Pasta Sogno - Chōsei District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pasta Sogno

住所 :

9986 Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, Chiba 299-4301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 299-4301

9986 Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, Chiba 299-4301, Japan
E GN on Google

夜に伺いトマト系やゴルゴンゾーラなど4種類パスタを注文しました。どれも丁寧に作られていて絶品!!デザートのシフォンケーキも美味しく、また行きたいお店。 ただ、外にあるのぼり旗がせっかくの雰囲気を壊しているような気がする…!
I visited at night and ordered 4 kinds of pasta such as tomato and Gorgonzola. All are carefully made and exquisite! !! The dessert chiffon cake is also delicious, and I want to go there again. However, I feel that the banner outside is destroying the atmosphere ...!
鈴木美月 on Google

ゆったり ランチが楽しめました 自家製の野菜のサラダやバジルソースが美味しかったです クリームを使っていない カルボナーラもあります
I enjoyed a relaxing lunch. The homemade vegetable salad and basil sauce were delicious. There is also carbonara without cream.
masa on Google

上総一ノ宮の海岸近くのイタリアンレストラン。パスタは豊富にあり、麺の種類もメニューにより選べます。 若い家族で経営しており、子供が起きてしまい奥さんがおんぶして切り盛りしていました。スイーツのガトーショコラやシフォンケーキがとても美味しかったです!
An Italian restaurant near the coast of Kazusa Ichinomiya. There is a wide variety of pasta, and you can choose the type of noodles from the menu. I run it with a young family, and my wife got up and had a piggyback ride. The sweets gateau chocolate and chiffon cake were very delicious!
Yes Tyler on Google

場所柄、サーファー客が好きそうながっつり系の飲食店が多い中、家族連れやカップルでも落ち着いて食事ができる貴重な存在です パスタもサイドメニューも美味しくて、値段もリーズナブル サイドメニューの数がもう少しあると、ワインも進むんですけどね〜 ぜいたくな望みかな
It is a valuable place where families and couples can have a calm meal while there are many tight-fitting restaurants that surfers may like. The pasta and side menu are delicious and the price is reasonable. If there are a few more side menus, wine will go on, but it's a luxury hope.
yoshio surfrider on Google

Isn't it a shop where men come together? Pasta is delicious! It wasn't enough for the guys who were hungry after the sea ... just that. There are many menus that seem to be delicious with local vegetables! Good for women!
Jun Fuji on Google

味が美味しかったです。また行きたいです。 コスパが気になりました。パスタで一番安いペペロンチーノは900円くらいだったと思いますが、他は1100円くらいで、クリーム系は1300円くらいだったと思います。個人的には900円均一くらいがいいです。 量が少ない気がしました。東京なら問題ないと思いますが、一宮に住んでると違和感を感じる量かもしれません。 平日限定メニューで料金を安くしてもらえると地元の人が行きやすいと思いました。
The taste was delicious. I want to go again. I was worried about cospa. I think the cheapest pasta peperoncino was around 900 yen, but the others were around 1100 yen and the cream type was around 1300 yen. Personally, about 900 yen is good. I felt that the amount was small. I don't think there is a problem in Tokyo, but living in Ichinomiya may make you feel uncomfortable. I thought it would be easier for locals to go if the price was reduced with the weekday limited menu.
Sébastien on Google

Cafy is cozy and food is delicious
Rael Fassy on Google

Great food and service. Portions were a little small. Definitely try the pasta Amatriciana.

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