Photo Studio Quaria(クオリア)

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Photo Studio Quaria(クオリア)

住所 :

Kamisayashimachi, Hirosaki, 〒036-8354 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Aomori

Kamisayashimachi, Hirosaki, 〒036-8354 Aomori,Japan
小林湖雪 on Google

I was very happy to shoot it very carefully. I would like to recommend it.
菊池沙織 on Google

遅刻したのもにかかわらず、親切に対応していただきありがとうございました。おかげさまで、いい写真になりました。 今度はふとした日常を撮影してもらえたらいいなと思います。
Thank you for your kindness, despite being late. Thanks to you, it became a good photo. Next time, I hope you can take a picture of your everyday life.
kano on Google

2歳の子どものバースデーフォトをお願いしました。子どもの機嫌に合わせて撮影して頂き、とても素敵な写真を撮って頂きました!! 時代を感じさせない背景もオーダー通りにして頂いて、丁寧で親切なご対応ありがとうございました。また、記念の写真をお願いしたいです。
I asked for a birthday photo of a 2-year-old child. I had you take a picture according to the mood of the child and took a very nice picture !! Thank you for your polite and kind response, as we have made the background that does not make you feel the times as ordered. Also, I would like to ask for a commemorative photo.
tats3248 to me on Google

I've always been impressed with the richness of the facial expressions in the photographs taken by Shinji. This time, I was blessed with the opportunity to take a picture for the first time, and I had you take a very good picture. After all, the expression of light and shadow is diverse. I feel like I'm not myself ... I've met myself that I've never seen before. It's also nice to be able to choose the one you like from the many shots. Also, the price is very reasonable. It was 1/3 of the general studio shooting. Thank you for your professional skills.
RiTa on Google

証明写真を撮っていただきました。 急ぎの用事だったので、撮影したその日にデータも写真も渡していただけてありがたかったです。
I had you take an ID photo. It was an urgent business, so I was grateful that you gave me the data and photos on the day I took the photo.
このはな on Google

At first, I was nervous and my facial expression was stiff, but I was relieved that the tension gradually eased because I was very kind and kind. Thank you very much! I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
茉菜 on Google

I had you take an ID photo. I am very happy to have you take a very beautiful picture. I was able to shoot in a peaceful atmosphere. You can give us some advice when shooting. I would like to use it again when I take pictures at the photo studio.
安齋萌 on Google

息子の1歳のバースデーフォトを撮って頂きました。 子どものペースに合わせてくれ、構図も色々提案してもらい、普段の自分達を切り取ったような、本当に素敵な写真を撮って頂きました。 撮影の翌日にはデータが届き、驚きました。心待ちにしていたので嬉しいです。 選んだスタジオがここで良かったです。また利用させてください!!
I had my son take a 1-year-old birthday photo. They matched the pace of the children, suggested various compositions, and took really nice pictures that looked like they were cut out from their usual lives. The day after shooting, the data arrived and I was surprised. I'm glad I was looking forward to it. The studio I chose was good here. Please let me use it again !!

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