Pizza&Pasta La Rosetta

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizza&Pasta La Rosetta

住所 :

Saien, Morioka, 〒020-0024 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Iwate

Saien, Morioka, 〒020-0024 Iwate,Japan
諸行無嬢 on Google

ランチでたまに利用します。 居心地も良くて、入りやすいので好きです。
I use it occasionally for lunch. I like it because it's comfortable and easy to enter.
*ひかり on Google

9月にランチで行きました。 里芋と鶏肉の入ったジェノベーゼとセットのサラダを頼みました。私は里芋が苦手だったので入れないで欲しいと注文したら、里芋を抜いたかわりに鶏肉を多めに入れてくれました!ジェノベーゼが食べたいのに里芋がな〜となっていましたが美味しくいただきました! 優しい対応をしてもらいパスタも美味しかったので、今度はディナーの時間に行ってみたいと思います。
I went for lunch in September. I ordered a set salad with genovese with taro and chicken. I was not good at taro, so when I ordered not to put it in, he put in a lot of chicken instead of pulling out the taro! I wanted to eat Genovese, but it was taro, but it was delicious! The pasta was delicious with a gentle response, so I would like to go to dinner time this time.
ちょんぼ on Google

平日12頃訪問。先客は3組程度。席に余裕あり。 ランチメニューのパスタとピザを注文。パスタのミートソースは大変うまし。散りばめられたナッツがとても良いアクセントになっている。 残念なのはピザ。提供された時点で既に冷めていた。チーズが伸びもしない冷え切ったピザをピザと呼ぶことができるだろうか。ジェノベーゼソースが美味しかっただけに、熱々の状態で食べられなかったことが非常に悔しい。 改善に期待。
Visit around 12 on weekdays. There are about 3 pairs of customers. There are plenty of seats. Order pasta and pizza for lunch menu. Pasta meat sauce is very delicious. The sprinkled nuts are a great accent. Unfortunately, pizza. It was already cold when it was offered. Is it possible to call a cold pizza where cheese does not grow? It was very disappointing that I couldn't eat it hot because the Genovese sauce was delicious. Expect improvements.
ゆー on Google

お店の場所初めて知りました。ランチに行きました。蟹のクリームパスタ、濃厚ですごく美味しかったです! アイスクリームとホイップ、フルーツソースの添えられたドルチェのティラミスと、ラズベリーティーも最高でしたよ。 映画館通りとロケーションも良く、店内もゆったりした広さで良い雰囲気でした。またぜひ利用したいです。
I knew the location of the shop for the first time. I went to lunch. The crab cream pasta was rich and very delicious! Dolce tiramisu with ice cream, whipped cream and fruit sauce and raspberry tea were also the best. The location was good with the cinema street, and the interior was spacious and had a nice atmosphere. I definitely want to use it again.
田中稔 on Google

何度か店の前を通って気にはなっていたのですが、グーグル等の評価が気になり入店していませんでした。 当方の地区もWaltエリアに成ったので、接客の心配は無いのでオーダーしました。 Waltの迅速な配達もあり、美味しく頂きました!
I passed in front of the store several times and was worried about it, but I was worried about the evaluation of Google etc. and did not enter the store. Since our district has also become a Walt area, I ordered because there is no worry about customer service. With the quick delivery of Wolt, it was delicious!
はたけ on Google

いつもランチで利用しています。パスタも美味しいですがピッツァがオススメです。 注文してから出てくるのも早いですし、コスパも最高です♪
I always use it for lunch. Pasta is delicious, but pizza is recommended. It's quick to come out after ordering, and the cost performance is the best ♪
Danni Børgesen on Google

Great food
Faiz Ahmed on Google

This restaurant is extremely underrated. I am so glad that I stumbled upon this restaurant because the food was simply spectacular. There is no compromise in ingredients. The arrabiata pasta was extremely authentic, and even came with crab ?. The parmigiano spaghetti was also well balanced and the flavor was prominent. They actually put your pasta in a wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano right in front of you. Finally, the four cheese pizza was a unique treat. It was divided into four sections, each highlighting a different kind of cheese ?. Service was also great ?. Realistically, for ~1000 yen per dish, this is simply spectacular food - quality which is on par with a high end restaurant. Can't recommend this spectacular gem of a restaurant any more!

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