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Contact 心斎橋推拿-PersonalBodyMaintenance-

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

Webサイト : http://s-tuina.shopinfo.jp/
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
Mizu neet on Google

Massage was the best in the shop with a sense of cleanliness!
nobu kubota on Google

I think that it is a professional response. The treatment that suits each person and the physical condition of the day is great. Your body and mind will be lighter.
MlKA KANOU on Google

The atmosphere is classic and modern, and the service is also polite. I had a very luxurious time. I am very satisfied with the high massage technology.

お客様ひとりひとりの体質に合わせた…に偽りなく、いつも感心、感謝の思いです。 心身ともに楽になります。 これまでリラクゼーション含む施術を色んなところで受けていますが、至高です。今に満足しない向上心、プロ意識に感銘を受けます。
I am always admired and grateful to the customer's individual constitution. It will be easier both physically and mentally. I have received various treatments including relaxation until now, but it is the highest. I am impressed by my ambition and professionalism I am not satisfied with.

参りました。 推拿を受けたくて行ったのですが、想像以上でした。ほぐしたいという思いが伝わってくる施術で、全身疲れきった体を真っ向勝負でしっかりほぐしてもらえました。 施術は全てお任せできましたし、仕事に向き合う姿勢や考え方に感銘を受けました。 またメンテナンスしに伺います。
I give up. I went there to get lucky, but it was more than I expected. With a treatment that conveys the desire to unravel, the body that was completely exhausted was completely unraveled in a head-to-head game. I was able to take care of all the procedures and was impressed with my attitude and attitude toward work. I will also visit for maintenance.
pon pon on Google

フェイシャルを受けましたが顔以外の箇所も丁寧に流してもらい気持ちよすぎて寝落ち(-_-)zzz お姉さんからセルフケアのアドバイスまでしてもらい知識豊富で勉強になりました! 事前予約だとカップルでも使えるそうです。 とにかく空間が素敵〜 立地もいいので心斎橋で買い物したあとに疲れた足をマッサージしてもらいにまた来ようと思います(^o^)
I got a facial, but I got the parts other than the face politely polite and fell asleep too much (-_-) zzz My sister gave me advice on self-care and I learned a lot from it! It seems that even a couple can use it by making an advance reservation. Anyway, the space is wonderful ~ Since the location is good, I will come again to have a massage for tired legs after shopping in Shinsaibashi (^ o ^)
黒まいはん on Google

高級感と居心地の良さのどちらも両立させている空間でした。 こちらの肌質や体質に合わせるように、事前に確認や質問など丁寧にしてくださいました。 施術中はとても気持ちよく、リラックスできました。 施術士さんの知識と技術も豊富で、お肌や体に関する専門的や意見やアドバイスもいただけありがたかったです。 肌がもちもち、体は軽くなった気がします。
It was a space that balanced both luxury and comfort. Please check carefully and ask questions beforehand so that it matches your skin type and constitution. I was very comfortable and relaxed during the treatment. The practitioner's knowledge and skills were abundant, and I was grateful for the expertise, opinions and advice on skin and body. I feel my skin is light and my body is light.
北方大地のLife is fight TV on Google

内装は清潔で高級感のある雰囲気なのに、リラックスしやすい居心地の良さがあります。 施術内容もセラピストさんの技術・経験・熱量の全てにおいて満足いくものなので、安心して身体を任せることができ、施術後の身体の軽さは勿論のこと、冷え性気味だった身体が施術を受けた翌日に目覚めてもまだ暖かいといった感動までありました! 場所は分かりにくい所なのが隠れた名店感がして、なお気に入りました?
The interior is clean and luxurious, yet comfortable and relaxing. The treatment content is also satisfactory in all of the therapist's technique, experience, and heat, so I can leave the body with confidence, and not only the lightness of the body after the treatment, but also the body that was slightly cold was treated. Even when I woke up the next day, I was impressed that it was still warm! The place is difficult to understand, but I felt like a hidden store, so I liked it ?

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