Pattiserie Angelique - Iwakuni

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pattiserie Angelique

住所 :

1028-125 Kugamachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 742-0344, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887877
Postal code : 742-0344
Webサイト :

1028-125 Kugamachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 742-0344, Japan
110 ta93 on Google

旅行中、クチコミで人気だったので初来店。日曜日の夕方でしたが、小さい店舗にも関わらずものすごい繁盛店でした。車が次々ときて、停める場所がない状態。クリスマスでもないのにこんな繁盛店みた事ないので、期待が膨らみます。 味は…期待が大きすぎたのか普通でした。ショートケーキは他と違う旨さがありました。
During the trip, it was popular by word of mouth, so I visited the store for the first time. It was Sunday evening, but despite being a small store, it was a very prosperous store. There are many cars and there is no place to stop. Even though it's not Christmas, I've never seen such a prosperous store, so expectations grow. The taste was ... it was normal, maybe the expectations were too high. The shortcake had a different taste.
ヒロ on Google

岩国市では有名で、もちろん美味しいケーキ屋さん? 店舗も可愛く、店内は小ぢんまりとしてますが、逆に可愛さが行き届いている感じで、美味しいケーキ屋には必ず隠れている「お菓子の妖精」が3人は隠れている雰囲気です? チョコケーキ、タルト、旬なフルーツを使ったケーキ・・・ケーキだけじゃなく、マカロンの種類も豊富で、カラフルに飾られてます☝️ お客さんの立場にたった対応と心遣いもgoodです? 岩国市街から離れた場所にありますが、それでも一度、とろける価値はあります❗
It is famous in Iwakuni city, and of course a delicious cake shop ? The store is pretty, but the inside of the store is small, but on the other hand, it looks like the cuteness of the cake is hidden in the delicious cake shop. Chocolate cakes, tartlets, cakes with seasonal fruits ... not only cakes, but also a wide variety of macaroons, they are colorfully decorated☝️ Correspondence and consideration only in the position of the customer are also good? It is located away from Iwakuni city, but it is still worth it once
aoi sora on Google

Each one is a hearty cake. It seemed to be a very popular shop, but it was too sweet for me. It was a nostalgic cake shop.
Kenji Mikamoto on Google

夢を売るケーキ屋です。 コンビニにも美味しいケーキはあるけど ここは別世界だと思ってます。 味良し、見た目良し、接客良し、 接客は一人一人が担当で注文から商品私までしてくれます。 ケーキも丁寧。 断面がきれいで手を抜いてないです。 もちろん飾り付けもバッチリ さすが人気店です。
A cake shop that sells dreams. There are delicious cakes at convenience stores I think this is another world. Good taste, good appearance, good customer service, Each person is in charge of customer service, from ordering to merchandise. The cake is also polite. The cross section is clean and I haven't cut corners. Of course the decoration is perfect It's a popular shop.
藤井貴子 on Google

I'm wondering how many to buy each time. I will buy it explosively.
もりしまちほ on Google

去年、結婚記念日のオリジナルケーキを作っていただきました。ある程度の希望とイメージをお伝えしただけで、とても大人可愛いケーキを仕上げてくださいました。おかげでとても良い記念日になりました。今度は、また違うデザインで記念日のケーキをお願いしたいと思います。 あ、もちろん味は美味しかったですよ。岩国近辺では一番美味しいケーキ屋さんだと思います! 2021.6.5 結婚記念日5周年のケーキを作っていただきました。2匹並んだてんとう虫が可愛くて食べるのがかわいそうでしたが、美味しくいただきました?✨ ありがとうございます( ≧∀≦)ノ?
Last year, I had you make an original cake for your wedding anniversary. Just by telling me some hope and image, he made a very mature and cute cake. Thanks to you, it was a very good anniversary. Next time, I would like to ask for an anniversary cake with a different design. Oh, of course the taste was delicious. I think it's the most delicious cake shop near Iwakuni! 2021.6.5 I had you make a cake for the 5th anniversary of your wedding anniversary. The two ladybugs lined up were cute and I felt sorry for eating them, but they were delicious ?✨ Thank you (≧ ∀ ≦) ノ ?
Sukuna Bikona on Google

岩国市玖珂町で美味しいと人気のケーキ屋さん。R4.3月現在、日曜日は11時オープンとの事で、オープン時間を狙って行きましたが、すでに5組程度の行列が! 駐車場もいっぱいだったので、一旦周辺をまわり15分後くらいに再度訪問。 駐車場には空きがあったので止めて列に並びました。30分くらい待って良い香りのする店内に入店。 フルーツが沢山のった色鮮やかなケーキがキラキラしてました。 タルト、プチガトー、いちごプリンパフェも美味しかったです。 焼き菓子も沢山あり、贈り物に良さそう。 予約商品のみの受け取りの方は列に並んで待っていたら、お店の方が定期的に声をかけてくれて先に案内してもらえます。 現金支払いのみ、袋はビニール、紙全て有料なのでエコバッグ持って行った方がいいです。
A delicious and popular cake shop in Kugamachi, Iwakuni. R4 As of March, it was open at 11:00 on Sunday, so I was aiming for the opening time, but there are already about 5 groups in line! The parking lot was full, so I went around the area and visited again about 15 minutes later. There was a vacancy in the parking lot, so I stopped and lined up. Wait for about 30 minutes and enter the store with a nice scent. The colorful cake with lots of fruits was shining. The tart, petit gateau and strawberry parfait were also delicious. There are many baked goods, and it looks good as a gift. If you only receive reserved items, you can wait in line and the shop will call out to you on a regular basis to guide you first. Only cash payment, vinyl and paper are all charged, so you should bring an eco bag.
Ashley Ferryman on Google

Great cream puffs!

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