Patisserie Kiki - Yonago

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Patisserie Kiki

住所 :

6-3 Mihatacho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 683-0843
Webサイト :

6-3 Mihatacho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0843, Japan
村上敬一郎(けいちゃん) on Google

テイクアウトonlyのケーキ屋さん! とっても、美味しかったですよ!
Takeout only cake shop! It was very delicious!
住田知恵子 on Google

I've heard that mini-sized whole cakes are popular as children's birthday cakes, so I bought it for the first time. The size was just right and it was delicious.
dr on on Google

ラムレーズンのバターサンドはクリームがバター感強めで美味。贅沢デザートを味わえました。 贈答用に2,000円の焼菓子詰め合わせを購入。他にも1,000円〜3,000円くらいでいくつか詰め合わせがあったので、用途に合わせて選べると思います。
Butter sand of rum raisin is delicious with cream buttery intense. I could taste luxurious dessert. Purchased 2,000 yen baked confectionery assortment for gifts. There were also several assorted items at around 1,000 to 3,000 yen, so I think that you can choose according to the application.
アンダーマウンテン on Google

Is delicious. It provides fresh and decent sweets that are not too sweet.
Yuichiro Kimura on Google

人気のバターサンドだけでなく、いちごのエクレアも絶品でした(^^) 時期ごとに限定メニューもあるようなので目が離せませんね! プリントクッキーやケーキもあるようです。 一風変わったデザインで注文すれば、大事な人や友達へのサプライズに。キャラクターなどで注文すれば、子供の誕生日などにいいと思います! 木のぬくもりが感じられる店内はオシャレな雑貨屋さんのような雰囲気です。 駐車場に関しては向かいのまるごうの広い駐車場があるので(共同かな?)あまり心配いりません。
Not only the popular butter sandwich, but also the strawberry eclairs were excellent (^ ^) It seems that there is a limited menu every time, so I can not release my eyes! It seems that there are also print cookies and cakes. If you order with unusual design, it is a surprise for important people and friends. I think that it is good for a child's birthday etc. if you order by a character etc.! The shop's warmth is felt like a fashionable general store. As for the parking lot, there is a large parking lot across the street (shared or not?) So don't worry too much.
みいちゃちゃ on Google

チーズケーキ、とても美味しかったです… 他にも気になるケーキが沢山あったので、 また行きたいですヾ( ゚д゚)ノ゛
The cheesecake was very good ... There were many other cakes I was interested in, so I want to go again ヾ (゚ д ゚) ノ
a n on Google

バースデーケーキを探していた所、知り合いから聞いて場所が近くだったので、早速お電話させて頂いたら、お店が定休日だと知らずに、お電話をしてしまい、定休日なのにも関わらず、凄く丁寧に電話対応をして下さって、予約をして頂いて、予約をしていた、ケーキを取りに店内へ行くと、店内も可愛くて、ケーキの他にも、可愛焼き菓子が置いてあったり、オーダーメイドのケーキもやっていて、店員さんも物凄く丁寧に接客して頂いて、 凄く素敵なお店で、ケーキも美味しかったので、お友達のお誕生日ケーキ、クリスマスケーキは、キキさんでお願いしようと思います。個人的にはチーズケーが物凄く気になるので今度食べてみようと思います。
When I was looking for a birthday cake, I heard from an acquaintance that the place was near, so if I called immediately, I called without knowing that the shop was closed, even though it was a regular holiday. , He answered the phone very carefully, made a reservation, and made a reservation. When I went to the store to pick up the cake, the inside of the store was cute, and in addition to the cake, cute baked goods were placed. There was also a custom-made cake, and the clerk was very polite to serve customers. It was a very nice shop and the cakes were delicious, so I'd like to ask Kiki-san for my friend's birthday cake and Christmas cake. Personally, I'm really curious about cheese cake, so I'll try it next time.
だいこんRyder on Google

あっさり甘さの控えめな生クリームが美味しい^_^スイーツは好きだけど甘すぎはやっぱり美味しくないですよね〜^_^ ケーキの見た目はどれも綺麗で上品な感じにデコレーションされていて選ぶのに迷いました? 価格、味ともに妥当だと思いますがパクパク食べれるケーキなので1つ1つのボリュームがもう少しあれば個人的には完璧⭐️5です❗️
The lightly sweet and modest cream is delicious ^ _ ^ I like sweets, but too sweet is not delicious after all ~ ^ _ ^ All the cakes look beautiful and elegantly decorated and I was at a loss to choose ? I think the price and taste are reasonable, but it's a cake that you can eat crisply, so if you have a little more volume for each one, it's perfect ⭐️5 ❗️

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