Oyama Orthopedic Surgeon and Internist Clinic - Oyama

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oyama Orthopedic Surgeon and Internist Clinic

住所 :

824-18 Amagaya, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0826, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 323-0826
Webサイト : https://www.oyamaseikeigekanaika.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

824-18 Amagaya, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0826, Japan
我流 on Google

週末診てもらえるので助かる。平日も18時の受付迄ならOKだが仕事帰りだと渋滞等で中々間に合わない、せめて19時迄ならよいのだが。 患者は多い。 物理療法は器具が豊富ですぐに出来るが診察は待たされる。
It's helpful because you can see me on the weekend. It's OK until 18:00 on weekdays, but on the way home from work, it's too late due to traffic jams, etc., but at least until 19:00. There are many patients. Physical therapy is abundant and can be done immediately, but medical examination is awaited.
チャロチャロ on Google

とにかく待ち時間が長い。 そのわりに対した診察はしない。 他に行った方がいい。
Anyway, the waiting time is long. I don't give a medical examination for that. You had better go elsewhere.
雨月緋奈 on Google

I'm giving up on the fact that the reception isn't very good, but I think it's abnormal here ... If the reception is bad, the hospital itself is usually bad, but that's right. I used to go here because the company is using it, but I don't want to go there anymore
、、 on Google

待ち時間目安1時間と言われていたが2、3時間以上待つ 病院待つのは仕方ないがここまで待たされるのは初めて 。 対応も良くないしたぶん二度と使わない
It was said that the waiting time was 1 hour, but wait for a few hours or more. I can't help waiting for the hospital, but this is the first time I've been waiting so far. Correspondence is not good, maybe I will never use it again
zappa223 on Google

診察までいつも3時間ほど待たされます。 待ち合わせ室は大量の人でごった返しソーシャルディスタンスを取ることは不可能です。入口にアルコール消毒が置いてあり、時間帯によって検温もしていただけますが、リスクを考えると両親や子どもは連れて行きたくないです。 待った分、しっかり診てもらえるわけでもなく、他院からの紹介等、どうしようもない時に仕方なく利用しますが、貴重な時間が潰れてしまいますので極力利用したくありません。
I always have to wait about 3 hours before seeing a doctor. The meeting room is crowded with a large number of people and it is impossible to take a social distance. Alcohol disinfection is placed at the entrance, and you can measure the temperature depending on the time of day, but considering the risk, parents and children do not want to take it. I don't want to get a thorough examination because I waited, and I have no choice but to use it when there is no help for it, such as referrals from other hospitals, but I do not want to use it as much as possible because precious time will be lost.
n misora on Google

2時間待たされてやっと診察室に入ったと思ったら、「次回来たとき検査しましょう」で終わり。半日潰して、何の結果もなし。 そちらもお忙しいのはわかるけど、こっちだってやっと時間作って来たのに、また振り出しだよ
When I finally entered the examination room after waiting for two hours, I ended up with "Let's check when I come next time". I crushed it for half a day and there was no result. I know you're busy, but even though I've finally made time for this one, it's time to start again.
純水 on Google

事故でここに行くのは良くないかと思います。 追突されて頭痛や首から肩の痛みがあったのでとりあえず整形外科を受診しましたが、レントゲンは異常なし、問診も触診もほぼないまま終わりました。 頭痛はうちでは見られないから他行ってって感じでめんどくさそうでした。 むしろこんなことできたの?という感じでした。 受付の方は無言が多いです。確認したいことがあって質問し終わるとくるりと踵を返し後ろの方に行ってしまいました。しばらくして戻ってこられましたが、お待ちくださいなどの一言がないです。問診票も、保険証、診察券も無言で返されました。コロナ渦だからでしょうか。 また、診察室に呼ばれた際に診察室に入ろうとしましたが、自分を呼んだ看護師が離れたところにいる看護師にニコニコと手を振っていてドア前から避けてくれなかったのでびっくりしました。彼女より自分の方が身長は大きかったですが、後から自分に気付いたようでどうぞと避けてくれましたが… その後も少し手を振って自分より後に部屋に戻ったようでしたがドアを閉めてくれんかったので自分で閉めました。
I think it's not good to go here in an accident. I had a headache and neck to shoulder pain after being hit, so I went to an orthopedic surgeon for the time being, but the X-ray was normal, and I had almost no interviews or palpation. I didn't see any headaches at home, so I felt like I was going elsewhere and it seemed to be annoying. Rather, could you do this? It was that kind of feeling. The receptionist is often silent. There was something I wanted to check, and when I finished asking a question, I turned my heels back and went to the back. I came back after a while, but I have no words to wait. The questionnaire, insurance card, and medical examination ticket were returned silently. Is it because it is a corona vortex? Also, when I was called to the doctor's office, I tried to enter the doctor's office, but I was surprised that the nurse who called me was waving to the nurse who was far away and did not avoid it from the front of the door. Did. I was taller than her, but she seemed to notice me later and asked me to avoid it ... After that, I waved a little and seemed to return to the room after myself, but I didn't want to close the door, so I closed it myself.
神戸梟帥 on Google

金儲けしか考えない病院 あちこちの科をたらい回しにして高額な診療代を請求されました。 検査ばかりです ちなみにその後、駅前のクリニックに行ったところ、すぐ病名がわかり、治療もしてくれました みなさん、こんなボッタクリ病院にいくのはやめましょう
A hospital that only thinks about making money I was charged a high medical fee by going around the departments here and there. Only inspection By the way, after that, when I went to the clinic in front of the station, I immediately found out the name of the disease and treated me. Everyone, let's stop going to such a rip-off hospital

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