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Contact わたなべ内科循環器科医院

住所 :

Oyamachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0345 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.watanabe-ooya-clinic.com/
街 : Tochigi

Oyamachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0345 Tochigi,Japan
すけりょう on Google

不安が強いことによって食べ物を食べることが一切出来なくなってしまい栄養も取れず日に日に痩せてしまっため色々な心療内科に電話しましたがどこも断られてしまいました。 そんなときわたなべ内科循環器科医院さんに電話をし診ていただけることになり来院しました。 予約制ではないがだいたいいつごろ来られるかだけ教えてほしいとのことだったので一週間後と伝えると電話口のスタッフさんから日が空いてしまいますが辛くないですか?大丈夫ですか?と心配をしてくださりもうこの時点で感動しました。スタッフさんお気遣いありがとうございました。 先生は腰が低くとっっっても優しい方でした。 不安に思っていること辛い症状などを時間をかけて親身になって話を聞いていただけました。 私にあった薬をかなり細かく説明してくださり出してもらい今飲んでいますが少しずつ食べ物が食べれるようになりました。 本当に本当にありがとうございました。 先生のおかげで人生が変わりました。
Due to my anxiety, I couldn't eat any food at all, I couldn't get any nutrition, and I became thin day by day, so I called various psychosomatic medicine departments, but all of them were refused. At that time, I came to the hospital because I was able to call the Watanabe Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Clinic. It's not a reservation system, but I was asked to tell me only if I could come around, so if I told him that it would be a week later, the staff at the telephone would be free, but isn't it painful? Are you okay? I was impressed at this point. Thank you for your concern. The teacher was low-back and very kind. I was able to take the time to listen to the stories of my anxiety and painful symptoms. He gave me a very detailed explanation of the medicine that suits me, and I'm taking it now, but I've gradually become able to eat food. I really thank you. Thanks to my teacher, my life has changed.
金田真弥 on Google

仕事柄、夕方以降にも開けてくださるこちらの医院にお世話になっています。先生はお忙しいはずなのに、親身になって話を聞いてくださり、薬の説明や、何のために使用するのかなどを丁寧に話してくださいます。 何度こちらに訪れても毎回同じようにありがたい対応をしてくださり、1人の人間として本当に尊敬しております。 地域への恩返しのために、というコンセプトがあるそうですが、言うは易しで、中々実践できるものでないと思います。それをブレずに通してらっしゃる先生に本当に脱帽です。 これからもよろしくお願いします!
I am indebted to this clinic, which is open even after the evening because of my work. The teacher should be busy, but he will be kind enough to listen to you and talk carefully about the medicine and what it is used for. No matter how many times I visit here, I am grateful for the same kind of response every time, and I really respect him as a person. It seems that there is a concept to give back to the community, but I think it is easy to say and not something that can be put into practice. I really have to take off my hat to the teacher who passes it through without blurring. I look forward to working with you!
Mas m on Google

発熱があり、ネットで調べて家からやや遠いですけど伺いました。先生や受付の方、隣の処方箋の方達、皆親切でわかりやすい説明でよかったです。 コロナ禍で大変ですが頑張って下さい。
I had a fever, so I looked it up online and it was a little far from my house, but I asked. The teachers, receptionists, and the prescriptions next door were all nice and easy to understand. It's hard because of the corona, but please do your best.
Isono Tokio on Google

Although it is a young teacher, you can listen to this story carefully. Check back in the afternoon as you may be away from home. The system as a hospital is expected from now on U ^ é ^ U
こばり on Google

He is a teacher who is always hard, kind, and patient-first. It's a little far, but it's a hospital worth visiting.
maaa on Google

Many hospitals did not give me a thorough diagnosis of the condition of the child who had a fever due to the corona illness, and I was in trouble because I could not take medicine. I did. I was impressed by the fact that this teacher was a very good teacher who gave me a proper diagnosis, listened to the story, and explained in an easy-to-understand manner. The pharmacy next door is also a pharmacy who gives a polite explanation in a gentle way of speaking. It's a little far from home, but I want to be a family doctor. Thanks to you, I got a medical examination, took medicine, and the next day I got well! Thank you ?
ai ny on Google

なかなか病院では聞きたい事も聞けずに帰って来てしまう私ですが、渡辺先生にはちゃんと聞けました!! こちらの問いかけに対して丁寧な口調で、素人の不安を医学的にしっかりと答えてくれました。 一生懸命患者と向き合っているのが伝わってきました。 とても良い先生です!
At the hospital, I couldn't ask what I wanted to ask, but I came home, but I was able to ask Dr. Watanabe properly! !! With a polite tone to this question, he answered the anxiety of amateurs medically. I was told that I was facing the patient very hard. A very good teacher!
O Anone on Google

Even though I am very busy with the corona, the teachers are kind and explain in an easy-to-understand manner even if I suddenly visit without making a reservation, and the nurses and pharmacists are also very kind. It's always crowded, but I can't wait that long.

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