Petit Four - Yonago

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Petit Four

住所 :

6 Chome-10-16 Kamigoto, Yonago, Tottori 683-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Postal code : 683-0841
Webサイト :

6 Chome-10-16 Kamigoto, Yonago, Tottori 683-0841, Japan
melonpannacottaメロンパンナコッタ on Google

大阪に30年住み、東京・京都・兵庫でもかなりケーキを食べ歩いた私ですが、ここのケーキの味はかなり高レベル。失礼だけど、田舎のそれも目立たない場所にあるケーキ屋とは思えない。特にバタークリームはきちんとフランス菓子の修行をされた人の作る味だと思う。チョコとチーズが濃厚で、原材料をケチってない感じ。それなのに値段はリーズナブルと良心的。 デザインは流行とはかけ離れた感じだが、レトロな雰囲気が好き。むしろ今こういうシンプルだけど、立体的な花をバタクリで作るような職人さんは貴重。ずっと頑張って欲しい。
I have lived in Osaka for 30 years and ate a lot of cakes in Tokyo, Kyoto and Hyogo, but the taste of the cakes here is quite high. Excuse me, I don't think it's a cake shop in the countryside. In particular, I think that butter cream is made by a person who has been trained in French confectionery. The chocolate and cheese are thick and the ingredients are not stingy. Nevertheless, the price is reasonable and conscientious. The design is far from fashion, but I like the retro atmosphere. Rather, it's simple like this, but craftsmen who make three-dimensional flowers with a crackle are precious. I want you to do your best.
鳥本鳥男 on Google

It was better than I expected. But for Star 5, after eating all the other cakes you care about
門脇早苗 on Google

?春のレアチーズケーキを、お店でいただきました? 上品な甘さで、手作りの美味しいケーキでした(*^^*) 私は、神戸や関西エリアの美味しいケーキ・美味しいパンを、食べつくして半世紀関西で育ち、最近生まれただけの米子自宅に帰省し、かなりイケてるプチフールが徒歩数分にあり、幸せに思っています♡♡♡
? I had a rare spring cheesecake at the shop ? It was a delicious handmade cake with an elegant sweetness (* ^^ *) I ate delicious cakes and delicious bread in Kobe and the Kansai area, grew up in Kansai for half a century, returned to my recently born Yonago home, and I am happy that there is a pretty cool petit four within a few minutes' walk. Masu ♡♡♡
慎也 on Google

価格も普通で味も普通に美味しいです。 初めて行ったのでゆっくり商品を選びたかったのですが、店員さんがせっかちなのか、クセなのか、選んでる間ボールペンをカチカチと音を鳴らして急かしてる感じがしたのが気になりいい気分では買い物が出来なかったですね。
The price is normal and the taste is normal. Since I went there for the first time, I wanted to choose products slowly, but I was worried that the clerk was impatient or addictive, and while I was choosing, I felt like I was rushing with a clicking sound of the ballpoint pen, so I went shopping in a good mood. I couldn't do it.
松本みき on Google

美味しいのにリーズナブル 旦那さんがここのチーズケーキが美味しいとうるさいので食べたら凄く美味しかった 今回はショートケーキとプチフール?小さいのを買いました 近所のお店の中でも美味しいのに値段はダントツでリーズナブル!スイーツはコンビニの勢いも凄いと思うが頑張って欲しい 他のお店に行くよりここに行く回数が多い こないだチーズケーキをホールで買いましたが ビックリする値段で買えた 満足です
Delicious but reasonably priced My husband was noisy when the cheesecake here was delicious, so it was very delicious when I ate it Shortcake and petit fours this time? I bought a small one It's delicious among the shops in the neighborhood, but the price is very reasonable! I think the momentum of convenience stores is great for sweets, but I want you to do your best I go here more often than I go to other shops I bought a cheesecake in the hall I was able to buy it at a surprising price I'm satisfied
Michelle Iingg on Google

美味しいケーキなのに接客の融通が効かなくて残念。同時に入った客が10分もかけてケーキを選んでいたため、先に注文して良いか店員さんとお客さんに聞いたが、店員がダメだ待てと言うため待つことに。 その結果買おうと思っていたケーキは全て買われ、なんだか悲しい気持ちで会計を済ませました。お客さんがいいと言うなら先に注文させても良いと思う。美味しいケーキ屋さんだからこそすごくすごく残念だった。
It's a pity that the customer service isn't flexible even though it's a delicious cake. The customer who entered at the same time took 10 minutes to select the cake, so I asked the clerk and the customer if it was okay to order first, but the clerk told me that it was no good, so I decided to wait. As a result, all the cakes I was thinking of buying were bought, and I felt sad and finished the accounting. If the customer says it's okay, I think it's okay to order first. It was very disappointing because it was a delicious cake shop.
玲子 on Google

かれこれ33年は通っています。メゾンが一番 好きです。 昔は マロンクープと言う 栗の入ったケーキの上に 三つの小さなシュークリームがついていたケーキがありましたが あれがもうなくて残念です。 チーズケーキも美味しいです。 お値段も とっても リーズナブルでいいです。 今は お医者さんからケーキを止められていますが それでも 買いたくなるケーキ屋さんです。
It's been 33 years now. I like the Maison the most. There used to be a cake called Maron Coup with three small cream puffs on top of a cake with chestnuts, but it's a shame that it's gone. Cheesecake is also delicious. The price is very reasonable and good. Nowadays, the doctor has stopped me from cakes, but I still want to buy them.
ng ri on Google

大好きなケーキ屋さん。 値段もリーズナブルで味も美味しい。お店の名前にもなっている小さなケーキ、プチフールのサイズ感が良いです。(味も、チョコ・キウイ・イチゴなどいろいろ) 週末の仕事終わりに、まだ残ってるといいな〜!と念じながら寄って、疲れた自分へのご褒美に買ったりします。 特にソレイユといちごタルトが好み。タルト生地だけでなく中に入っているカスタードクリームも美味しかったです。 派手さは無いですが、地元で愛されている感じがします。これからも通います♪
My favorite cake shop. The price is reasonable and the taste is delicious. The size of the small cake, Petit Four, which is also the name of the shop, is good. (Various flavors such as chocolate, kiwi, and strawberries) I hope I still have some left over at the end of my weekend work! I stop by while thinking about it and buy it as a reward for myself who is tired. I especially like Soleil and strawberry tart. Not only the tart dough but also the custard cream inside was delicious. It's not flashy, but it feels like it's loved by the locals. I will continue to attend ♪

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