POKAPOKA - Hiroshima

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

3 Chome-4-20 Gion, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0138, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 731-0138
Webサイト : https://pokahair.exblog.jp/

3 Chome-4-20 Gion, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0138, Japan
天方鉄郎 on Google

It's cheap, fast and polite. There is nothing to say.
にとろゆっけ on Google

My hobby is strong, but if you like a warmer atmosphere than a crisp one, you will love it
クー二クー二 on Google

Responded politely
今後智美 on Google

The beautician is kind and polite. They will also listen to your requests.
kei on Google

The atmosphere of the shop is good and the cut is the best! Come and join us!
松本文彦 on Google

The cut price has been raised to 2000 yen from August 2020, but it costs 2000 yen for careful cutting over 1 hour. It has been too cheap so far, and even after the price increase, the cost performance is too good.
しいたけなっぱ on Google

雰囲気の良く、店員さんもとても親切です!! 希望もしっかり聞いて丁寧にカットしてもらえます(^^)♪♪
The atmosphere is good and the clerk is very kind! !! You can listen carefully to your wishes and cut them carefully (^^) ♪♪
ひろみ on Google

カット利用です。他店で思い切ってロングからミニボブにしてもらったつもりが大失敗されて傷心してました… 口コミ通り丁寧に施術してくださり、担当の方も優しくて和みました。これで2000円はすごいです!! 小さい子から大人の方まで幅広く来店されていて、愛されているお店なんだなぁという印象でした^^
It is a cut use. I was going to take the plunge from a long to a mini bob at another store, but I was hurt because I made a big mistake ... The treatment was done carefully according to the word of mouth, and the person in charge was kind and relaxed. 2000 yen is amazing with this! !! It was an impression that it is a store that is loved by a wide range of people from small children to adults ^ ^

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