PawnShop RIZ 大元店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PawnShop RIZ 大元店

住所 :

Omoto, Kita Ward, 〒700-0924 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト :
街 : Okayama

Omoto, Kita Ward, 〒700-0924 Okayama,Japan
竹原厚子 on Google

今回 買取出張査定をお願いしたのですが、バック2点丁寧に査定、説明をしていただき納得で買取をお願いしました。スタッフの方も感じが良く、時間もかからず良かったです。
This time, I asked for a purchase business trip assessment, but I asked for the purchase with conviction after carefully assessing and explaining the two back points. The staff also felt good and it was good that it didn't take long.
うめ味 on Google

出先の岡山で高知にもある店だったので、ブランド時計の買取で伺いました。 しっかり丁寧な査定で希望額に近い値段で買い取ってくれました、凄く店員さんの感じが良かったので今度高知の店と比べてみよう? コロナ対策もしっかりしていたので安心して利用できました、子供が騒いでごめんねm(_ _)m
It was a store in Okayama and Kochi, so I asked him to buy a brand watch. They bought it at a price close to the desired amount with a firm and careful assessment, and the clerk felt very good, so let's compare it with the Kochi store next time ? I was able to use it with confidence because the corona measures were also solid, I'm sorry for the noise of the child m (_ _) m
山戸哲也 on Google

初めての利用、カルティエ、ティファニーのジュエリーと時計を出張買取でお願いしました。 過去いくつか他のお店さんも伺いましたが高値だと思います。接客も丁寧で良い心象でした。 保管状態を良くして、付属品つけました。
I asked for the first use, Cartier, Tiffany jewelry and watches on a business trip. I've visited several other shops in the past, but I think it's overpriced. The customer service was also polite and a good image. I improved the storage condition and attached accessories.
トラ男 on Google

店員さんにも丁寧に接客してもらい 時計も分解掃除まではいかないけど 無料で機械への油差、磨き等 大変良くしてもらいました。 店員さんが笑顔で迎えてくれるのと 無理にすすめてこないので入りやすい です。 私が元気なうちは今後とも、お付き合い して行けたらいいなと思います。?
Ask the clerk to serve customers carefully I can't even disassemble and clean the clock Free oil difference to the machine, polishing, etc. I got it very good. The clerk will welcome you with a smile Easy to enter because it is not recommended by force is. As long as I'm fine, I'll continue to keep in touch I wish I could go. ?
宮崎一 on Google

服、バック、時計を 誠実に査定してもらえましたので満足です。 親切に色々説明して頂き納得のいく査定でした。お店は清潔、コロナ対策があり子連れでしたが、安心して来店する事が出来ました。
Clothes, bags, watches I am satisfied with the sincere assessment. It was a convincing assessment with kind explanations. The shop was clean and had corona measures, so I was traveling with children, but I was able to come to the shop with peace of mind.
篠原政樹 on Google

出張買取でジュエリーとバッグを6点査定していただきました。 短時間で終わったので待ち時間も少なくてよかったです。 初めての買取でしたが、担当の千田さんが分かりやすい説明で安心して売ることができました。金額も満足です。
We had you evaluate 6 pieces of jewelry and bag by business trip purchase. It was good that the waiting time was short because it ended in a short time. It was my first purchase, but Mr. Chida, who was in charge, gave me an easy-to-understand explanation and I was able to sell with confidence. The amount is also satisfactory.
ああ on Google

I bought a bag that I no longer use. The customer service of the clerk was also often purchased at a high price. I would like to use it again next time. Thank you very much.
猫娘のママ on Google

エルメスのバッグを査定してもらいに。 他2店舗回って1番高値の査定だったので、ヴィトンやルブタン計11点買い取ってもらいました。店内も査定ブースもとてもキレイで店員さんの接客も気持ち良かったです。 先週、他店でブランド品を30点以上買い取りしてもらった後だったので少し後悔してるくらい……(笑) また機会があればお願いしたいです。
Have hermès bag assessed. Since it was the highest price assessment around the other two stores, I asked them to buy a total of 11 items such as Louis Vuitton and Louboutin. The inside of the store and the assessment booth were very beautiful, and the customer service of the clerk was also pleasant. Last week, I had more than 30 brand-name products bought at another store, so I regret it a little ... (laughs) I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.

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