Parlor Angel - Isumi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Parlor Angel

住所 :

8743 Ohara, Isumi, Chiba 298-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 298-0004
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–3PM
Sunday 9:30AM–3PM
Monday 9:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–3PM
Friday 9:30AM–3PM

8743 Ohara, Isumi, Chiba 298-0004, Japan
ぶーちゃん on Google

9:30から開いてて食事ができる貴重なお店。 いつもお世話になってます。 写真はアジフライ定食、ししゃも付きなのでお得! デフォルトはソースですが、醤油は減塩が用意されています(^^) 夜までお腹空かないですよ(笑)
A valuable shop that opens from 9:30 and you can eat. I am always indebted to you. The photo shows the Aji fry set meal with shishamo, so it's a great deal! The default is sauce, but salty sauce is prepared with reduced salt (^^) I'm not hungry until night (laughs)
生城山勇司 on Google

We had jumbo chicken cutlet set (thousand yen). Katsu is estimated 250g Yue? There were juicy and soft and eaten. Just it might be my imagination, but there was a little smell of meat Japan.
みのるん on Google

チキンカツカレーメニューの写真より大盛で驚きました。 美味しいので全部食べれました。
I was surprised at how big it was from the picture of the chicken cutlet curry menu. It was delicious so I could eat it all.
hashizo 95 on Google

A coffee shop and restaurant with the remnants of the Showa era. I had a hamburger steak, but the two hamburgers, which are the size of a hamburger steak, are soft and fluffy, and the sauce has a sweet and sour taste. There are other salads and soups that come with it, but the volume of this salad is so great that it makes me full. I think that the number of customers is decreasing due to the corona disaster, but customers came to the store one after another at noon. I hope you will continue to do your best.
M m on Google

ハンバーグセットをいただきました ハンバーグは柔らかくてソースも和風で美味しかったです サラダがボリュームがあり食べきれなかったのが残念です ソーダ水を頼みましたが、グラスが可愛くて懐かしい感じがしました
I got a hamburger set The hamburger was soft and the sauce was Japanese and delicious It's a pity that the salad was so voluminous that I couldn't eat it I ordered soda water, but the glass was cute and nostalgic.
CoCo壱5辛 on Google

I had a cutlet curry ❗ It was a chicken cutlet with a great volume and the cutlet was thigh meat so it was pre-pre-juicy and soft enough to eat ❗ I think that this cutlet curry is close to 1 kg in total weight ❗ Recommended for those who want to eat tightly It's a shop ❗
Hito Kuro on Google

大原駅から歩いて数分のところにある、 エンゼルという軽食屋さんに行ってきました。 結果的に全然軽食ではなかったのは秘密です。 GoogleMAPのレビューをみても、 結構な大盛りのお店らしく・・・ 僕の前に頼んだ方がサービスランチでしたが、 デザートもついていい感じだと思いました。 しかし僕の頼んだのはチキンカツカレーでめちゃくちゃ多い・・・ しかもアツアツ、 食べ終わるころもアツアツでした・・・ 熱い食べ物苦手なんだけどなぁ・・・ 画像を見ていただければわかると思いますが、 これでもかっ! というくらいの大盛り。 ごはんでいえば秋葉原の「あだち」のすり切り盛りより多いと思います。 カレーだから一緒にするっと食べられるだけであり、 米単品ででてきたらヤバい。 もちろんなんとか完食できました。 水も漬物ももちろん完食ですよ。 食べる前も食べた後も多すぎを感じ、 「やっぱり、サービスランチのほうがよかったなぁ・・・ と、ずっと思っていたのは秘密です。 まぁおいしくたらふく食べられたので良しとしますか。 あと、僕の後にもカツカレーを頼む方がいて、 そのあとの方々には「ごはんが無いです」 と、定食ものを注文できない旨を説明し、 帰られた方がいたのが申し訳なかったです。 やっぱり、サービスランチを注文しておけば・・・
A few minutes walk from Ohara station, I went to a light meal shop called Angel. As a result, it is a secret that it was not a light meal at all. Even if you look at the reviews of GoogleMAP, It seems to be a fairly large store ... The one I ordered before me was a service lunch, I thought the dessert was also nice. However, I asked for chicken cutlet curry and there are so many ... Moreover, it's hot, It was hot when I finished eating ... I'm not good at hot food, but ... As you can see from the image, Even this is cool! A large serving. Speaking of rice, I think there are more than the "Adachi" in Akihabara. Because it's curry, you can just eat it together, It would be dangerous if the rice came out as a single item. Of course I managed to finish the meal. Of course, both water and pickles are complete. I felt too much before and after eating, "After all, the service lunch was better ... It's a secret that I've always thought. Well, if it tastes good, I was able to eat it, so would you like it? Also, there was a person who asked for cutlet curry after me, The people after that said, "I don't have rice." Explaining that you cannot order set meals, I'm sorry that there was a person who returned. After all, if you order a service lunch ...
Guilherme Rocha on Google

Food is tasty, huge and at great prices.

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