
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 黒べこや生実店

住所 :

Oyumicho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0813 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–2:30AM
Sunday 5PM–12:30AM
Monday 5PM–2:30AM
Tuesday 5PM–2:30AM
Wednesday 5PM–2:30AM
Thursday 5PM–2:30AM
Friday 5PM–2:30AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Oyumicho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0813 Chiba,Japan
A Z on Google

徒歩圏で行けるのでとても助かっています。 年に数回の利用ですが、美味しくて店員さんもとても感じが良いです。 チヂミのサービスは嬉しい。
It is very helpful because I can go within walking distance. It is used several times a year, but it is delicious and the clerk feels very good. Chijimi's service is nice.
浅田真 on Google

美味しかった!肉が凄く柔らかい! 米もうまい! 雰囲気も良かったです。古い割にきれいで広いし座りやすい。 BGMもイイ感じにかかっています。 ずっと気になっててようやく行く機会がありましたが、行って良かった。口コミが良いのも納得しました。 予算はお酒飲むなら5000円はあれば満足に食べられるかも。 飲まないならもう少し少なくてもいけるかも。 また是非行きたいです。
was delicious! The meat is very tender! Rice is good! The atmosphere was also good. It is clean, spacious and easy to sit on for its old age. BGM also depends on a good feeling. I've always been interested and finally had the opportunity to go, but I'm glad I went. I was convinced that the word of mouth was good. If you have a budget of 5,000 yen, you may be satisfied with your drink. If you don't drink it, you may be able to use a little less. I definitely want to go again.
あざらしさくと on Google

接客は決して丁寧、にこやかとは言えませんが、こまめに網を交換してくれたり、目はとても行き届いています。 お肉はそこそこ盛りが良く、つけダレが美味しい。 お土産に海苔もいただきました。 駐車場も数が多いので、車で来店しても安心です。
The customer service is by no means polite and smiling, but the nets are changed frequently and the eyes are very attentive. The meat is reasonably well served and the sauce is delicious. I also got seaweed as a souvenir. There are many parking lots, so it is safe to come by car.
k j on Google

隠れた名店 昔ながらのスタイルではあるが 都内の名店にある意味負けない
Hidden famous store Although it is an old-fashioned style In a sense that it is in a famous store in Tokyo
sato “どどどど” on Google

何で評価がこんなに高いのか謎。 メニューの写真ではズラッと並んでいる特上タン塩2,000円はいざ運ばれてくると4枚しか乗っていない、しかもうち2枚は噛みきれないレベルのゴリゴリとした筋あり。 肉質を考えれば別に全然安くない、むしろ高い。 店員さんは愛想は悪くないが、なにも言葉を発さないタイプ。会計後に濡れた手で板ガムを渡されて色々と残念なお店だと思った。 再訪なし
It is a mystery why the evaluation is so high. In the picture of the menu, the special tongue salt of 2,000 yen, which is lined up in a row, has only 4 pieces on it when it is brought in, and 2 of them have stiff lines that can not be chewed. Considering the meat quality, it is not cheap at all, but rather expensive. The clerk is not bad at all, but he doesn't say anything. After the checkout, I was handed chewing gum with my wet hands and thought it was a disappointing shop. No revisit
Sen Ara on Google

提供が早い、網が汚れたら直ぐに変えてくれる。 たまにサービスでチヂミや枝豆が付いてくるのがうれしい。カルビは甘くておいしい! 子供が飽きないようにオモチャがあるがほとんど壊れてるのでマイナス…でもこどもはそれでも遊ぶので助かってる面もある。
It is provided quickly, and if the net becomes dirty, it will be changed immediately. I'm glad that the service sometimes comes with chijimi and edamame. The ribs are sweet and delicious! There are toys so that children won't get bored, but it's almost broken, so it's a minus ... But children still play, so it's helpful.
【GOD】 in 【GOD】 on Google

予算は1万5千〜2万です。 男女で、酒を飲みながら高い品を細かく注文したら会計それくらいでした。
The budget is 15,000 to 20,000. For men and women, if I ordered high-priced items in detail while drinking alcohol, it was about the same as accounting.
M i on Google

毎月、自分たちのご報告として、食べに行っています。他の焼き肉店より、タレが絶品なので癖になります。 黒毛和牛は高めですが、オススメです!これを食べたら、他のお店で焼き肉食べられなくなりました。(どうも比較してしまって) 店内も、広めで安心できます。チヂミやワカメスープも絶品です。
Every month, we go to eat as our report. The sauce is more exquisite than other yakiniku restaurants, so it's a habit. Japanese black beef is expensive, but I recommend it! After eating this, I couldn't eat yakiniku at other restaurants. (I've compared it) The inside of the store is also spacious and you can rest assured. Chijimi and seaweed soup are also excellent.

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