce. Good impression that tartar sauce also had an egg feeling. Thus I am full of belly. I'm going to make a cafe rice today.
HIROMI on Google

多種類のお惣菜がそれぞれ小皿にいれられて、木のお盆いっぱいに盛り込まれたランチが美味しいです。 オーナーの人柄がにじみ出る手作り感たっぷりの健康的なランチは、京都の「おばんざい」という言葉を思い出させます。丼物や一品皿には望めない多彩な味が楽しめます。 上手にデコレートされたかき氷は、どれも試したくなる豪華さで、実際、ほわほわとした氷が口溶け良く、満足感たっぷりです。最近のこうしたかき氷はちょっとお高くて頻繁に手が出せないのが残念。
Many kinds of side dishes are put in small plates, and the lunch filled with wooden trays is delicious. A healthy lunch with plenty of handmade feeling that the owner's personality oozes out reminds us of the word "obanzai" in Kyoto. You can enjoy a variety of flavors that you cannot expect from a bowl or a single plate. Well-decorated shaved ice is a luxury that you will want to try, and in fact, the fluffy ice melts in your mouth and is very satisfying. It's a pity that these shaved ice these days are a little expensive and can't be dealt with frequently.
sh f on Google

2022.3.4 パフェ‥ではなく、高さのあるプリンアラモードを頂きました。 プリンアラモードって平たい皿のイメージですが、こちらは縦長のグラス盛り。目にも麗しき芸術的な一品。 この日、レアチーズプリンとチェリーの桜餡の入ったものをチョイス。ケーキとプリンはグラスから下ろしてソース(黄色のレモンソース)と一緒に頂けるとのこと。 素晴らしく美味でした‥‥チェリーとアイス(ピスタチオ?)、あんこ!底に入っていたカリカリしたのも、カステラと固めのプリンも。甘い物を色々と少しずつ食べたい欲望が全て叶う。おこだわりがすごいです。 −−−−−−− ここの黒糖梅ミルクかき氷。日本で1番美味だと思ってる。 初めて食べた2019夏の終わり、トロトロ自家製梅漬けの見事なお味に一口で魅了されました。そして夏は終わり、私は1年辛抱強く待ちました。もちろんその間は他のかき氷には見向きもしません。(いま思えばガリガリ系アイスも食べなかった) 2020年夏。またしても自家梅漬はトロトロとろける。ふわふわ黒糖ミルクシロップ氷の中には、なんと細かくしたカリカリ梅が混ざった白あんがこんにちは!意外な組み合わせのようだけど、これが合う!食べすすめるのがとてもが楽しい。やっと会えた‥‥ひと口ひと口をしみじみ噛みしめる。キーン 多分、これ以上のかき氷には今後出会えないと思う。1年に370回は思い出す魔性の甘味。 早くまた巡り逢いたい。待ち遠しくてたまらない。夏、早く来て! ※2021年梅が豊作でありますように。そして自家製梅漬けの名人とお店の皆さんが健康であることを祈っています。
2022.3.4 I received a tall pudding à la mode instead of a parfait. Pudding à la mode is an image of a flat plate, but this is a vertically long glass. An artistic dish that is beautiful to the eyes. On this day, I chose the one with rare cheese pudding and cherry cherry bean paste. The cake and pudding can be taken out of the glass and served with the sauce (yellow lemon sauce). It was wonderfully delicious ... Cherry and ice cream (pistachio?), Anko! The crispy ones in the bottom, the castella and the firm pudding. All the desire to eat sweets little by little will come true. The commitment is amazing. −−−−−−− Brown sugar plum milk shaved ice here. I think it's the best in Japan. At the end of the summer of 2019, when I ate it for the first time, I was fascinated by the wonderful taste of Toro Toro's homemade plum pickles. And the summer is over and I have been patiently waiting for a year. Of course, during that time, I don't look at other shaved ice. (I didn't even eat the crunchy ice cream when I think about it now) Summer 2020. Once again, the home-made plum pickles melt. Fluffy brown sugar milk syrup Hello white bean paste mixed with finely chopped plums in the ice! It looks like a surprising combination, but it fits! It's a lot of fun to recommend eating. I finally met ... I bite a bite and bite it. Keane Maybe I can't meet any more shaved ice in the future. The magical sweetness that I remember 370 times a year. I want to see you again soon. I can't wait to see you. Come early in the summer! * May 2021 plums be a good harvest. And I pray that the masters of homemade plum pickles and everyone in the shop are in good health.
mer 108 on Google

どれも美味しいです…定食は、一つ一つ、栄養がしっかりしていて、お野菜、タンパク質等バランスよく構成されています。どれもとっても美味しいです?? かき氷も美味しかったです。 立地が少し長野駅から遠く、また待ち時間があることも多いですが、それでもまた行きたいです。
Everything is delicious ... Each set meal is well-nourished and well-balanced with vegetables and protein. Everything is delicious ?? The shaved ice was also delicious. The location is a little far from Nagano station, and there are often waiting times, but I still want to go there again.
tony nakayama on Google

I thought I'd go for a long time, and I was able to go at the timing when Corona was a little calm. Since it was Kaichō Eve, I avoided the crowded time, but there were so many customers. While I was waiting for two kinds of lunch, the second floor was a second-hand clothing store and there was a lot of people coming and going, but the food was so delicious that there were many small bowls and I couldn't lose to the main course! It was a well-balanced lunch. The inside of the store is a renovated old folk house and it looks like Showa, so I feel like I'm eating at home.
A Fowles on Google

Excellent food with friendly staff. The restaurant is very nice, good space inside and feels welcoming. It’s in a great location very central. The food was great. Set menu for 1000 yen is extremely good. Big size and many different foods to try.

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