大玉温泉 金泉閣

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大玉温泉 金泉閣

住所 :

Oyama, Otama, Adachi District, 〒969-1301 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.kinsenkaku.jp/
街 : Fukushima
Description : Unpretentious hot spring inn offering simple rooms with tatami floors, plus a casual restaurant.

Oyama, Otama, Adachi District, 〒969-1301 Fukushima,Japan
41 kyfish on Google

Barスペースで大玉カレーを営業しています。 家で食べるカレーとはひと味違う美味しいカレーでした。 日帰り入浴は¥1000との事でした。 源泉掛け流しにこだわっているみたいで、加温や加水や消毒は一切行っていないそうです。
Otama curry is available at Bar space. It was a delicious curry that was a bit different from the curry you eat at home. One day bathing was $ 1000. He seems to be particular about flowing from the source and does not heat, add water or disinfect.
ゆんあとこ on Google

福島県大玉村にある老舗温泉旅館『金泉閣』 その中でカレーが頂けます ✨『福島県のカレーを食う‼️2020』✨第②店目 場所は岳温泉に向う途中にポツンとあり 店主によると 店主「netや旅行会社に登録してないので 隠れ過ぎてる温泉宿です(笑)」 確かに‼️福島県民の連れも知らなかった 秘湯❓隠れ温泉❗老舗感ある立派な宿の 1Fサロンで注文したのは ●『大玉カレー』¥800 ●『トッピング豚バラ』¥300 煮溶けた野菜の甘味あるコク深いカレー 鼻に抜けるスパイスの香りも良く 後から辛味も来て美味しい✨ 柔らかい豚バラは脂こくない優しい味付け カレーとの相性も◎ 付け合わせの野菜もシャキシャキ❗ さつまいもかと思う位甘いジャガイモや 大根のピクルスも旨い 夢中で食べてると 店主「週末の夜に出している角煮です 良かったら食べてみて下さい(*´ω`)」 ええの⁉️やったーヽ(*´∀`)ノ♪ 柔らかいのに煮崩れてない角煮は 八角やクミン、グローブなど カレースパイスも使用していて良い香り♪ ジューシーで味付けも良く旨~い❗✨ ビール飲みた~い(笑) 旨いつまみもある夜営業の時も行かねば❗ 隠れ宿で頂ける美味しいカレー店 コロナに負けず頑張ってや~♪ヽ(´▽`)/
A long-established hot spring inn "Kinsenkaku" in Otama Village, Fukushima Prefecture You can have curry in it ✨ "Eat curry in Fukushima prefecture!" ️2020 ”✨ 2nd store There is a place on the way to Dake Onsen According to the shop owner Shopkeeper "Because I have not registered with the net or travel agency It's a hot spring inn that is too hidden (laughs) " surely! ️I didn't even know the companion of Fukushima citizens Secret hot spring ❓ Hidden hot spring ❗ A fine inn with a long-established feel I ordered at the 1st floor salon ● "Otama Curry" 800 yen ● "Topping pork rose" ¥ 300 Sweet and rich curry of boiled vegetables The scent of spices that come out of your nose is also good The spiciness will come later and it will be delicious ✨ Soft pork roses are not greasy and have a gentle seasoning It goes well with curry. Garnished vegetables are also crispy ❗ Sweet potatoes that I think are sweet potatoes The pickled radish is also delicious When I'm crazy about eating Shopkeeper "Kakuni served on weekend nights Please try it if you like (* ´ω `) ” Yeah ⁉️ I did it ヽ (* ´∀ `) ノ ♪ Kakuni, which is soft but does not crumble Octagon, cumin, gloves, etc. Good scent using curry spice ♪ Juicy and seasoned well ❗✨ I want to drink beer (laughs) I have to go even when it's open at night when there is a good taste ❗ A delicious curry shop that you can enjoy at a hidden inn Do your best without losing to Corona ~ ♪ ヽ (´ ▽ `) /
ななぷ on Google

温泉はすばらしい炭酸水素塩泉 ただ、価格がなぜか毎回変わってしまい、いったいいくらなのかいまだにわかりません。500円のときもあれば、700円、1000円、法則はわかりません(週末料金ではないみたい)
Hot springs are wonderful bicarbonate springs However, the price has changed every time for some reason, and I still don't know how much it is. Sometimes 500 yen, 700 yen, 1000 yen, I do not know the rule (it seems not a weekend fee)
モコちゃん on Google

The smooth and smooth spring quality of Toro Toro improves the beauty effect. The open-air bath is also nice.
ともやん on Google

One-day bathing ¥ 1000? It's a little expensive, but there are some things. A splendid open-air bath. There is a feeling of openness. I wonder if the men's and women's hot water is connected.
ミキオ on Google

大玉カレー美味しかったです✨ 店主も気さくでお店に来店する方たちも気さくで居心地のイイ空間です?
Otama curry was delicious ✨ The owner is also friendly and the people who come to the store are also friendly and comfortable ?
domingo -r-guradhiusu on Google

日帰り入浴1000円になります。 露天と内風呂がありますが今回は内風呂のみです。露天が使えるかは事前に確認するといいですよ。 アルカリ性の泉質でちょっと熱いです。内風呂は約42℃~位でした。 露天なら少しぬるくなりそうですね。
One-day bathing costs 1000 yen. There are open-air baths and indoor baths, but this time only the indoor baths. It's a good idea to check in advance if you can use the open air. It is an alkaline spring and is a little hot. The indoor bath was around 42 ° C. It looks a little slimy in the open air.
ひろひろ on Google

事前申込みをしないと入れないみたいですが、お客さんが居ない時間だったので、予約無しで入らせてもらいました。 脱衣室で知ったのですが、脱衣かごが4つの小さなお風呂、多人数だと入れないので、予約が必要なのだと思います。 脱衣かごだけで、カギはありませんので、貴重品は、車の中がいいかも。リンスインシャンプーとボディーソープ、ドライヤー有り。シャワーは、2つあるけど、1つはお湯が出なかったです。歴史ある佇まいですが、掃除が行き届いていてきれいでした。 今は紅葉?の季節、今回は、お湯を抜いた後だったらしく、露天風呂に入れず残念でした。内風呂は、ひのき?を境に温めと丁度いいお湯と分かれています。とろっとした、においの無いお湯でした。入り方が悪かったのか、すぐ足先が冷えてしまいました。個人的な意見ですが、千円は高いと感じました。
It seems that you can't enter without prior application, but since it was a time when there were no customers, I was allowed to enter without a reservation. As I learned in the dressing room, I think it is necessary to make a reservation because the dressing basket has four small baths and a large number of people cannot enter. There is no key to the undressing basket, so valuables may be in the car. Rinse-in shampoo, body soap and dryer are available. There are two showers, but one did not have hot water. It has a historic appearance, but it was clean and well-cleaned. It's the season of autumn leaves ?, and this time it seems that it was after the hot water was drained, so I was disappointed that I couldn't take the open-air bath. Is the indoor bath a cypress? It is divided into warm water and just the right hot water. It was a thick, odorless hot water. Perhaps it wasn't the way to enter, my feet got cold soon. In my opinion, I felt that 1,000 yen was expensive.

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