Pâtisserie-Cafê Sora - Yokohama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pâtisserie-Cafê Sora

住所 :

2-17 Shirahatacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 221-0076
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–7:30PM

2-17 Shirahatacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0076, Japan
こぶたこぶた on Google

It's a small cake shop in a residential area, but I was surprised at how fashionable and delicious it was. I also do eat-in and Wi-fi is connected so I sometimes disturb.
kei shinohara on Google

見た目にも美味しいケーキはどれも満足度高し。 甘いのに全くしつこくありません。 トロっと濃厚なプリンもオススメです。
All the cakes that look delicious are very satisfying. It's sweet but not persistent at all. We also recommend the thick pudding.
Ka Y on Google

After seeing this site, I was curious and went for a walk. Montblanc was very popular and delicious. I wanted to try other cakes, and the owner and the atmosphere inside the store were very good.
てぴっ on Google

5年1組の者です。 soraさんとのコラボケーキがすごく美味しくて感動しました! シンプルなのにすごく印象的でした。 発売待っています!
It is a group of 5 years. The collaboration cake with sora was very delicious and impressed! It was simple but very impressive. Waiting for release!
K Aki on Google

綺麗で味もいいケーキです。 口どけがなめらかな柔かいタイプです。 種類がたくさんありました。他の方も言ってるように小さめです。
It's a beautiful and tasty cake. A soft type with a smooth mouthfeel. There were many types. As others have said, it's small.
田中理恵 on Google

ケーキは 普通のお店よりも少し小さいがとても美味しい(高価)ですが、行く度に旬の果物を使っているので、 とても楽しみです。イートインは、シンプルな椅子とテーブル。 隣のケーキ作りが、ガラス越しに見える。 手作りの音がシャカシャカするのは、見ていて為になるし とても楽しいです。 物価高で値上げしないで欲しいです。 全種類制覇してないので星は4つ これからも 期待してます。
The cake is a little smaller than a normal shop, but it's very delicious (expensive), but I'm really looking forward to it because I use seasonal fruits every time I go. Eat-in is a simple chair and table. The cake making next door looks through the glass. It's very fun to see the handmade sounds fluttering. I don't want you to raise the price due to high prices. I haven't conquered all types, so there are 4 stars I'm looking forward to it in the future.
MS OK on Google

アールグレイチョコケーキ(名前うる覚え)とコーヒーを店内で頂きましたが、ケーキがとても美味しかったです。普段コンビニスイーツで満足していますが、やはり専門店は全然違いますね。 店内は席数少ないですが落ち着いた感じでゆっくりできました、また機会あれば行きたいです。
I had Earl Gray chocolate cake (I remember the name) and coffee in the store, and the cake was very delicious. I'm usually satisfied with convenience stores, but specialty stores are completely different. There aren't many seats in the store, but I felt calm and relaxed, and I would like to go there again if I have the opportunity.
林直希 on Google

東急東横線の白楽駅から徒歩4分程。白楽駅の西口から出て直進し、最初の通り(旧綱島街道)を右折する。そのまま道なりに進む(途中に身代わり地蔵尊があるがその前をさらに進む)とあるケーキ屋さん。焼き菓子にも力を入れているとのこと。オシャレな電灯と青く丸い看板にSoraと書いてある。また、お店の向いは、藤中整形外科の専用駐車場があり、隣は白楽ライフ薬局があるのでそれらを目指せば迷わないと思う。 店内は、洗練された感じでオシャレ。ここは、カフェでもあるので店内で飲食も出来る。テーブル席が3席程ある。わたしは、モンブランを頼んだ。モンブランは、人気No.1とポップがついていた。 確かに、美味しかった。少し、甘めなので、紅茶やコーヒーと一緒にいただくと良いかも。 おすすめ。
About a 4-minute walk from Hakuraku Station on the Tokyu Toyoko Line. From the west exit of Hakuraku Station, go straight and turn right on the first street (former Tsunashima Kaido). A cake shop that goes straight along the road (there is a substitute Jizoson on the way, but goes further in front of it). He is also focusing on baked goods. Sora is written on a fashionable lamp and a blue round sign. In addition, there is a private parking lot for Fujinaka Orthopedic Surgery across the shop, and there is a Hakuraku Life Pharmacy next to it, so if you aim for them, you won't get lost. The inside of the store is fashionable with a sophisticated feel. This is also a cafe, so you can eat and drink inside the store. There are about 3 table seats. I asked for Montblanc. Montblanc was the most popular and pop. Certainly, it was delicious. It's a little sweet, so it might be a good idea to have it with tea or coffee. recommendation.

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