piiiiece furumachi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact piiiiece furumachi

住所 :

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan

Webサイト : http://instagram.com/piiiiece_furumachi
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan
バタピー on Google

ジーパンが欲しかったのでお店に来ました。 気安く話しかけてくれて良い感じのお店だな思いました。新しく入荷したジーパンを何枚か見せてくださったりして、最初はワクワクしたのですがお店に並んでいる他のジーパンを見ることなく「とりあえず試着してみな」と言われ、定員さんがおすすめしたジーパンを試着してみることに。おすすめしたジーパンはどれもサイズは良かったのですが、自分が欲しかったダボダボのジーパンではなかったので、定員さんに「すいません、サイズはちょうどいいんですけど、ちょっとダボダボなのがいいのでやめておきます」と言ったところ、「そうゆうのは無いので他を当たって下さい」と言われました。ないからしょうがないかと思いお店を出たら、一緒に来ていた友達が自分が試着してる時に友達が定員さんに友達の服装のことでダメだしとか色々言われたと言ってました。 このお店に何かルールみたいなのがあって、 それを破ったなら謝ります。もう行きません。
I came to the store because I wanted jean bread. I thought it was a nice shop to talk to me casually. I was thrilled at first by showing me some of the newly arrived jean bread, but without looking at the other jean pans lined up in the store, I was told to try it on for the time being, and the capacity is recommended. I decided to try on the jean bread. All of the recommended jean breads were good in size, but they weren't the dubbo dubbo jean that I wanted, so I told the capacity, "I'm sorry, the size is just right, but I'd like it to be a little dubbo. When I said that, I was told, "There is no such thing, so please hit another one." When I left the store thinking that there was no help for it, my friend who came with me said that when I was trying on it, my friend told the capacity that it was not good for my friend's clothes. There is something like a rule in this shop, I apologize if I break it. I won't go anymore.
zeon時音 on Google

友達の勧めで初めて入ったのですが、店員さんが気さくに話しかけてくださりとても居心地よく、服を選んでてとても楽しかったです! 着こなし方、ブランド等 古着の知識に疎くても明るい店員さんが詳しく教えてくださるので気軽に入れる店だと思いました。
I entered for the first time at the recommendation of a friend, but the clerk talked to me very comfortably and I enjoyed choosing clothes! Even if you are not familiar with used clothing such as how to dress and brands, a cheerful clerk will teach you in detail, so I thought it was a store that you can easily enter.
yu-t on Google

一年半振りに行きました。看板が変わっているので店員に聞いたところ、オーナーが変わったそうです。 店員さんの対応も良く品揃えも良かったです。 古町一ジャーマントレーナーとパイロットシューズの在庫がありますね。ミリタリー が好きなので、M-65やスウェーデン軍のM-59が手頃な値段で売られてるのはありがたい。 また通いたくなるお店です。
I went there for the first time in a year and a half. The signboard has changed, so when I asked the clerk, it seems that the owner has changed. The clerk's response was good and the product lineup was also good. Ichi Furumachi German trainer and pilot shoes are in stock. I like military, so I'm grateful that the M-65 and the Swedish M-59 are sold at a reasonable price. It's a shop you'll want to visit again.
アルトゥロビダル on Google

I came here for the first time as a second-hand clothing beginner, but it was a lot of fun to talk to me casually. I'm glad I found something I liked. I wanted to go again.
田中さん on Google

店員さんが少しきつくて苦手でした。 学生向けの商品が多かったです。
The clerk was a little tight and I was not good at it. There were many products for students.
いとこここ on Google

店員さんがとてもフレンドリーでスタイリングが分からなかったりしても聞けば色々教えてくれます! 古町にきたら絶対行くべき古着屋さんです!
The clerk is very friendly and even if you don't understand the styling, if you ask, he will tell you a lot! This is a second-hand clothing store that you should definitely visit when you come to Furumachi!
おこめねーさん on Google

I've been curious about it for a long time, but it was a shop that hesitated to enter. I was surprised to see the evaluation here, but the clerk was usually kind. There are some good products that I wondered why I didn't go earlier, and I wanted the clerk to know more about second-hand clothes. ^ _ ^
大道陽香 on Google

店員さんの接客が素晴らしかったです! 気さくでずっと話してたいくらい!! 古町の中で1番入りやすい雰囲気。 ズバリと似合う服を選んでくださったり、自分が似合わないと思っていた色も似合うのだと気付かせてもらえました。 お気に入りのお店です! 学割もあるので学生さんは是非〜
The customer service of the clerk was wonderful! I want to talk with you all the time! !! The atmosphere that is the easiest to enter in Furumachi. They chose clothes that looked good on me, and made me realize that colors that I didn't think would look good on me. This is my favorite shop! There is also a student discount, so students are welcome ~

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