Pasta e Vino Kei 東池袋店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pasta e Vino Kei 東池袋店

住所 :

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan
Miwa I on Google

ランチのボロネーゼ。サラダとドリンクセットで¥1100。 美味しくクオリティの高いパスタで大満足です。 ランチタイム終盤だったからか提供も早く接客も感じ良く店内の居心地もgood。 他のパスタやデザートも食べてみたいと思えるお店。
Bolognese for lunch. Salad and drink set is ¥ 1100. I am very satisfied with the delicious and high quality pasta. Probably because it was the end of lunch time, the service was quick and the customer service was pleasant, and the inside of the store was very comfortable. A shop where you'll want to try other pasta and desserts.
にょー on Google

土曜日のランチで初訪問しました。 スーパーアラビアータが食べたくて聞いてみたところ、比較的席がすいてるから大丈夫と、提供していただけました。 通常通りの辛さでお願いしましたが、すごく辛いのに、辛さの中にも旨味がしっかりあり、すごく美味しくて大満足でした! 一緒に頼んだ、しらすと青唐辛子のちょいトマペペロンチーノも絶品でした。(こちら写真撮り忘れ) とても気さくなオーナーさんで、会計時に色々な話もしてくれて、最後まで楽しい時間を過ごさせてもらいました。 また伺いますね( ^ω^ )
I visited for the first time at lunch on Saturday. When I asked Super Arrabiata that he wanted to eat it, he said that it was okay because the seats were relatively small. I asked for the spiciness as usual, but although it was very spicy, the spiciness had a strong umami, and it was very delicious and I was very satisfied! The little tomape peroncino of green chili pepper that I ordered together was also excellent. (I forgot to take a photo here) He was a very friendly owner, and he talked about various things at the time of accounting, and I had a good time until the end. I will visit you again (^ ω ^)
M on Google

日曜のランチに伺いました。 厨房が一人しかいないので料理が出てくるまで30分かかりました。 お冷のおかわりを頼んでもすぐには来ません。 牡蠣のレモンクリームは大盛りを頼んだら大粒の牡蠣も大量に来ました! お値段も納得の味と量でした。 料理は本当に美味しかったので、提供時間とお冷だけどうにかしていただきたいです。
I visited for lunch on Sunday. Since there is only one kitchen, it took 30 minutes for the food to come out. Even if I ask for a cold refill, it will not come immediately. When I asked for a large serving of oyster lemon cream, a large amount of large oysters came! The price was also convincing taste and quantity. The food was really good, so I'd like you to manage the serving time and cold.
なとりたまこ on Google

3月の中旬の日曜日。 美味しいパスタが食べたいなと思い、こちらのお店に決定。お昼に訪問する予定で、予約の電話を入れておきました! 店内は、外から見ると仲は見えないのに、中から見ると外の光で、外がばっちり見える! 隠れ家的な雰囲気です。 夜は逆に外からよく見えるのようになるのかなー?? 席にはきちんとパーテーションが設置されています。 さて、パスタメニュー。 たくさんある中で、すごく迷ったけれど、エビのリングイネにしました。 お店の中の注意書きにもあるように、待ち時間は長めです。シェフが一人で調理されているので、1種類ごとにつくられているようですので、注文順ごとですね。 あらかじめ待ち時間についてわかっていれば、なんてことありません。 それよりも、作り立てをすぐに提供してくださるので、二人で来ていて時間差ができたとしても熱々を食べることができるので、私はむしろありがたかったです。 リングイネ、はじめてちゃんとお店で食べましたが、ツルッとしていてこんな食感なんだ!?おいしー!! ボリュームもたっぷりで、食べ応えもじゅうぶんにあります。 そもそも、ジェノベーゼが絶品で、こんなに美味しいソース、タベタコトネーゼ!? じゃが芋もすごくソースと合ってました。 ドルチェも、ジェラート、テリーヌ、ベリーのソース、それぞれ食べても、組み合わせても全部美味しかったです。 もー本当に美味しかった!!また食べに行きたいです。 食べてるうちに店内満員になりましたので、予約しといて良かったです。 夜も来てみたいなー ごちそうさまでした♪
Sunday in the middle of March. I wanted to eat delicious pasta, so I decided to go to this restaurant. I'm planning to visit at noon, so I made a reservation call! When you look at the inside of the store, you can't see the relationship from the outside, but when you look from the inside, you can see the outside perfectly with the outside light! It's a hideaway atmosphere. On the contrary, will it be visible from the outside at night? ?? The seats are properly partitioned. Well, the pasta menu. I was really confused because there were so many, but I chose shrimp linguine. As you can see in the note in the shop, the waiting time is long. Since the chef cooks by himself, it seems that each type is made, so it is in the order of order. If you know the waiting time in advance, nothing will happen. Rather than that, I was rather grateful that they would be able to eat hot even if there was a time lag between the two of us because they would provide us with the freshly prepared food immediately. I ate linguine at the restaurant for the first time, but it was smooth and had such a texture! ?? delicious! !! It has plenty of volume, and there is plenty of food to eat. In the first place, Genovese is exquisite, and this delicious sauce, Tabeta Cotonese! ?? The potatoes also went very well with the sauce. Dolce was also delicious with gelato, terrine and berry sauce, both eaten and combined. It was really delicious! !! I want to go eat again. The store was full while I was eating, so it was good to make a reservation. I want to come at night too Thank you for your feast ♪
m33 on Google

平日ランチの時間帯に何回かお邪魔してます。 パスタはボリュームがあって、美味しくて毎回大満足です! ペペロンチーニの塩加減とニンニク感、絶妙! そしてお安い…! お昼時は混んでいると、提供が少し遅くなることもあるので、早めに入るか、時間に余裕を持って行くのが良いかと思います。 あおさともずく?の入ったスープ、美味しいです。 メニューが豊富なので、ぜひディナーにも行きたいお店です!
I've been bothering you several times during lunch hours on weekdays. The pasta is voluminous, delicious and very satisfying every time! The saltiness and garlic feeling of Peperoncini are exquisite! And cheap ...! If it is crowded at noon, the offer may be delayed a little, so I think it is better to start early or have plenty of time. Sea lettuce mozuku? The soup with soup is delicious. The menu is abundant, so I definitely want to go there for dinner!
M. Pt. on Google

Really good pasta, too bad they tend to sold out quickly. Service could be better.
Brian Chandra on Google

So good we even scrapped off every bit of sauce
Aiken C on Google

Thoroughly enjoyed my seafood pasta, the taste and aroma was delightful. Staff were friendly though our tea wasn't even made until we went to pay the bill.

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