
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 地酒の都屋

住所 :

Oyamatsu, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0952 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.niigata-miyakoya.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Oyamatsu, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0952 Niigata,Japan
カズくん(レオ太) on Google

昨日の8/5 ご主人に薦められ高級なお酒をゲット お米を72%まで削り残り28%で造ったお酒 スッキリとした口当たりの辛口で旨かった? 朝日酒造の洗心❗
8/5 yesterday Get high-quality alcohol recommended by your husband Alcohol made by cutting rice to 72% and making 28% It was delicious with a refreshing dry mouth. Asahi Shuzo's Senshin❗
ジギンガーA on Google

コトヨ醬油購入しました。 ぴあ万代やふるさと村まで 行かなくて良くなりました?
I bought Kotoyo soy sauce. To Pia Manyo and Furusato Village I don't have to go ?
Yasuo A. on Google

The owner's commitment and love for sake (sake) is very well conveyed. It doesn't matter if you take the temperature control of sake, the relationship with the brewery, or the knowledge about sake. This shop is the first thing that comes to mind when arranging good sake with your errands because it is manifested in your personality and you can trust it.
u yu yu on Google

日本酒好きにおすすめ! 丁寧な接客でわかりやすく説明してくれます。 先日3度目の来店をさせていただきました。 日々の晩酌用の普通酒からここぞという日の贈り物用にぴったりな高級銘柄まで広く扱っています。 知人に教えてもらい贈り物のお酒を買いに行ったのが初めての来店でしたが、店員さんが日本酒のことをよくわかってない私に対しほんとに丁寧な説明をしていただきました! それまで私は何となく個人でやられているような酒屋さんにはお酒の知識もなく、常連や近所の人しか相手してくれないんじゃないかと思い込み入りづらい印象でしたが、その概念はこちらのお店には当てはまりません! 女性の店員さん男性の店員さんどちらも話しかけやすく丁寧な接客をしてくださいます。 また嬉しかったのがのし紙をつけていただいた時、今はパソコンで作成、プリントアウトするところが大半だと思いますが、こちらは達筆な手書きのものを作成してくれました!嬉しかったです! とてもお勧めできる酒屋さんです!!
Recommended for sake lovers! They will explain in an easy-to-understand manner with polite customer service. I visited the store for the third time the other day. We carry a wide range of products, from ordinary sake for daily drinks to high-end brands that are perfect as gifts for the day. It was my first time to visit the store after having an acquaintance tell me to buy sake as a gift, but the clerk gave me a really polite explanation to me, who is not familiar with sake! Until then, I had the impression that it was hard to assume that a liquor store, which seems to be run by an individual, would only deal with regulars and neighbors because they had no knowledge of alcohol, but the concept is here. Not applicable to stores! Both female clerk and male clerk are easy to talk to and provide polite customer service. Also, I was happy that when I got the paper attached, I think that most of the work is done and printed out on a computer now, but this one was handwritten by hand! I was happy! It is a highly recommended liquor store! !!
N WAGA on Google

令和3年8月11日(水) 旅の途中で伺いました。 接客が親切丁寧で「高千代」と「たかちよ」の違いについて教えて頂きました!
Wednesday, August 11, 3rd year of Reiwa I visited during the trip. The customer service was kind and polite and told me about the difference between "Takachiyo" and "Takachiyo"!
ヒヨドリ亭 on Google

日本酒の種類が豊富。 お酒を大切に管理されているのが感じられるお店です。
A wide variety of sake. It is a shop where you can feel that sake is carefully managed.
メカにゃん on Google

新潟地酒は都屋さんへ。親切丁寧な対応です。 スタッフの皆様もみんな素敵な方ばかりです。お酒以外の厳選食材もお勧めです。
For Niigata local sake, go to Miyakoya. It is a kind and polite response. All the staff are wonderful. We also recommend carefully selected ingredients other than alcohol.
kktsかすゆき on Google

初めてお邪魔しました。1つの銘柄に対して種類が沢山あり、見たことがない物が多すぎて、 どれにしようか迷いました。結局、私のお気に入りの、麒麟山酒造のkagayakiを 買って来ました。年末年始に頂きます。
I visited you for the first time. There are many types for one brand, and there are too many that I have never seen, so I was wondering which one to choose. After all, I bought my favorite Kirinzan Sake Brewery's kagayaki. We will have it during the year-end and New Year holidays.

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