一番舘 上尾店

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 一番舘 上尾店

住所 :

Oyahongo, Ageo, 〒362-0044 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.p-ichibankan.net/ageo.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10:50PM
Sunday 10AM–10:50PM
Monday 10AM–10:50PM
Tuesday 10AM–10:50PM
Wednesday 10AM–10:50PM
Thursday 10AM–10:50PM
Friday 10AM–10:50PM
街 : Saitama

Oyahongo, Ageo, 〒362-0044 Saitama,Japan
まるち on Google

上尾で一番しんどい店となりました。 開店当初は良かったのですが、、、 やはり、一番舘でした。 はい、1年振りに来ました。 夜9時前は、1k18回転と好調でしたが、以後1k10回転になりました。 台移動しても、回りません。 とにかく回らない1k AVE12回転位。
It has become the toughest store in Ageo. It was good at the beginning of the store, but ... After all, it was the best. Yes, I came for the first time in a year. Before 9 pm, it was good at 1k18 rotation, but after that it became 1k10 rotation. Even if the table moves, it will not rotate. 1k AVE 12 rotations that do not rotate anyway.
愛犬家わんわん on Google

The clerk will clean it as soon as you leave the table. I say it's remote, but I don't think it's done. I'm jealous of the people who lost it. Even if people don't pass, it hits when it hits. Do you know if only the first remote equipment Don is expensive? It is a tremendous amount of money to wear one by one. So it's impossible. Don't lose and make noise.
F.rank紳士 on Google

パチンコ・スロットを打てる店です。 平均滞在時間は1時間程度でしょうか、 1000円/10回転前後しか回りません。 回らないだけでなく、何故かこの店で遊戯すると無抽選かと思う位何も起きません。 勝ち負け以前に遊戯にすらなりませんよ。
It is a store where you can play pachinko slots. Is the average staying time about 1 hour? It only turns around 1000 yen / 10 turns. Not only does it not turn, but for some reason nothing happens as much as I think there is no lottery when playing at this store. You don't even play games before you win or lose.
やまだゆうじ on Google

やたらと店員がいて頻繁にウロウロ歩きまわる店。 ゴト対策?なのかわからないが客からすれば常に店員から監視されている気分。 客の方を見ながらインカムで話してたら遠隔を疑われるだけだと思う。 最近特に客の入りが寂しかったが4月になってついに名物駐車場の誘導警備員を切り捨てたようで駐車場は無人になりました。 駐車場の途中に公道が通っているようないびつな作りでちょっと危なっかしいがレーン自体は結構ある。 明るく広々空いていて玉積みなしの快適環境だがコーヒーサービスや打ちながら履歴が参照できるサブモニタはなし。2021年3月現在等価。 出入りの際には自転車歩行者、暴走バイクに要注意。 土日でもとにかくお客さんがいないので快適です。 2020年6月追記 コロナ対策で入り口に店員が待ち構え簡易検温必須となったなったようです。 その甲斐あってかこれまで以上に客離れがひどくやっていけるのか?と客の私が気にしてしまうくらいに店はスカスカですが相変わらず店員だけは一杯います。
A store that has a lot of clerk and walks around frequently. Goto measures? I don't know what it is, but from the customer's point of view, it feels like the store clerk is always watching. I think that if you talk on the income while looking at the customer, you will only be suspected of being remote. Recently, the number of customers was particularly lonely, but in April it seemed that the guidance guards at the famous parking lot were finally cut off, and the parking lot became unmanned. It's a bit dangerous because it's awkward like a public road runs in the middle of the parking lot, but the lane itself is quite good. It is bright and spacious, and it is a comfortable environment without piles, but there is no coffee service or a sub monitor where you can see the history while hitting. Equivalent as of March 2021. Be careful of pedestrians and runaway motorcycles when entering and exiting. It's comfortable because there are no customers on Saturdays and Sundays. Added in June 2020 It seems that a clerk is waiting at the entrance as a measure against corona and a simple temperature measurement is required. Is it worth it, or is it possible to get rid of customers more than ever? The store is so empty that I'm a customer, but the store is still full.
あいくん on Google

