
4.2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact スタークリーニング(株)

住所 :

Oyamadai, Setagaya City, 〒158-0086 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Tokyo

Oyamadai, Setagaya City, 〒158-0086 Tokyo,Japan
和田謙一 on Google

I just searched.
Mitsuru Sakai on Google

接客業として全くもって最低です。 先日、伝票が見当たらず、仕上がり日時がわからなくなったので、お店に電話して確認しようとしたところ、男性店員?店主?が電話に出て、伝票の件を伝えると、(今忙しくてパソコン使えないから伝票ないなら調べられないよ)と面倒くさそうに言われ、電話を切られました。私も経営者であり、同じ接客業ですが、私なら(お客様、大変申し訳ございません。只今お店が込み合っておりますので、差し支えなければ、お調べした上でこちらからご連絡致しますので、お電話番号を教えて頂けますでしょうか?)と言うでしょう。ほんの少しの対応で、たった1家族ですが、お客様を失うような発言は如何なものかと思いました。二度と使う事はないでしょう。
It is absolutely the worst as a hospitality business. The other day, I couldn't find the voucher, so I didn't know the finished date and time. Owner? When he answered the phone and told him about the voucher, he said, "I can't look it up without a voucher because I can't use my computer because I'm too busy right now" and hung up. I am also a business owner and I am in the same hospitality business, but if I am (customer, I am very sorry.Since the shop is crowded now, if you do not mind, I will contact you after checking, Will you tell me your phone number?) With just a little response, I had only one family, but I thought what the statement would have done to lose the customer. You will never use it again.
R A on Google

ウニ君をはじめ、店員みなさんが気さくでで好感が持てるお店です。 他店で落ちなかった汚れもしっかり落としてくれますし、家庭でできるケア等プチ情報も教えて下さるので ありがたいです。
It is a shop where all the staff, including sea urchin, are friendly and have a good impression. I am grateful that it will remove dirt that was not removed at other stores, and will also give me small information such as care that can be done at home.
Royママ on Google

長年利用させて頂いています。 汚れの落とし方など詳しく説明してもらい出来上がりも大変満足しています。 看板犬のウニくんの接客がたまらなく可愛い?
I have been using it for many years. I am very satisfied with the result, as I was asked to explain in detail how to remove dirt. The customer service of the signboard dog Uni is irresistibly cute ?
A O on Google

It is a cozy cleaning shop where a friendly clerk and the signboard dog Uniro welcome you. The work is also professional with in-house finishing. The other day, I lost my voucher and caused inconvenience to the clerk even though I was busy, but I am grateful for your smooth and willing response. It is a very reasonable shop with both price and correspondence.

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