Partik 近江八幡店 - Omihachiman

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Partik 近江八幡店

住所 :

Horikamicho, Omihachiman, 〒523-0031 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 523-0031
Webサイト :
街 : Shiga

Horikamicho, Omihachiman, 〒523-0031 Shiga,Japan
遠藤達也 on Google

近隣のナンカレーのお店で一番おいしい♪ 特にチーズナンが絶品。 他のお店よりチーズの量がすごい・・・。 お腹いっぱいになります。
The most delicious at a nearby Nankare shop ♪ Especially cheese nan is excellent. The amount of cheese is greater than at other shops ... I'm full.
冠弘治 on Google

カレーもナンも美味しかった お店の人はみんなインドの方だと思うけど、すごく愛想がよかった
Both curry and naan were delicious I think all the people in the shop are from India, but they were very friendly.
孤独な食 on Google

The inside is much wider than the impression seen from the table. You can enjoy dishes made by Indians. The 3 @ times I expected is delicious, so I would like to continue to ask. The basic lunch menu is around 1000 yen, rice and naan can be refilled, and curry can be refilled for 200 yen. What a nice store!
jp mk on Google

裏の駐車場がちと分かりにくい。 店内は思ったより広め。値段設定やナンの美味しさは、まぁインドカレー店ならこんなもんかな。 チーズナンがとにかくチーズ大量でびびった。子供も大喜び。家族で行ってしっかり堪能しました。
The parking lot on the back is confusing. The inside of the store is wider than I expected. The price setting and the deliciousness of naan are like this at an Indian curry shop. Cheese Nan was scared with a lot of cheese anyway. Children are delighted too. I went with my family and thoroughly enjoyed it.
らむ on Google

You can enjoy various curries every time, and all of them are delicious! Moreover, it's only 690 yen for one person! Free refills of naan or rice! It used to be a set of salad, curry, naan or rice, but nowadays it even comes with soup. If you go a few times, the service will even provide you with coffee. It is one of the shops that you will definitely go to when you come to Omihachiman. I think it is the strongest cospa in many Indian restaurants.
Quyen Chanh on Google

(2022/01初訪) 雰囲気も味も最高でした。リピ確定。尚、店の前の他にも駐車スペースは多数あります。
(First visit on 2022/01) The atmosphere and taste were great. Lipi confirmed. There are many parking spaces besides the one in front of the store.
Y Ö on Google

移転してるとは知らずココにあることを知り あの美味しいカレーと美味しいナンが 食べたくてひとりで行ってきました。 辛口がイケるので普通より少し辛めを注文。 いやー こんなに辛かったっけ?と思うほど 辛くて汗がダラダラ。 でも くせになります。 珍しく飲み物をラッシーにしていてせいかいだったかも!?
Knowing that it is here without knowing that it has moved That delicious curry and delicious naan I went alone because I wanted to eat it. I ordered a little spicy than usual because it is dry. No, was it so painful? As much as I think It's spicy and sweaty. But it will be a habit. Maybe it was because I made the drink lassi, which is rare! ??
manav singh on Google

Excellent food if you're Nan lover go for it Nan was very tasty Sheff is good

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