4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 島旨PAN

住所 :

Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, 〒739-0505 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://ya00901.gorp.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, 〒739-0505 Hiroshima,Japan
Hiro I. on Google

厳島(宮島)のフェリーを降りてすぐのホテルのロビーに入っているパン屋さん。シマウマとかけたインパクトのある名前のお店で、オリジナルのパンが美味しかったです^ ^
A bakery in the hotel lobby just off the Itsukushima (Miyajima) ferry. The original bread was delicious at the shop with a name that had an impact with zebras ^ ^
スカじゃん on Google

Algal salt bread is particularly delicious. The salty bread is very different from the usual salty bread. The saltiness is at least very easy to eat. Lemon bread is also delicious, and every bread is very delicious. The dough is sticky. The clerk's affiliation is also very good, and it's a bakery that seems to be good to come and buy it by boat.
naho Kira on Google

2021/11/25 3度目の訪問 2年半前 偶然立ち寄って塩パンを購入して 蔵vittoさんでコーヒーを飲んで食べたら美味しかったので塩パンをご近所のお土産分も含めて再度購入して帰りました 家に帰って温めて食しましたが とても美味しかったのを覚えております 去年、再び訪れた時も持ち帰り分で購入して家で食べましたが、、、少し味が落ちていて香りが少ない様に感じました 今回も訪問して蔵vittoさんで食しましたが、普通のパンに成り下がったような感じがしました 期待が高い分 とても残念な気持ちがあります
2021/11/25 Third visit Two and a half years ago, I happened to stop by and buy salt bread, and it was delicious when I drank coffee at Kura Vitto, so I bought salt bread again, including souvenirs from my neighborhood, and went home. I went home and warmed it up and ate it, but I remember it was very delicious. When I visited again last year, I bought it for take-out and ate it at home, but I felt that the taste was a little low and the aroma was low. I visited this time and ate at Kura Vitto, but I felt like it had become a normal bread. I have high expectations, so I feel very disappointed.
Tomohiro Takeuchi (ともちん) on Google

宮島のホテル「宮島別荘」にある島旨PAN。毎日手作りパンを焼いています。名物はブルーベリーをふんだんに使った「宮島ブルーベリーブレッド」が人気。 他にも藻塩パンや、レモンあんぱんなど色々なパンがあります。是非、観光やお土産にもおすすめです?
Miyajima PAN in Miyajima Hotel Miyajima Villa. I bake homemade bread every day. The famous product is Miyajima Blueberry Bread, which uses plenty of blueberries. There are also various kinds of bread such as alga salt bread and lemon anpan. By all means, it is also recommended for sightseeing and souvenirs.
ぶぶぶん on Google

藻塩パンと塩あんバターを購入しました。 塩あんバターが美味! 塩パンにバターと餡子が絶妙に調和されていて凄い美味しい。塩パンも美味しいし、バターも美味しいし、餡子も美味しい。 それぞれが美味しいんですよね。でも良い塩梅にちゃんとバランスが調和している。 こちらで購入してからあんバターにはまってしまい他のパン屋で見つけては毎回買うのですが、こちらみたいに美味しいあんバターに出会えてないので関東で美味しいパン屋知ってたら教えて欲しいです。 あと藻塩パンも美味しい! Paulの滴シリーズの塩パンを超える塩パン探してたのですが同様に美味しい塩パンにやっと出逢えました。 あんバターも美味しいし、近所にあったらしょっちゅう通ってましたね、きっと。
I bought algae salt bread and salted bean paste butter. The salted bean paste is delicious! Butter and bean paste are exquisitely harmonized with salt bread and it is very delicious. The salt bread is delicious, the butter is delicious, and the bean paste is delicious. Each one is delicious, isn't it? But the balance is in harmony with the good salt plum. After buying it here, I'm addicted to bean paste and I find it at other bakeries and buy it every time, but I can't find delicious bean paste like this, so if you know a delicious bakery in Kanto, please let me know. Also, the algae salt bread is delicious! I was looking for a salt bread that exceeds the salt bread of Paul's drop series, but I finally came across a delicious salt bread as well. The bean paste is delicious, and I'm sure I used to go there all the time when I was in the neighborhood.
マチュピチュ on Google

SUP宮島の方のおすすめで、レモンあんぱんを買いました。あんぱんといっても、白餡とクリームチーズ味のクリームが入っており、初めて食べる味でした!あんぱんの概念が覆されます。友人にも紹介できるくらい美味しかったです。 ただ、お値段が270円と少し高めでしたので、星4とさせていただきました。
I bought lemon anpan at the recommendation of SUP Miyajima. Even though it was anpan, it contained white bean paste and cream cheese-flavored cream, which was the first taste I had! The concept of Anpan is overturned. It was delicious enough to introduce to my friends. However, the price was a little high at 270 yen, so I decided to give it 4 stars.
けん on Google

レモンあんぱんとあんバターパンがとても美味しいです!パン生地がふんわりしており久々にここまで美味しいパンを食べました。 生食パンは購入しましたが値段程じゃないかな。 2斤の箱入りのものしかなくカットもして貰えなかったです。 食パンは家で綺麗に切れないのでそこは対応して欲しい。
Lemon anpan and anpan butter bread are very delicious! The bread dough is fluffy and I ate delicious bread so far after a long time. I bought raw bread, but it's about the price. There were only 2 loaves in a box and I couldn't get them cut. Bread cannot be cut cleanly at home, so please handle it.
hiroshima EIGLOBE on Google

(日本語は後に続く↓)I'm a big fan of their ”Shio An Butter (salt and red bean paste)” bread! They are using the same red bean paste as they use in momiji manju. Great treat to bring to the Misen hike! 塩あんバターが美味しい!サクサクの塩パンの中に、もみじ饅頭に使われるこし餡と無塩バターがギッシリ入っています。かわいい掌サイズですが、腹持ちが良いので、弥山に登る道中の栄養補給にピッタリです。疲れが一気に吹き飛びますよ!
(Japanese follows ↓) I'm a big fan of their ”Shio An Butter (salt and red bean paste)” bread! They are using the same red bean paste as they use in momiji manju. Great treat to bring to the Misen hike! The salted bean paste is delicious! In the crispy salt bread, the koshigyo and unsalted butter used for Momiji manju are squeezed. It's a cute palm size, but it's hungry, so it's perfect for nutritional support on the way to Mt. Misen. Tiredness will be blown away at once!

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