この前、1バチをやってたらその島に自分とババアしかやってないにも関わらず人の隣に座るババアいた。100回転回して後ろの台に移動してトイレから帰って来たら、何とさっきまで隣で打ってたババアが私のヤメタ台に座って打ち始めてました‼️ このババアの神経をうたがいました‼️ 2度と行かない‼️
Before this, I had hag sit next to the person in spite of not only doing yourself and the old hag on the island After doing one drumstick. If you came back from the toilet to move to the back of the stand by turning 100 revolutions, old hag that has been struck with next to what until a little while ago had begun to beat sitting in my Yameta table! ️ I doubt the nerve of this old hag! ️ I will not go twice! ️
上杉謙信 on Google

ホルコンでの出玉調整があからさま。出ないから、店内はガラガラ。★を付ける価値なし。来客が少ないから、来た客全てから搾り取る店。普通は3割ぐらいは遊ばせるものだけどね。だから、余計に客が来ない。 釘も最低。新台の最初の週末で、10回/1000円ほど。風車の上の寄り釘が不自然に開いて外に逃がす仕様。
The ball adjustment at the Horcon is overt. Because it does not come out, the store is rattling. It is not worth adding ★. Because there are few visitors, it is a store that uses all the visitors. Usually, about 30% can be played. So there are n’t many customers. Nails are also the lowest. On the first weekend of the new platform, 10 times / 1000 yen. Specification that the nail on the windmill opens unnaturally and escapes outside.
K T on Google

出さな過ぎるから店内はガラガラで選び放題です。 とうとうここまで客離れしたかって感じですね。 そりゃそうですね。 客がいなすぎて来る客全てから搾り取らないと経営が成り立たないんでしょうが、、、 そうじゃないなら逆にどんだけ悪質なんでしょうか。 パチはひとつのシマに2人、もしくは3人ですね。 ラッシュに入れば単発。なぜかここだと毎回そうです。 90%以上の継続率が2回連続の単発なんてこと初めて経験しました。平均までいかないことがほとんどです。 回りを見てもそんな感じ。 偶然なのか必然なのかは分かりませんがそんな不自然で不吉なことが日常的に起こってる。 そうゆう店です。 スロは設定恐ろしく全く入ってません。 出てるのは全部事故です。要するに事故待ちしかできません。設定に期待しても無駄です。 一回勝つのが難しいですよ。 2スロにはわりと人います。 2スロですら出してないですけどね。 私は引っ越すのでもう行くことはないと思いますが、 ここはもう終わってる店なので行くなら他の店の方がまだ遊べると思いますよ。 この店はトントンも難しいです。 店員の質もよくないし、星1もつけたくないぐらいです。
The inside of the store is all-you-can-choose because it is not served too much. It feels like I've finally left the customer so far. That's right. If you don't squeeze out all the customers who are too few, you won't be able to run your business, but ... If not, how bad is it? There are two or three pachinko machines in one sima. One shot if you enter the rush. For some reason, it's always the case here. For the first time, I experienced a single shot with a continuation rate of 90% or more twice in a row. Most of the time it doesn't reach the average. Even if you look around, it looks like that. I don't know if it's a coincidence or an inevitability, but such unnatural and ominous things happen on a daily basis. That's right. The slot is horribly not included at all. All that is out is an accident. In short, you can only wait for an accident. It is useless to expect the setting. It's difficult to win once. There are quite a few people in 2 slots. I haven't even released 2 slots. I'm moving so I don't think I'll go anymore, This is a store that is already over, so if you go, I think other stores can still play. This shop is also difficult to ton ton. The quality of the clerk is not good and I don't want to get 1 star.
Kazuma “かずやん” on Google

ヤバイ! 4月22日~パチスロの貸し等価から46枚貸しに変更になるみたいです。 普段から設定入れてないのに変更したらスロも打ちにくる客いなくなるわ! 追伸:パチスロのせいかパチンコも全然客がいません。いらっしゃるのは1パチでの高齢者の方々で1パチの甘うってます。 旧基準が多いよね、ベニアも増えてるし。 乗り越えられるかな。 エヴァが軒並み1000回転ハマり多いよな
Dangerous! From April 22nd, it seems that the pachislot loan equivalent will be changed to 46 cards. If you change it even though you haven't set it normally, there will be no customers coming to hit the slot! PS: There are no pachinko customers at all, probably because of pachislot. There are elderly people with 1 pachinko, and 1 pachinko is sweet. There are many old standards, and veneers are also increasing. Can you get over it? Eva is addicted to 1000 rotations all over the place

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