panya no.. takesan! - Toda

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact panya no.. takesan!

住所 :

荻野ビル 1F 2 Chome-36-8 Kamitoda, Toda, Saitama 335-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 335-0022

荻野ビル 1F 2 Chome-36-8 Kamitoda, Toda, Saitama 335-0022, Japan
g n on Google

いつも美味しく頂いています。 ハード系のパンが好きな方にはオススメです。
It's always delicious. Recommended for those who like hard bread.
shiromin on Google

日曜の13:30、かろうじて残ってる…位(^o^;) かなりこじんまりした店内ですが、落ち着いた雰囲気でキレイ。 食パンは希望偶数枚数に切ってもらえます! PayPay可。 駐車場はありませんが、近隣にコインパ有。
At 13:30 on Sunday, it's barely left ... (^ o ^;) The store is quite small, but it has a calm atmosphere and is beautiful. You can cut the bread to the desired even number! PayPay is possible. There is no parking lot, but there is a coin park nearby.
doc ichigo on Google

バゲットやリュスティックは外はカリッカリで中はむっちりで美味しい! 個人的には、塩キャラメルがめちゃくちゃ好みでした(≧∇≦) リュスティックに自家製の塩キャラメルソースが染み込んででたまらない! まめしばさんに行くときは、セットでの訪問をおすすめします。
Baguettes and rustic sticks are crispy on the outside and plump and delicious on the inside! Personally, I really liked salt caramel (≧∇≦) The homemade salt and caramel sauce is soaked in the rustic sticks! When visiting Mameshiba-san, we recommend visiting as a set.
りんごスター on Google

土曜日の16:30に行きましたが、ほとんど売り切れていて、 残り1個ずつしかなかった、クロックムッシュ、りんごパン、くるみとレーズンのベーグル、クロワッサンを購入しました。 食パンも美味しくて、りんごパンも優しい小麦の味です。 ただクロワッサンはサクサクだけど、バターが大きく主張する生地でした。
I went on Saturday at 16:30, but it was almost sold out I bought croque monsieur, apple bread, walnut and raisin bagels, and croissants, which I had only one left. The bread is delicious, and the apple bread has a gentle wheat taste. However, the croissant is crispy, but it was a dough that butter insisted on.
mojyamojya on Google

A very small shop along the road. Many breads do not use eggs, and children with allergies are happy to eat them. I am happy to eat it. Only one set can be put in the shop, so customers are always lined up on the sidewalk ?
emi* on Google

駅から少し離れたパン屋さん。お店に着くとお一人並んでたので少し待ってから入店。小さなお店に私の好きなハード系が並んでるー^^♪品数は多くないけどとても丁寧に作られている印象。 まかないムッシュ 塩キャラメル クリームチーズくるみ 3個購入。 他にも食べたいパンがあるのでまた買いに行きます☆(あんバター買えばよかった!!)
A bakery a little away from the station. When I arrived at the store, I was lined up alone, so I waited for a while before entering the store. My favorite hardware is lined up in a small shop ^^ ♪ There aren't many items, but the impression is that they are made very carefully. Meal meal Salt caramel Cream cheese walnut Buy 3 pieces. I have other bread I want to eat, so I'll go buy it again ☆ (I should have bought an butter !!)
アフロディーテちゃん on Google

I went to the bakery in the morning, and the hard bread I bought for a trial was the best, so I went to buy it every day with him. The shop is small and cute, the clerk is kind to the customers, the bread is delicious, of course, and especially those who like hard bread will definitely be able to enjoy it! However, since there is no parking lot, you will either be parked on the road or you will be parking, so be careful. I personally recommend cream cheese walnut bread!
k i on Google

パンが美味しい!ベーグルが美味しい! パンがシンプルで形もおしゃれで、美味しいです。パンヤノタケサンのベーグルが大好きで、行くといつも買ってしまいます。カンパーニュもほかのパンもみんな美味しいです。 たまにベーグルオンリーデイを開催されていて、その日はベーグルのみの販売でとてもワクワクします。前回10月くらいは12:10頃に行ったら完売closedになっていて悲しかったですが、2月は初めて買えました!大好きなお店です
The bread is delicious! The bagels are delicious! The bread is simple, fashionable and delicious. I love Panya no Takesan bagels and always buy them when I go. The campagne and other breads are all delicious. Occasionally bagel-only days are held, and it is very exciting to sell only bagels on that day. Last time around October, I was sad that it was sold out when I went around 12:10, but I was able to buy it for the first time in February! it's one of my favourite stores

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