Pet of the real estate agency - 世田谷区 Setagaya City

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pet of the real estate agency

住所 :

森嘉ビル 4 Chome-3-9 Kamiuma, 世田谷区 Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 154-0011
Webサイト :

森嘉ビル 4 Chome-3-9 Kamiuma, 世田谷区 Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan
gorayuge h on Google

zuzuru yochinnpooka on Google

it's the best.
たり on Google

I was very grateful to be able to teach to a nearby hospital and walk course! The dog in the store was cute and healed! !
由珠 on Google

Correspondence is too bad. I do not know that it is a hospitality business.
Muraki Teruhisa on Google

特にペット関連物件に強い訳ではない。ただ単に従業員がペット好きなだけという印象。 「物件を決めるには妥協が肝心」と簡単に言い放つ業者だったので、直ぐにお付き合いを止めました。
It is not particularly strong for pet-related properties. Impression that employees just like pets. Because I was a trader who simply said that "compromise is the key to deciding on a property," I immediately stopped my relationship.
御手洗達也 on Google

It is the worst real estate agent to see rarely. The customer service is extremely bad (it doesn't have a basic business attitude in the first place). You should never stop following. There are occasional stores like this.
P P on Google

只々不快。客に寄り添う接客は一切なく、自分の利益しか考えてない人。 冷蔵庫を置くスペースに自分の冷蔵庫が入らない旨を言うと両手を広げ「ここに置けば良いんですよ!」とリビングのまぁなんとも邪魔なところをご提案。 違う不動産屋さんはちゃんとメジャーだしてサイズ測ってくれて「ここに冷蔵庫置くとこんな感じになっちゃいますね…」ってキチンとシュミレーションしてくれましたが。 そして他の不動産屋さんで見てきた物件に対しても悪口のオンパレード、マイナスなことしか言わない。入居者がまだいて中が見れないことに対して鼻で笑いながら「本気で見ずに決めるつもりですか?笑」という始末。 しかしその数時間後には自分が見つけた物件を指差して「ここ見ずに決めるとかありじゃないですか???!」だと。 この人に任せられないと思い違う不動産屋さんで決めました。 貴重な半日を無駄に過ごして後悔。 こんな人が店長だなんて、、、
Very uncomfortable. A person who has no customer service and is only thinking about his own interests. When you say that your refrigerator won't fit in the space where you put the refrigerator, you can open your hands and suggest that you should put it here! A different real estate agent was a major measure and measured the size, and he said, “If you put the refrigerator here, it will look like this ...” and simulated with the chitin. And it's a bad on-parade to the property I've seen at other real estate agents. She laughs with her nose about the fact that the resident is still out and can't see the inside. However, a few hours later, he points to the property he found and says, “I do n’t think I ’ll decide without looking here…”. I decided at a real estate agent that I thought I couldn't leave to this person. I regret spending a precious half day. That such a person is the manager ...
ni hbc on Google

それお客さんの前でやる?と思うようなことが次々起こり、内見の時も驚くような言動が多かったです。 すべてにおいてレスポンスが遅いし、聞いていた内容も費用もずいぶん実際と違っていました。 お客さんのことも物件も、本当にどうでもいいんだろうなという感じでした。
Do you do it in front of the customer? Things that I thought happened one after another, and there were many surprising words and actions even when I was looking inside. The response was slow in everything, and the content and costs I was hearing were quite different from the actual ones. I felt that it didn't really matter to the customer or the property.

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